Well I learnt about Grignards at A-level, but you don't know with these young 'uns these days. Like you, the majority of my lecturers were cool guys who were fairly laid back. One time I was with one of my biochemistry professors waiting for a specific part of an experiment to work, (we were studying the MAPK pathway, and it's importance in oncogene formation) and we just sat there in the middle of a lab eating oreo's as the lab safety officer was going apeshit on us for eating in a lab. However, not once has there been a fire in the lab, even though the inorganic lab got flooded by a rogue rotary evaporator, that was funSckizoBoy said:Didn't we learn this in high school?! =PAlucard 11189 said:I wish my lecturer in retrosynthesis was as cool. He was called Barry, and woebetide if your phone rang in the middle of a lecture. He would actually answer the phone and then confiscate it. He was also the first lecturer I encountered that reduced a fresher to tears (I later found out that it isn't exactly difficult to reduce freshers to tears, I mean how bloody difficult is it to understand that you DO NOT add water to a Grignard reagent? grumble grumble)
Have you ever seen The Wicker man? That's the only film I have seen Christopher Lee in which he sings (that I can remember).
Actually, I was rather lucky, most of my lecturers/tutors were pretty cool to get taught by. One guy was quite soft spoken and kept coughing (regardless of whether he had a cough) when lecturing, while in person, he made fun of absolutely everyone in a very rambunctious manner. It was rather amusing my first day in the research lab, the drunk genius I mentioned earlier started a fire when cleaning his glassware. n-BuLi... or something similar. Everyone proceeded to deny everything when a staff member noticed that the fire extinguisher had been used.
And yeah, Christopher Lee's done three or four films that he made a contribution to the soundtrack. I'm currently wondering whether to get one of his albums...
[small][sub]I think we're in danger of derailing this thread too! =P[/sub][/small]
Omg, that is the most amazing thing, you're so damn lucky! And you two do look like Harry and Ron, well done for that. Aww man, Eddie's been a favorite with my family since we first watched Dress to Kill in the early 2000's. Even my Grandma is a fan, though when I do his sketches she demands I censor the cuss words.Dumbfish1 said:He was actually really humble when we met him, and he seemed embarrassed that everyone was asking for pictures and stuff. Didn't stop us asking thoughCatie Caraco said:I am so jealous I cannot breathe right now T_TDumbfish1 said:A friend and I met Eddie izzard when we went canvasing for labour. My next door neighbour's sister runs for mp in didsbury, so I usually get roped into handing out flyers ect. which is why I was there when he turned up. My neighbour later asked her sister if he remembered us and apparently he did, as "those guys who looked like harry potter and ron wesely"
(I wear glasses and my friend is ginger)
I LOVE Eddie Izzard.
I wasn't there when it happened, but someone caused an explosion in the undergrad labs (think it was my second year...). Lab had to be shut down and at least a couple people were hospitalised... nothing too bad IIRC. Anyway, after about an hour of tiptoeing around, the post-doc pointed randomly to the French guy and said 'you, fill out a fire extinguisher utility form' (bureaucracy... bloody bureaucracy). Nothing came of it, but it made for an interesting day one story.Alucard 11189 said:Well I learnt about Grignards at A-level, but you don't know with these young 'uns these days. Like you, the majority of my lecturers were cool guys who were fairly laid back. One time I was with one of my biochemistry professors waiting for a specific part of an experiment to work, (we were studying the MAPK pathway, and it's importance in oncogene formation) and we just sat there in the middle of a lab eating oreo's as the lab safety officer was going apeshit on us for eating in a lab. However, not once has there been a fire in the lab, even though the inorganic lab got flooded by a rogue rotary evaporator, that was fundid the staff member ever get the full story behind the fire, or did you keep them blissfully unaware?
What other films has Christopher Lee sung in? The only one I can think of is when he sang that duet in the Wicker man (something about a tinker, I forget the name)
It's fun derailing threads![]()
GAH! You met the Deadman! I'm a wrestling fanatic, VERY JEALOUS!Wrds said:Met the Undertaker at a kinko's once, intimidating as hell but a rather nice guy.
