I hate being white....

Jun 11, 2008
Seriously? Why do all white people get painted with the same brush when it was only a couple of white countries. Really to me it seems you more hate being North American than being white. So no the "White" race does not suck.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Really? huh. i find this strange. due to the fact that i'm white and hold a separate opinion.

you just gotta be pessimistic is all. Everyone is probably an asshole in someway or another. the ones who aren't are acting "holier than thou" and thus deserve twice the rage. (i'm joking here people)

anywho, don't get caught up on things that happened way before your birth. unless you've committed a serious hatecrime yourself and regret it, your just being silly. you've done nothing wrong.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Valis88 said:
Considering how you resent it so much, you obviously aren't, or try not to be, shallow or stupid. And I'm fairly certain you weren't managing slave trade routes in the 1800s. You do not embody those things, so why should you be ashamed? Those things aren't your fault, and there is nothing you can do about them.

Let your own character define who you are, not the color of your skin. Your race says nothing about who you are, or what you have done. You aren't an oppressor of the black people as much as any random Asian person off the street isn't Attila the Hun. And if you do find out later that one of your ancestors did have something to do with the slave trade, what does it matter? That's not you. You have no control over that.

Nobody cares about that sort of stuff. They want to know who you are, not who your great, great, great, great grandfather was.

Try to think about why all of that bothers you. Are you trying to avoid other personal questions about yourself by using the guilt of others to avoid the subject? Are you taking on that guilt because it is something you can't change, and thus a problem you never can or have to confront? Like an easy way out of having to think about the things you can change?

It's still your turn. This is your problem. It was never ours to begin with.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Valis88 said:
((Forward: I'm not flame bating, I'm not trolling...This a a real opinion that I carry in my mind. I've seen some really good debates about race and culture here. I thought I'd bring my own feelings to the table.))

I do. I hate it. I hate that North American white culture is so shallow and stupid. I hate that my very existence represents all the horrible things that were done to the superior, and noble native peoples of this land (and other amazing creeds and cultures as well). I hate that most likely my ancestors were the cause of so much pain, and suffering.

I hate my hazel eyes, my pale skin, and my blonde hair. I look at myself and i see a monster.

I've cried over this...and I still do sometimes.Hell part of my ongoing struggle with depression is my deep deep cultural, and racial guilt.

Yes yes I know 'Why is she saying all of this?' but what I want to know is...Am I alone in feeling this way? is anyone else as hurt and sad as I am about being white?

Also, well, what can I do to bring myself out of this? Can I bring myself out of this?

Should I?

You're turn...
Quit being racist.

I dont give a fuck if you are hating on a group of outsiders or a group of people you belong too yourself.

"I hate the fact that our ancestors blablabla WHITE MEN IS EVIL BAAAAW"

Yeah, not like EVERY FUCKING RACE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH has a history of rape murder.

You look at yourself and see monster? Look, im not even going to continue with this post because it would get me banned, but look here: if you hate white people, why dont you stop counting yourself as one of them? Yeah, you look like one, whatever, I hope you get what im saying anyway, its hard for me to put any effort into this post since I am pretty sure this is just puberty talking, and if not, go get help or some shit like that.

Point of the matter is, with that post, you arent just saying you hate yourself, you are insulting me and my family, me and my people, for no valid reason. Next time, keep it to yourself.
This. Racial guilt shouldn't be inherint. Unless you did those things yourself, Sstop being such a bleeding heart about it.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Valis88 said:
I hate that my very existence represents all the horrible things that were done to the superior, and noble native peoples of this land (and other amazing creeds and cultures as well). I hate that most likely my ancestors were the cause of so much pain, and suffering.
I'll just leave it like that.

As for my reply: People are generally dicks. Representatives of all ethnicities, creeds (including atheists), political groups and however you want to categorize people have indulged in atrocities against others simply because they didn't belong to the group they considered "theirs". That includes "noble native peoples of this land".

Everyone is defined by their own actions, not by the actions of their ancestors, countrymen or what have you.

Sorry for harsh words, but it seems to me you have it too easy and are just making up problems you can whine about.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
See a doctor . you have serious issues or no real problems of your own if you project stuff from other peoples past on yourself. Go outside, get a hobby, meet people, do something with your life emo kid.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
King Toasty said:
Deal with it. You're the most privileged person ever to live, in any time period, in all of history. Suck it up.

