I need my best friend to realize his girlfriend is worthless


New member
Oct 20, 2010
This is a particularly difficult and uncomfortable situation ^^"

I have to say, I have a friend who has a habit of dating psychotic girls. One he went out with for nearly 3 years, who did everything from cheat on him, to getting pregnant by his best friend, and making my friend help pay for everything, from her university fees, to her rent, to her dads funeral, and so on. Long story short; this girl = epic *****.

I never really got to see him after he started dating her (I'm a girl friend, therefore I was competition apparently, but we still managed to meet up every so often. I basically let him know how I felt about it as tactfully as possible. At the end of the day it was his life and although I was concerned for his wellbeing, if he was happy with that then fine.

Most of the time he would sit there and shrug and go, "yeah I know, but she just needed the help" and I could only respond with "well fair enough if you want to help her just don't let it get out of control, you earn this money for you".

3 years down the line, I was the one sat with him in a service station at 4am talking to him about how it all went wrong and why it went wrong and just being there for him. a

People are meant to make their own mistakes for a reason. My advice was only there for him because I was concerned, and I never said "leave her now" I just pointed out certain things and asked him if he was okay with that.

/end epic wall of text
TL;DR Be there for your friend, but you cannot make his mind up for him. If this turns out to be a mistake, let him make it. Show concern as a friend but don't rant at him, it'll backfire and he'll blame you for interfering.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
You may want to look at the things you can control - you may have to consider moving out, if she's going to make your life a living hell. Bad housemates are baaadd.
As someone else said, if they're moving in to be a couple, then being the third wheel isn't much fun anyway. If you're lucky your housemate will see what you're doing and know why. But be prepared to go through with it.

If she's messing with your stuff - hide it. Be protective of it. If she's truly a jerk and messes with your stuff after telling her to please leave it alone, then it may show your friend that she has a possessive personality.

The sad thing is she may not even realise she's so lazy or being manipulative - it's hard to say without knowing her. It's a very hard thing to snap out of, even if you know you're like that. Also it's very difficult to convince people of what is more important to buy, especially if they're emotional (as in led by the heart more than the mind). To them, their brain is telling them the PS3 is more important, for feelings that are tangible to them. I'm not a professional psychologist or whatever, but that's how I see it from the experiences I've had so far, so make of it what you will :p.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
This is just an observation but since your admittedly a bit biased about her, this tramp woman coming between you and your best friend, I don't think your being entirely objective about her character. I mean she comes across as the mad pairing of Cthulu, a mad entity whose motives are unknowable and possibly dangerous, and the mythical Harpy of ancient Greece who'd carry men away in their horrific talons.


Actually that describes every ex-girlfriend I've ever had...


On second thought, your probably spot on.

Carry on, gentlemen.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
First if you were really serious about how annoying this person is you would've brought it up to your friend a long time ago. Second if you can't handle living with that person and your friend does than move the fuck out. It's your life pal, I know doing it alone sucks but it's either your peace of mind or your sanity. In a unrelated matter what does her being cute have to do with her changing and why would she need to clean up your books and shit?


New member
Nov 6, 2007
Nothing you can say will make this situation better, you can't tell someone that the person they're in a relationship with is a problem, they'll resent you for it and it may well damage your friendship.

All you can do is endure through it, and look forward to when it breaks down and be there for your friend when it does.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
PrimoThePro said:
myogaman said:
Perhaps I should start posting my literary shit... >.> I need some real opinions.
Oh! And do that too. I as well thoroughly enjoyed your description of... (*Shudder*) Miranda...

there you go


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Izakflashman said:
wfpdk said:
have you tried telling him in a musical number?
That sounds like a great idea!

I wrote you a little ditty, I hope it helps. (Sorry for the tinniness, I didn't exactly take my time. Ha ha)

My god...thank you :'D


Wicked Prolapse
Aug 27, 2009
If you truly are his best friend, you would sacrifice your friendship to help him, thats what i would do when it comes to my best friend


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Well, OP. If you really were his friend you'd go talk to him, instead of complaining about his girlfriend on a forum. Heck, you could even have brought things up WITH HER- because she can't really do the things you want her to do IF YOU DON'T LET HER KNOW. As I am reading this, it seems more that you hate her and are nitpicking everything she does rather than her being a particularly bad specimen of humanity. This seems like a situation where either she is lazy, unproductive, clingy, and has a few irritating habits; or else you are being possessive, territorial, arrogant, assumptive, judgemental, and letting things pile up instead of letting them go or dealing with them. Even if she is not the sort of person you appreciate or associate with, calling her worthless is just plain rude. Honestly, if they're happy together and truly love each other, who do you really think you are to call her 'an ugly troll' and say that they have to break up? I'm sure she was excited to see her boyfriend for the first time in a long time (and he to see her) and it sounds like you decided that you didn't like her and are now making her out to be the antichrist. Also, if you let any of your derision show to her, I wonder how enthused she may be that she is going to live with someone who hates her (and for reasons she may not know, especially if you only ever confronted her about the psst noise because that is a pretty ridiculous thing to hate someone for), in a new state far away from all the people she knows.