Met Lance Armstrong on two separate occasions, once at a grocery store then at a public pool. He's kind of an entitled prick.
Other than that I met Oxhorn of WoW Machinima fame, that was really cool for me personally. We talked about the woes of being fat.
i weant to one of his book signings... he tried to choke me for a picture... and the camera didnt work... after 5 hour long cues... but i got a signed book of his that was the best one so, YAY!TrilbyWill said:ive met darren shan (an author) twice (once at a book signing with a bunch of my friends, once at a book festival reading with a bunch of other authors). he's pretty laid back, but you would expect that if you read his books, and heard that he says his love of (and writing of) vampire/demon-based books is because he was born across the thames from the houses of parliament.
I didn't know that... TO YOUTUBE! I found the Wickerman hilarious, but really embarrassing to watch when your dad is sat next to you.SckizoBoy said:I wasn't there when it happened, but someone caused an explosion in the undergrad labs (think it was my second year...). Lab had to be shut down and at least a couple people were hospitalised... nothing too bad IIRC. Anyway, after about an hour of tiptoeing around, the post-doc pointed randomly to the French guy and said 'you, fill out a fire extinguisher utility form' (bureaucracy... bloody bureaucracy). Nothing came of it, but it made for an interesting day one story.Alucard 11189 said:Well I learnt about Grignards at A-level, but you don't know with these young 'uns these days. Like you, the majority of my lecturers were cool guys who were fairly laid back. One time I was with one of my biochemistry professors waiting for a specific part of an experiment to work, (we were studying the MAPK pathway, and it's importance in oncogene formation) and we just sat there in the middle of a lab eating oreo's as the lab safety officer was going apeshit on us for eating in a lab. However, not once has there been a fire in the lab, even though the inorganic lab got flooded by a rogue rotary evaporator, that was fundid the staff member ever get the full story behind the fire, or did you keep them blissfully unaware?
What other films has Christopher Lee sung in? The only one I can think of is when he sang that duet in the Wicker man (something about a tinker, I forget the name)
It's fun derailing threads![]()
Yeah, the song from the Wicker Man was 'Tinker of the Rye' (or something like that). He did voice work for Funny Man and The Return of Captain Invincible as well (ending credits song, or similar).
[small][small]Now, now, let's not be mean to the kiddies...(!)[/small][/small]
Paint me jealous! I love Colin Mochrie. Was it at that roadshow thing that Colin and Brad were doing, or did you just meet them seperately? A friend of mine apparently shops at the same grocery store as Ryan StilesFirstToStrike said:I actually met and shook hands with Colin Mochrie. He was very nice and funny, and I also met and shook hands with Brad Sherwood. He was hilarious.
True story.
*teehee* I've never actually seen the whole of the Wicker Man... I think my old man's seen it and he wasn't that impressed (even though he's a massive Christopher Lee fan as well).Alucard 11189 said:I didn't know that... TO YOUTUBE! I found the Wickerman hilarious, but really embarrassing to watch when your dad is sat next to you.
Yeah, it doesn't surprise me about the whole fire extinguisher thing. The last flat I lived in we had two fire extinguishers (a big one and a little one) that the warden checked every week to make sure it hadn't been used and he didn't have to fill out a bloody form. Bureaucracy takes the fun out of everything.
[small]OK i'll stop being mean now[/small]
At one point, Britt Eckland dances around naked. When that scene came up my dad shrugged and said "I'd hit it" my mum, who was also in the room, just said, "she doesn't look like that now you know" and started laughing. It was awkward to say the least.SckizoBoy said:*teehee* I've never actually seen the whole of the Wicker Man... I think my old man's seen it and he wasn't that impressed (even though he's a massive Christopher Lee fan as well).Alucard 11189 said:I didn't know that... TO YOUTUBE! I found the Wickerman hilarious, but really embarrassing to watch when your dad is sat next to you.
Yeah, it doesn't surprise me about the whole fire extinguisher thing. The last flat I lived in we had two fire extinguishers (a big one and a little one) that the warden checked every week to make sure it hadn't been used and he didn't have to fill out a bloody form. Bureaucracy takes the fun out of everything.