That or give it all away to these "superior" native races and live as you think you deserve to.
Me... I think I will enjoy my privleges.


New member
May 19, 2009
I wouldn't go so far as to say North American White culture is shallow. Pop culture and commercialism has bred shallowness. The 'superior, noble natives' is an ideal that's been kicking around for a long time and (at least in film and literature) dates back to early colonialism. I'm not sure where you are in your education, but try to take a film class. Most history of film courses will cover things like the idea of the 'noble savage'. Better still, try to take a semester studying abroad. There's a big difference between reading about other cultures and actually experiencing them.

You might think that abandoning modern society in favor of a simple life closer to nature would be an improvement, but it wouldn't. Getting away from it all is nice once in awhile, but living off of the land is hard, dirty work with it's own set of problems. I guess what I'm trying to say is, struggling with your identity and cultural expectations is universal and there is no ideal, worry-free lifestyle out there. We measure ourselves by our difficulties. On the one hand we'll applaud the poor person who sets up a successful business and becomes wealthy while at the same time condemn the 'trust fund babies' of the world. Ask yourself what is it about your personal situation that has caused you to blame your race as the root of your problem. Is there anything beyond that that makes you feel guilty about the life you live? Do you feel like things come to you too easily? Questions like that.
Jan 29, 2009
I just can't stand the grudge given against white people. Yes we did horrible things, NO it wasn't me, my parents, my grandparents, greatgrandparents, or any continued lineage thereof. My ancestors were the Welsh and Scottish, known to be 2 punching bags of the English. We had nothing to do with slavery or perpetration of racial superiority. I am not considering myself superior as middle-class, money is still stretched very thin in my household, and I know my future years as a bachelor will be far worse. Anyways, I'm just fine with it, though it's not the color I'd've picked (I'd rather be Pacific Islander or something cool)


New member
May 17, 2010
If you think that other cultures, Native Americans included, were superior, you need to read some more history. White Europeans were no more barbaric or imperialistic than anyone else, just sufficiently advanced to win most of the time.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Valis88" post="18.299078.11876980 said:
((Forward: I'm not flame bating, I'm not trolling...This a a real opinion that I carry in my mind. I've seen some really good debates about race and culture here. I thought I'd bring my own feelings to the table.))

I do. I hate it. I hate that North American white culture is so shallow and stupid. I hate that my very existence represents all the horrible things that were done to the superior, and noble native peoples of this land (and other amazing creeds and cultures as well). I hate that most likely my ancestors were the cause of so much pain, and suffering.

I hate my hazel eyes, my pale skin, and my blonde hair. I look at myself and i see a monster.

I've cried over this...and I still do sometimes.Hell part of my ongoing struggle with depression is my deep deep cultural, and racial guilt.

Yes yes I know 'Why is she saying all of this?' but what I want to know is...Am I alone in feeling this way? is anyone else as hurt and sad as I am about being white?

Also, well, what can I do to bring myself out of this? Can I bring myself out of this?

Should I?

You're turn...[/quote

well in my opinion you're being an idiot! why? cuz just because you share skin colour doesn't mean you're responsible for all the ill's the white folk have done also the natives are not as innocent as you think sacrificing children and adults twice daily to ensure the gods are happy and flaying the skull off of people is not the calling card of a superior race also look at the world i mean really analyze it and you'll quickly learn all races are as bad as each other so quit bitching grow some balls and live life safe in the knowledege that the sins which haunt you weren't commited by you nor could you have prevented them nor can you stop others from commiting them. its not your job to be the bleeding heart of america also im a white guy in wales and would kill to be a white guy.girl in america were i could get a home, job and some safety instead of having to barricade myself in my home in the gurnos out of fear we dont even have the right to defend our-selfs its classified as aggravated assualt and i can go to prison for defending my family. so yea man up.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
You are a racist for discriminating against yourself. This is not a joke. Your skin colour does not matter much at all.

