Use spoilers please, makes live easier for the rest of us, cheers!Jerry Pendleton said:did you punch her in the face?
It was a little game I had.. called Spam the Molyneux.The Disk Thrower many could you possibly have sent? o_o.EightGaugeHippo said:my runner up would be "talking" to Peter Molyneux on Facebook. He told me to stop sending him friend requests in a Private Message.
He was actually really humble when we met him, and he seemed embarrassed that everyone was asking for pictures and stuff. Didn't stop us asking thoughCatie Caraco said:I am so jealous I cannot breathe right now T_TDumbfish1 said:A friend and I met Eddie izzard when we went canvasing for labour. My next door neighbour's sister runs for mp in didsbury, so I usually get roped into handing out flyers ect. which is why I was there when he turned up. My neighbour later asked her sister if he remembered us and apparently he did, as "those guys who looked like harry potter and ron wesely"
(I wear glasses and my friend is ginger)
I LOVE Eddie Izzard.
He's 10 years older than me, 7 feet tall, and is as he phrases it "Florida gay". He'd laugh if he saw me call him that.MrFluffy-X said:Yeh for your "big brother"....ace_of_something said:got an autograph for my big gay brother.
Ha ha! I will dine out on the fact I had Poliakoff as a tutor for the rest of my life! I would have loved to have met Peter Cushing! Damn your father for meeting deceased english actors (grrrr....)SckizoBoy said:Once again, *shakes fist*! The closest I've got is being part of the UK's only professor of apiculture's research group.Alucard 11189 said:The other guy is not famous in the classical sense, but if you study Chemistry, especially in the area of green chemistry, he is very well known. I had lectures with professor Martyn Poliakoff, (he was also one of my personal tutors) and he is the nicest guy you could hope to meet. I had a lot of wonderful times debating with him. It does wonders for your self esteem if you can debate chemistry with the guy and actually keep up with him![]()
Uh, probably the most famous person I've met is Richard Attenborough, met him rather randomly just off Charing Cross Road while he was outside a theatre. Typical banal English 'the weather's OK' exchange.
My sister regularly met Maggie Smith as she worked at the Waitrose that the latter frequented. And my old man once encountered Peter Cushing on the tube... decades ago now.
... What is it with my family and great English actors of yesteryear?! =P
I am equally jealous. *green*Dumbfish1 said:snip
OMG SAME corn is so taty and sweet to the lips!MeXR said:I FUCKING LOVE CORN FIELDS!!
I'd pay! If only for the anecdotes (and maybe some face time with the man if at all possible). Now that I think about it, he and my dad would have a better conversation than I would, seeing as how he's the inorganic chemist of the family.Alucard 11189 said:Ha ha! I will dine out on the fact I had Poliakoff as a tutor for the rest of my life! I would have loved to have met Peter Cushing! Damn your father for meeting deceased english actors (grrrr....)