I just uninstalled Skyrim


New member
Jun 29, 2010
I played about 7-8 hours of Skyrim in three sittings on my roommate's 360 before I realized that I wasn't having much fun. I'm glad I didn't go and drop $60 on it for PC, especially after I read in multiple user reviews that the terrible UI was ported directly from consoles.

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
Cool story, bro.

Meanwhile, most others are enjoying it.

So yeah, opinions: They make for shit threads.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
So you didn't like Skyrim. Whoopty-fucking-doo. I guess everyone has to dislike the same things you dislike, right? No? Then who cares.


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
Haha oh wow, try harder to be sensationalist why don't you.

On a somewhat related note, i never actually uninstall games, even if i'm not playing them or haven't played them for a while. I've always found the notion of "uninstall as soon as displeased or disinterested" to be incredibly childish and pedantic, even if it is to save hard drive space. But then i'm someone who always thinks "Well, what if i want to play it later?"

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
A game like Skyrim requires a great deal of willingness on the player's part to invent their own stories and fill in the gaps.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't like the game, and hope that you never have to go through that harrowing experience ever again.

Honestly, what is the point of this thread? Yes, you don't like Skyrim. Good for you.

EDIT: Oh, I see. Apparently the point of this thread is so people who know much more than anyone else in the world can tell everyone who plays Skyrim that no, they are not enjoying themselves, that despite what the think they are NOT having fun because it's a BAD GAME AND I DON'T LIKE IT COGNITIVE DISSONANCE COGNITIVE DISSONANCE COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.


New member
Oct 31, 2011
You know, you didn't make any real point here. Okay, you didn't like Skyrim, whoop-de-fucking do.
Do you think anyone really cares? It's only a bloody game.
So I guess we all have to hate Skyrim now?


New member
Dec 12, 2008
You don't like Skyrim, congrats, lots of people do. Lots of people don't. Enjoy, glad you tried to troll people.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Woodsey said:
What kind of an idiot continues playing a game they despise for two months?
Xyliss said:
Why would you spend so long and put so much effort into a game you hate?
The same reason people in debt continue to gamble: the possibility that something better might be around the corner.

As for Skyrim, it's alright. Nothing spectacular or mind blowing, just alright. I can totally see why somebody would be extremely disappointed with it, and I myself had to lower my standards significantly to the point where I could get amped up over it.

It has given me some pretty cool footage, though:


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
And yet the game compelled you enough to make a new thread to ***** about how much the game sucked. I'd say it succeed in that you had the gumption to not only keep playing it after a few minutes but also to kill everyone in it, that's quiet the feat for a game you hate. Doesn't matter if you liked it or not, you enjoyed it or were entertained by it in some way for long enough to kill everyone so it fulfilled its job. By caring you have only made it stronger!


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Somonah said:
You know what breaks immersion for me?

Sitting at my desk and the knowledge it's only a game.

I need the matrix, i hear that has good immersion.
And here I thought I was the only one like that. I never really understood the big deal about immersion. To me a video game is a card game with prettier effects. I don't get lost in the story, I enjoy the story as an outsider looking in.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Djinn8 said:
I'm not to keen on Skyrim either. The strange thing is that almost everyone who talks about Skyrim can go into deep essay style discussions of the games failings, then end it all by saying "but I still like the game" without giving a real reason why. I think the Extra Credits review of the intro is a good example of this (don't think I can post a link, just google it). They essentially go on for half an hour about how Bethesda's dev team must be 80% chimpasee, then end on a "now I'm going to go play more Skyrim" note. It's like people are somehow afraid to come out and admit that the games just not very good.
No, it's GOOD, but not PERFECT. It's not a black and white thing, more of a sliding scale of "unplayable crap" to "gaming nirvana."


New member
May 27, 2010
I find it strange that if someone compliments a game, a ton of people pour in and are like 'OH YEAH, GREAT GAME. LOVE YOU, OP.' But if someone says a game is bad, a ton of people pour in and are like 'THAT'S YOUR OPINION. WE DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU. GO AWAY! LALALALALALALA'


New member
Jul 9, 2011
Duffeknol said:
Other people would like an immersive RPG experience, which Bethesda is still unable to provide in any way, since every NPC still acts like a lobotomized robot.
What did you expect when you bought the game? You knew Bethesda has horrifyingly bad writers, you knew that the Elder Scrolls series has no depth whatsoever and only excels in open-world gameplay (as in exploration) and you knew when you bought the game that you were going to play through a nearly brain-dead game.

It's like buying a fighting game and then complaining that it has fighting. Yes, Skyrim is shallow, generally has an awful plot, mostly awful characters, choices with little to no consequences, nearly no character development anywhere, awful voice acting, glitchy and broken gameplay (and surprisingly a really mediocre soundtrack), but it was never about these things. It's about getting the opportunity to explore a vast landscape, character customization and the freedom to do nearly anything you want.

I bought it as well, because I was told that the game had actual depth. But you don't see me creating a thread and ranting about it, because I should have known it didn't. It's not the kind of RPG I enjoy playing and it's my fault and only my fault for buying it. There are different sub-genre's within the RPG genre and every game does not need to be created to cater to my tastes. If you don't like it, play something else. Planescape: Torment for example.

Although I do find it hilarious how whenever someone says something bad about Skyrim, everyone suddenly gets irritated. Because if it's a game that people generally dislike (or mass effect 2), no one minds having dozens of threads dedicated to whining. This entire forum nearly consists out of whining about things we don't like, so I don't see why this thread is any worse.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Kopikatsu said:
I find it strange that if someone compliments a game, a ton of people pour in and are like 'OH YEAH, GREAT GAME. LOVE YOU, OP.' But if someone says a game is bad, a ton of people pour in and are like 'THAT'S YOUR OPINION. WE DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU. GO AWAY! LALALALALALALA'
I like to call this "Bioware syndrome" for obvious reasons.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
I doubt I'll ever get Skyrim, because it's just another part of a series that I just don't find interesting whatsoever.

I tried Morrowind, couldn't get into it.

Tried Oblivion, couldn't get into it.

I admit, a bit of Skyrim sounded interesting, but then I glanced at some LPs, and.... nope. not going to get into it so not going to bother spending money.

It's okay, though. I'm sure there are enough of my friend/acquaintances that are obsessed with the game to make up for me never touching it in my lifetime.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Duffeknol said:
And I feel nothing.
I hope I forget about Skyrim, the biggest load of shit I have ever had on my harddrive.
You obviously never installed Universal Combat ... a game so heinous and vile that I regretted downloading the two patches and figuring out the work around to be able to run it. I spent about three days trying to play it before figuring out it was so bugged and miserably designed that it could never ever yield in enjoyment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Combat

While I enjoy skyrim, I can relate to your experience as I can not find ANY redeeming quality in Borderlands. That game is so utterly boring for me that it boggles my mind that it became such a success, warranting several expansions and even a possible (or is it confirmed now?) sequel.