I have had it with Valve

Apathetic Flamingo

New member
Apr 13, 2009
Ocarina of Time wasn't as good as Mojora's Mask. Fallout: New Vegas was better than Fallout 3. Using the same engine doesn't mean that it makes the game bad. Using the same engine only allows you time to refine and make it perfect.


New member
May 27, 2010
Source worked perfectly for the design of both Portal and Left 4 Dead. Why would they write an entirely new engine if they can use the old one and it works fine? The only thing that would do is add needlessly to development time and cost. If you're complaining about episode 3, surely you see that needless additions to development time are things that you want to minimize. Yes, episode 3 is taking forever, why can't people just be patient for it? It's Valve, they spend way too long on a game and it turns out brilliant. That's just what they do. And really, not matter how much we ***** about it now, no matter how long they take, when it finally comes out, all of us are going to buy it. Because it's fucking Valve.


New member
May 27, 2010
Apathetic Flamingo said:
Ocarina of Time wasn't as good as Mojora's Mask. Fallout: New Vegas was better than Fallout 3. Using the same engine doesn't mean that it makes the game bad. Using the same engine only allows you time to refine and make it perfect.
... I liked Ocarina of Time much much more than Majora's Mask ... I guess that's just me though. They are both truly excellent games, it's not that Mask is any worse than Ocarina, but the whole sidequest thing in Mask (as well-implemented as it was) really pissed me off a lot.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Yeah, the Source engine was developed to be flexible and last a long time, which it's doing perfectly. And it's a great engine anyway. Also, if Portal 2 is only more of the same, the same goes for every sequel ever. And I'm sorry you're getting impatient for the next Half-Life, but good developers like to polish their games so they don't end up like Alpha Protocol or New Vegas.

Chibz said:
This is why they're releasing their games on console now, too. They need money.
Um, Valve is BATHING in money. When they just wanted to talk to the leader of the L4D2 boycott, they had him flown over to their headquarters in a private jet. Because they can.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Have you seen Portal 2 gameplay footage? Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that you're just blowing smoke out of your ass, buddy. Either that, or you're putting Valve to an entirely higher standard than pretty much any dev out there, and that's not something I can blame you for.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
lol ValvE just thought that we'd be happy if they'd release games more quickly (see L4D2) but oops


New member
Aug 13, 2008
The source engine works perfectly fine. And ep3 will be done when it's done, so it's something good, instead of the usual piles of shit in gaming.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
Graphics aren't everything, and I'm not gonna buy a game just because it has good graphics, or not buy a game with bad graphics.

But that doesn't justify them not releasing Episode 3, because they certainly aren't making a new engine.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Valve is a great example of a company that innovates and puts its customers above all else. They have continually updated their engine and take great care in listening to gamer feedback.

The only issue I have with them is that you can't play some Steam games if you're not on-line.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
monkey_man said:
excuse me?
Ugly? Compared to what?
Gee, I dunno.... just about every other recent major release.

L4D 2

The lighting effects, textures and modelling are clearly inferior to all of the below.... look how that white balcony barely looks pasted onto the wall, and the big blocky 'gamey' looking hands. Ugly.

Other games....



New member
Feb 26, 2009
Source is wonderfully optimized.
And they simply keep improving it over time.
I really don't see what the big deal is.
While Source doesn't look like Crytek's engine, it certainly runs better.
Which can appeal to many more people (like me)

Communist partisan

New member
Jan 24, 2009
Krylock said:
When was the last time Valve [http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/meanwhile.jpg] announced a completely new series? L4D...how long ago was it?

Now they just announced Portal 2...or should I say Portal: More of the Same."

I mean, at least they could have it on a new engine, but NO!

They have used the same engine for an entire decade.


Not to mention they have completely forgotten their best franchise! Hey guys! Remember Dr. Freeman! You know, the whole of Earth and stuff!

There should have been no "episodes" in the first place for HL2, and they should have all come out in the same year considering around five minutes were put into each section.

They are the perfect example of a lazy company, stop using the nasty Source engine, and get their engineers to make something that doesn't have Gamecube graphics.

I give up. I can't be pacified with TF2 updates forever. If Valve doesn't announce Episode 3, or HL3 running on a new engine soon I'm just done with them as a developer.

Actually I think they were done with Ep. 3 a long time ago, Gabe just ate it.

What do you think about the company?

Seriously, I never liked valve, I played TF2 and got bored after 3 months and the rest is yust boring. I didin't even compleate HL1, L4D stops being fun after you've compleated the stages not after 500 fucking times (same whith L4D2)....

You see where I'm going whith this?

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Honestly, Half-life is probably one of their weaker games in my opinion. Its a good game, but I find Portal, TF2 and L4D better by far.

Also, you picked the wrong place to complain about Valve.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I love hate threads. Successful trolling my good sir, my hat off to you.

As for my response, "Shut up."

Seriously, if you hate valve because they're work schedule, or IP doesn't work into your self-entitled world, then I have nothing to say to you. It won't matter. It's like arguing about how I think Call of Duty is very much overhyped (it's got some good games in it mind you) with my friends who do nothing BUT play CoD. They're going to fight back no matter what arguments I present to them... because that's what they do. They play Call of Duty, that's a part of them, and if I don't like it, I'm attacking them personally. "If there are 3 humans in a room, there will be six opinions" and no matter which opinion is the "right one" they're all valid opinions. So, while you might have every right to dislike Valve, I still love them to death.