The American government and culture tries to remove itself from racism in a by being racist, it is quite contradictory. Morgan Freeman is one of the only American I have heard that to some degree gets what racism is:



New member
Aug 21, 2009
King Toasty said:
Deal with it. You're the most privileged person ever to live, in any time period, in all of history. Suck it up.

OT: Really? You're just going to lead yourself on a massive guilt-trip because you're white, and white people are shallow, stupid culture-destroyers?

Well, jeez. It's not like I can stop you, but cop on to yourself. I mean... *sighs* Ah, forget it.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Whaaa? You don't need to feel personally responsible for injustices committed by your ancestors. It was a different time with a different philosophy. In addition, at least most Western nations acknowledge past injustices and are working to improve tolerance. Japan has yet to publicly acknowledge the terrible things they committed in the Second World War.

Every culture has things that they are ashamed of, but also things that they can be proud of.

You might want to see a therapist if these feelings continue. It sounds like you have some self-image issues.

P.S. Have some pride in yourself. At least you don't look the same as every other friggin member of your race (I'm Asian; black hair, brown eyes, rinse and repeat)


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Valis88 said:
rant snip
You, random Canadian girl on the Internet, are suffering from an identity crisis and it just so happens that you're projecting on the common element you see about you.

Barbarity and presumed superiority is not the reserve of 'white' people. I might add that I consider Chinese people the most racist in the world. Regardless, for all the crimes you perceive of the 'white man', it can be guaranteed that every other racial group is guilty of the same. And just because people before you have been total shits, doesn't mean you are one too. By all means feel crap because you are (geographically) are of their ilk, but you can despise them all you wish, provided you do not become one of them. Breaking the mold isn't anything new and why is it that you believe you must adhere to the distasteful stereotypes that you've listed, some of which are quite exaggerated.

You are not the rest of society. You need not conform to the rest of society. You need not like the rest of society (and it is clear you already don't). But understand that 'being white' is of little consequence when you hold that attitude.

Think about it, there are plenty of worse places to be, and I must ask one question: why do you feel the need to define yourself by the actions of others so completely unrelated to you?


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Ok let?s highlight all the words that racists like to use to show they are better than others.

Valis88 said:
((Forward: I'm not flame bating, I'm not trolling...This a a real opinion that I carry in my mind. I've seen some really good debates about race and culture here. I thought I'd bring my own feelings to the table.))

I do. I hate it. I hate that North American white culture is so shallow and stupid. I hate that my very existence represents all the horrible things that were done to the superior, and noble native peoples of this land (and other amazing creeds and cultures as well). I hate that most likely my ancestors were the cause of so much pain, and suffering.

I hate my hazel eyes, my pale skin, and my blonde hair. I look at myself and i see a monster.

I've cried over this...and I still do sometimes. Hell part of my ongoing struggle with depression is my deep deep cultural, and racial guilt.

Yes yes I know 'Why is she saying all of this?' but what I want to know is...Am I alone in feeling this way? is anyone else as hurt and sad as I am about being white?

Also, well, what can I do to bring myself out of this? Can I bring myself out of this?

Should I?

You're turn...
white culture is so shallow and stupid:

Compared to what? You see I tend to ignore race and I see human culture and to be honest it is all stupid. Unless you are a part of it, it seems odd. Kinda like religion or LARPing.

very existence represents all the horrible things/ancestors were the cause of so much pain:

Wow I sense ego, you are you not your families legacy otherwise no one could claim to be a good person. This is a great way to dehumanize your enemies but it seems you have done it to yourself. Kind of like blaming the Jews for the death of Jesus. My Jewish friends didn't kill him, so can i really blame them?

superior, and noble native peoples :

Where did that come from? While I may be a fan of some native Americans and African Americans they are not superior "races" they just have some superior people, like all members of the human race only a few will be superior and the skin has nothing to do with that.

Stop seeing the world in colors of skin and see humans as humans. You live in the age of the internet where you cannot see the other person it should not be hard.

Otherwise Michael Jackson turned white I am sure you can turn black.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Ah, the self-loathing racist. I thought they were only to be found in Germany.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Oh yes, it's terrible to be (statistically) the most priviledged ethnic type in America. But you'll just have to buck up and deal with it, won't you princess? Or better yet, you can get in touch with your ethnic background and take some fucking pride in it!