"I hate it with the fiery passion of a thousand fucking suns!"

Feb 7, 2009
Bloodstain said:
"Force of a thousand suns"...heh, I know the manga this quote is from. I liked it.

Well, I would use it on something someone said today. We were talking about Arthuer Schnitzler's classic "Dream Story".
She said: "It is exactly like a Dan Brown thriller!" No. No it is not. You are insulting the utter beauty the Dream Story is.

...that is the only thing that comes to mind right now. Eh.
"Force of a thousand suns" could be from many things. It's a fairly common expression.

On topic, I would use this phrase on people who spend all of their time making hate threads on the internet instead of trying to change the things they dislike about the world. Don't sit around and complain if you aren't going to do anything to fix the issue.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
esperandote said:
People that drive with high beam headlights (I looked the name up, not sure if it's correct) That's probably because I drive a small car.
Not being a hateful person, easily angered, but not hateful I don't hate a lot of things. I dislike a lot, but rarely hate.

This however. It's dark, you're driving home, a you hear the sound of an approaching car. So far nothing is wrong, you're OK, but wait... what is that shining bright light that turns you half blind? It's an asshole behind the wheel. It makes me wish that was illegal. Then I realize that it is.

I am also building up to hating those who don't use blinkers. Almost crashed into someone who was driving towards me then all of a sudden turned right. This was late in December so it wasn't easy to brake either.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
People who think that being Politcally Correct somehow transforms them into the living equivalent of Jesus Christ.


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Jul 25, 2008
Xaio30 said:
One of the ultimate verbal expression of hate!
Who/what would you use it on?

Edit: Sorry for the double-thread. My bad.
I don't have a general purpose comment.

I make it personal

Xaio30 said:
ThreeWords said:
You should cut the 'fucking'. As soon as you start swearing, you start sounding like you're a little overworked, and you need to take a few pills to calm you down. Keep your hatred pure and intellectual.
Would god-forsaken be a clean enough replacement?
Yes, it brings up more emphatic and significant connotations, while the word "fucking" to me just seems to be the most over-used word of young linguistically challenged people.

Not that "fuck" is obsolete, as in Tactical F-Bomb or used in the positive sense as in "Best fucking time of my life".


New member
Feb 7, 2010
Those who halt progress waving a flag of preserving tradition not for the sake of something they enjoy but for ritualistic sake based on fear of changing culture that is only inherently dangerous to the individual's personal belief in what is right and wrong and not taking into account other people's opinions, facts, or cultural truths.

Basically the Far Right Republicans.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
There are three different sources for such hate.
1: Glee
2: Stupidity
3: Richard Dawkins

Honestly 1 and 3 could easily be classified under 2.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
CM156 said:
masher said:
People who assume all Furries are Fursuit donning freaks.
To be fair, furries aren't helping much in dispelling that rumor.
Of all the things on the internet... something as harmless and irrelevant as furries are singled out?

"Since I've joined the internet, I have seen shit that will turn you WHITE"

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
Whenever Steam feels like buggering up and going offline at the most inopportune moments. Oh!

And may there be a unending Hell for people who play as the British in Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts online!


New member
Aug 20, 2009
"Thousand Exploding suns"?
I've only ever heard that to do with The Sentry's power level.


New member
Sep 15, 2011
I'm usually a really calm, hate-free guy. But I quit smoking earlier so, in no particular order

- People who who call people up on being rude in such a way as to actually be more rude than the original rude person.

EG. (on getting blocked on their way out of a crowded elevator/bus/train by someone trying to get in)

"it would be NICE if you let people get out first"

or (On barging into someone on the pavement who didn't have the fore-site to move out their way)

"take up the whole street why don't you?"

-getting into an argument with someone only to have them say "you wouldn't understand, it's a girl/guy thing, especially when it really, really isn't"

Eg. "he wouldn't buy you a drink, so you GLASSED him?"

"You wouldn't understand, it's a Girl thing"

-On the same theme, getting into an argument with someone who says you take things too seriously. You.Can.Never.Win.

- Being told I'm not allowed to dislike the Twilight Saga because I'm a guy, even though I dislike it because it's patronising crap portraying an image of women from the 1950's.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
reality tv, politics, politicians, religions (im not picky..i hate them all), people who try to force their bullshit down my throat and start insulting me when i refuse to swallow, teenagers, weapons (they make little kids think they're tough + they take all the manliness out of wars.... just imagine how awesome wars would be without weapons...no sticks or stones just fists teeth legs elbows knees and violence), swedish language, people who bash games for the sake of bashing games without any logic or reason behind their bashing.. (i dont mean just games in general i mean people who bash certain games for the sake of it), twilight, stupid & lazy people who blame the government for not making them rich without them doing jack shit for it, drunk people who yell at random people for random reasons, winter (and being cold in general), people who want to believe in myths and refuse to accept a logical explanation that exposes them to be just that..myths, "youtube celebrities", celebrities, the whole idea of celebrities.

uhm...just off the top of my head also i very much hate flu which i happen to have at the moment

i am a boiling cauldron of hate.

i do vent said hate regularly though


New member
Aug 13, 2008
"There is no more solace for you, fiend. Not even Hell will save you now."

I'm not sure if anything has gotten me -that- angry before. But I did have an RP character of mine utter this.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
esperandote said:
People that drive with high beam headlights (I looked the name up, not sure if it's correct) That's probably because I drive a small car.
What I hate even more than that is when I ride my motorcycle on a highway and the guy in front of me decides to use his windshieldwasher... While I have my visor open... >:-(