The reasons? Well, I know this might not be a very good reason... but they actually pay attention to PC gamers! Heck, they're entire business model is based off of PC Gaming... They have steam, which is in all reality, just DRM, but it has so many cool features that entices me to continue to use it (one reason being absolutely ludicrous sales :D). The source engine is one of the smoothest running engines I've ever seen, even on older hardware. It is one of the most stable, and one of the easiest to Mod. Valve is always upgrading the engine so it looks a little bit nicer each iteration, and if you think source has "gamecube graphics" go friggin' play a source game. I might agree with TF2 looking like a gamecube, but that's the art style... so...

Now for their development time... well, to be quite honest, I wish it wasn't so dang long. I would love to have episode 3 come out right now but I trust the developers know what they're doing. I haven't seen any developers quite as intelligent as Valve. They make take forever, but they know what they're doing. You can't deny that Half-Life 2 has a bit more depth than say... MW2 (whose plot was an immaculate mess). Halo and TF2 may be fun, but you can't deny TF2 has personality halo just doesn't have. The little things are what makes Valve games rock so hard (for me) and that's why they take forever to develop.

The reason why Valve fanboys are so "elitist" is because that's just what they are and the reason why is because that's human nature... but that's another post entirely. I'm not going to get into that, I don't have time xD. lol

EDIT: Actually, fanboys in general exist because of human nature, not just valve fanboys. Don't get me wrong. :p


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
I like Valve and I realllyyy like the source engine. It's an excellent engine that looks fantastic with reasonable system requirements that means everyone can play.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Krylock said:
When was the last time Valve [http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/meanwhile.jpg] announced a completely new series? L4D...how long ago was it?

Now they just announced Portal 2...or should I say Portal: More of the Same."

I mean, at least they could have it on a new engine, but NO!

They have used the same engine for an entire decade.


Not to mention they have completely forgotten their best franchise! Hey guys! Remember Dr. Freeman! You know, the whole of Earth and stuff!

There should have been no "episodes" in the first place for HL2, and they should have all come out in the same year considering around five minutes were put into each section.

They are the perfect example of a lazy company, stop using the nasty Source engine, and get their engineers to make something that doesn't have Gamecube graphics.

I give up. I can't be pacified with TF2 updates forever. If Valve doesn't announce Episode 3, or HL3 running on a new engine soon I'm just done with them as a developer.

Actually I think they were done with Ep. 3 a long time ago, Gabe just ate it.

What do you think about the company?
Oh boy, here we go. Okay, cool your jets for a bit there buddy. While Valve is infamous for their games and their release dates, that doesn't mean that they've completely forgotten about their fan base. Plus with their newest jump to the playstation they hope to expand their horizons. Also with current times the way they are, believe it or not, even game publishers are having to make budget cuts. So in a time like this, Valve, as well as all other companies out there, are going to stick to their money makers until they can receive enough funding to hire new people to bring in ideas.

Plus look at it this way, not ALL new ideas are game worthy or will make people want to buy them. Taking a step back from Valve how many big-name companies can you think of recently release a completely never before thought of game, and makes people do a double take when they saw who published it? Not a very big list right? Most of these new games that are slowly becoming noticed are the "Indie games". *For more on this topic please view the following video:

I'm not really one to take a side on this matter, but I do think you're being a bit unreasonable. Video games, no matter how long or short, take a while to make. A decent game that can provide about 20-30 hours of gameplay will roughly take a development team at least a year to make because of all that's involved. You've got the:

1. Brainstorming of ideas
2. The writing of the story
3. The writing of the script
4. The casting of voice actors
5. The recording of all of the dialogue and sounds within the game
6. Writing the score for the game
7. The development of the characters
8. The development of the environments
9. The animations that the characters can do
10. The coding of these elements
11. The rendering
12. The polishing
13. The marketing
14. The testing
15. The revisions to fix the bugs the testers discovered
16. The re-testing
17. The Distribution

This is a lot of work that needs to be done, and that doesn't include screw-ups or computer freezes (Because game companies are not exempt from those). Extra things such as coding for different systems is also something to take into account that takes time.

Also for your comment about Valve using the same engine for a decade...do you realize how far gaming has come since the year 2000? We were just emerging from the era of 16- to 32-bit consoles where characters could only express a handful of expressions, and hands were still big colorful blocks. And now look at our games. In ten years' time we've gone from this:

to this:

Plus your assumption is a bit off, Valve's Source Engine is only six years old. It debuted in June of 2004, after using the Quake engine for about 8 years. So you might have gotten the Source engine mixed up with Steam which is a digital distribution software that has been in existence since 1998.

All in all, as far as industry standards go, Valve is doing pretty good. They have a strong fan-base, they make patches and improvements to their online community games, they offer downloads of current, indie, and yester-year games for bargain prices, and they make attempts to keep their fans happy by developing new installments of games that made a big splash in their history (as well as small side stories to current popular games such as the weekly mods for Left for Dead 2. I believe they are called Mutations). Sure Half-Life episode 3 has been in development for a good while, but when you really consider all that they've done in the long run, they are no different from Bungie's Halo franchise, Nintendo's various franchises with staple games series as the Legend of Zelda, and Mario, Capcom's Devil May Cry, Street Fighter, Mega Man and Resident Evil franchises and the struggling Sega with its Sonic series. So basically, you can't fault one company for something that all big-name companies are doing in order to make a profit from our nostalgia.


Posting in the wrong thread.
Sep 3, 2009
I have never played a game of theirs that I didn't like. Mind you, I've only played the Half-Life games, and Portal. But I loved those games.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Yo, quit your bitching, Valve is the only Dev company I feel that actually cares about it's customers. At least they care enough to actually update TF2 rather than leaving it to stagnate. At least they're actually putting effort into making good quality games, and if you can't see that, you have to be a Troll or a grade A Retard to not see that.