[small]OK i'll stop being mean now[/small]
And a sudden OT, my sister was Simon Russell Beale's archery consultant/tutor for a TV show... can't remember which it was.
I knew that, and she prances around singing, only it's actually someone else singing. And it's not her body either! When her back's turned, it's really the body of a Yorkshire glamour model IIRC... and don't ask why I know that. =PAlucard 11189 said:At one point, Britt Eckland dances around naked. When that scene came up my dad shrugged and said "I'd hit it" my mum, who was also in the room, just said, "she doesn't look like that now you know" and started laughing. It was awkward to say the least.
Also, your sister is an archery tutor? That seems like a fun job actually.
There are glamour models in Yorkshire? I am from Leeds and I know we are famous for a lot of things but I didn't know that glamour models were one of themSckizoBoy said:I knew that, and she prances around singing, only it's actually someone else singing. And it's not her body either! When her back's turned, it's really the body of a Yorkshire glamour model IIRC... and don't ask why I know that. =PAlucard 11189 said:At one point, Britt Eckland dances around naked. When that scene came up my dad shrugged and said "I'd hit it" my mum, who was also in the room, just said, "she doesn't look like that now you know" and started laughing. It was awkward to say the least.
Also, your sister is an archery tutor? That seems like a fun job actually.
And both my sisters are junior coaches, though since my sister's traffic accident (she got backed over and is currently in the process of leeching the driver of all his money) she hasn't been able to shoot, which sucks. I used to shoot, but when I screwed my back over, I haven't been allowed to put too great a load onto it. I used to shoot an older version of this:
But because my spine's a bit messed up, I can't risk putting 72lbs onto my shoulders. Ah well...
They needed audience participation for help with one of their skits, and I was called up to help. It was awesome.Alucard 11189 said:I didn't know that... TO YOUTUBE! I found the Wickerman hilarious, but really embarrassing to watch when your dad is sat next to you.SckizoBoy said:I wasn't there when it happened, but someone caused an explosion in the undergrad labs (think it was my second year...). Lab had to be shut down and at least a couple people were hospitalised... nothing too bad IIRC. Anyway, after about an hour of tiptoeing around, the post-doc pointed randomly to the French guy and said 'you, fill out a fire extinguisher utility form' (bureaucracy... bloody bureaucracy). Nothing came of it, but it made for an interesting day one story.Alucard 11189 said:Well I learnt about Grignards at A-level, but you don't know with these young 'uns these days. Like you, the majority of my lecturers were cool guys who were fairly laid back. One time I was with one of my biochemistry professors waiting for a specific part of an experiment to work, (we were studying the MAPK pathway, and it's importance in oncogene formation) and we just sat there in the middle of a lab eating oreo's as the lab safety officer was going apeshit on us for eating in a lab. However, not once has there been a fire in the lab, even though the inorganic lab got flooded by a rogue rotary evaporator, that was fundid the staff member ever get the full story behind the fire, or did you keep them blissfully unaware?
What other films has Christopher Lee sung in? The only one I can think of is when he sang that duet in the Wicker man (something about a tinker, I forget the name)
It's fun derailing threads![]()
Yeah, the song from the Wicker Man was 'Tinker of the Rye' (or something like that). He did voice work for Funny Man and The Return of Captain Invincible as well (ending credits song, or similar).
[small][small]Now, now, let's not be mean to the kiddies...(!)[/small][/small]
Yeah, it doesn't surprise me about the whole fire extinguisher thing. The last flat I lived in we had two fire extinguishers (a big one and a little one) that the warden checked every week to make sure it hadn't been used and he didn't have to fill out a bloody form. Bureaucracy takes the fun out of everything.
[small]OK i'll stop being mean now[/small]
Paint me jealous! I love Colin Mochrie. Was it at that roadshow thing that Colin and Brad were doing, or did you just meet them seperately? A friend of mine apparently shops at the same grocery store as Ryan StilesFirstToStrike said:I actually met and shook hands with Colin Mochrie. He was very nice and funny, and I also met and shook hands with Brad Sherwood. He was hilarious.
True story.![]()