Talk to your friend about it. I'm sure he'll at least listen to you, especially if you can list cases. He might break up with her, or he might tell you that you don't know what you're talking about. If you can't stand her and can't compromise, then you should move in with someone else, or get your own apartment! You seem to be making enough to afford it, and then you won't have to deal with other people growing up and getting girlfriends (and not only spending time with you anymore).

And what basis do I have to say just approach him? My best friend is engaged to a lazy drug-addicted physically/mentally/emotionally abusive lying asshole who cheated on her multiple times with multiple people. She knows all of this as well. When we confronted her, she ran off to another state with him and abandoned everyone. We all had to move on, and now she's living her life the way she wants to (and so are we! crazy how that works, isn't it?). 'Love' makes people do ridiculous things, and you may not always understand them from your point on the outside looking in.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
It's not your place as a friend to dictate who your friend is allowed to spend time with. I know it's frustrating, but you're overstepping the friend line in a major way.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
I went into this thread expecting either a trolling or a whiny rant from someone who dosen't actually have a problem

Except, having read it, I realise you do have a problem on your hands. Usually it's the other way around, with the man being the "clean my sh*t up, b*tch" attitude.

I dunno, dude. Can't help you. I'd honestly sit down with your friend sometime and explain your concerns to him. If it's your house as well then you should at least voice your problems.

For some reason, when visualising your house and the problems you described, I placed you and your friend/his girlfriend in a small house in Austria I stayed in during my visit to Austria 5 years ago.



New member
Nov 17, 2009
Someone's already suggested murder... buggerit!

Well, if experience has taught me anything, the only way to solve problems in a manner that's deniable is preposterously elaborate schemes. This is because if someone does unravel your scheme, you can just point out "this isn't James Bond, what the hell brought you to that conclusion!?"

I suggest:
1. Find a friend with really loose morals. Preferably not much of a looker either.
2. Trick best friend into taking an extended outing while girlfriend is in the house.
3. Invite friend with dubious morals over, because, well, it's your house, you don't need an excuse to have friends with dubious morals over! If possible, have other friends to collaborate.
4. Induce drunkenness in all parties involved. Inform all parties that morally dubious individual is actually a pretty stand up guy, let girlfriend know about that time he totally saved your life when you were drowning in a river, that sort of thing. Again, if other friends are here, have them confirm the story, remeber, small details will make the story more believable. (unless of course, he did save you from drowning, in which case you don't need to lie about this)
5. Whiskey! Whiskey solves all of life's problems. Administer whiskey to all parties involved! Even yourself. Especially yourself!
6. Girlfriend will now be drunk enough for "phase two". Girlfriend will either:
A. Pass out
B. Go to sleep
C. Attempt intercourse with morally dubious friend.
D. Attempt intercourse with you. This means your plan has failed. Severely. Proceed to plan B. (See end of post)
7. REGARDLESS OF WHICH HAPPENS (save for D), it is imperative girlfriend wakes up in the same bed as morally dubious friend. At which point you will enter room to see if you can find your morally dubious friend, in order to buy him pancakes, because, you know, he did save your life. You have to buy someone pancakes or cookies if they save your life. (Remember, if it's written down, it must be true!)
8. Use blackmail as leverage. It's pretty much up to you whether you use this leverage to make her a better person, or to get her to leave best friend.

Some important notes:
1. She doesn't actually have to have sex with morally dubious friend. She just needs you to think she has, or, even better, for her to think she has.
2. Morally dubious friend should not be friend of best friend! This will complicate things, and make the entire plan fail.
3. Threaten to tell best friend, don't actually tell best friend! Otherwise the entire plan will fail.

Plan B:
7.1. Leave the house. Then burn down the house.
8.1. Disguise yourself as "Fritz Von Myogaman". Board the next flight to Munich. Never return. Burn down the airport upon arrival, so that no one can follow you. You are now Fritz. You must forge a new life for yourself in this land of mountains and beer.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
You gotta be careful with this kind of stuff. My buddy broke up with his trashy gf, yet he was still upset about it for a very long time.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Tspoon said:
1. Go to Oregon
2. Kill Lady
3. Tell him that somebody killed her
4. ???
5. Profit.
*walks in covered in Oregon Chick Blood*

Oh noooo! Look what totally happened by accident!


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Interesting. Have you thought about finding a new place to live? That would get her out of your hair at least. And then tell your friend, as best you can.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
try to find someone who is just as annoying to him or get your girlfriend to act like it bring her over for a week and say "listen man I know my gf has been bugging you and your girlfriend has been bugging me why don't we break up at the same time" also I would keep a bit of a tab on her because she is gonna get pwnt hard by life just make sure your friend isn't around, I knew a guy this happened to he now lives with his parents and would be homeless without them.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
What about you stop talking crap about people on the internet and mind your own damn business instead of being a whiny little pre-teen drama-queen that isn't getting enough attention?