I think I'm finally over ME3 now...


New member
Jan 27, 2012
Jynthor said:
pure.Wasted said:
I got over it the moment they announced the extended cut. It's an amazing game, and it'll never have an amazing ending, but at least it'll have one, now. That's all I wanted.
Except it is not changing the ending, it will merely elaborate the old ones.
You can polish a turd but it will still be shit y'know.
How very true. However, there is still a small chance that Bioware could dig the ending out of its current Normandy-sized hole. If they would go with the Indoctrination Theory they would have a easy back-door out of the current ending. I have my doubts that they would do that, but you never know.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
Jynthor said:
pure.Wasted said:
I got over it the moment they announced the extended cut. It's an amazing game, and it'll never have an amazing ending, but at least it'll have one, now. That's all I wanted.
Except it is not changing the ending, it will merely elaborate the old ones.
You can polish a turd but it will still be shit y'know.
I never said it would be a good ending. But it will be an ending, which is considerably more than what we have now - essentially a shroom version of The Sopranos' cut to black.

If you were still holding out hope for what the rest of the franchise deserved to have as its culmination, I sympathize. I feel your pain. For me, the games were amazing enough that given some form of resolution, I can get over the ending being nowhere near what it should have been. I wish I didn't have to, but I can.

If you can't, that really does suck.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
psicat said:
Small plot holes never bothered me. I loved the game and the endings. Did 3 playthroughs before I moved on to another game.
Small? Really?

OT: Stopped caring about an hour after I finished it. Spent that hour thinking about it, trying to see if it had any redeeming qualities, but overall I wasn't that disappointed as the entire last game felt more like a soap opera than a space opera, which kind of softened the blow. (Don't get me wrong, it was great fun, just everything was so ridiculous. A cyborg ninja, really?)


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2011
porpoise hork said:
I didn't let the ending bother me in the first place.
Samesies. I don't know why people let this stuff really get to them--then again, my suspension of disbelief seems to be quite a bit stronger than most peoples'. :V


New member
Jan 26, 2012
The initial rage passed a while back, but I'm left with some numb disappointment.

There is some humor to be found in all the reactions still being made in response to it though.


Apr 8, 2011
StriderShinryu said:
I coped by really enjoying ME3 even with being slightly disappointed by the ending but liking the multiplayer way way more than I thought I would. I'm currently finding myself still playing multiplayer on occasion and waiting with anticipation for news on whatever Bioware is going to do next. I'm also interested in seeing how the coming ending extending DLC ends up when it finally comes out.
Basically this, but with the addition that I went and made a new Paragon Adept FemShep in ME1, completed it twice with her, then started a Renegade Infiltrator FemShep. Yes, the ending could have been better, but so what? The game was damn good up to that point, and I'll be buggered if I'm pissing away the money spent on grabbing a Collector's Edition that I wouldn't have otherwise been able to get if GAME hadn't fallen out with EA due to a lack of money, simply because of a slightly underwhelming ending.


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Jul 20, 2009
Finals, school sucked away the pain of anything that was on my mind by totally ruining my gaming and social lives


New member
Sep 14, 2011
I'm one of the few who didn't have a problem with the ending. In fact, after everyone was so up in arms about it, and I finally got there, I was like 'Really? This is why everyone is so pissed off?' So actually, the fact there was so much negativity probably took the edge off, since the general reaction suggested that the ending was so bad it would rape my firstborn child.

Mainly, I didn't think about it that much. You cant really. Then moved onto the multiplayer, which I quite enjoy.

Haven't touched the game again though. Gonna wait for that 'Aria takes back Omega' DLC before I do that (It'll happen, just watch...)


New member
Apr 23, 2009
The ending does make it less enticing to play the single-player again, hopefully the Extended Cut DLC will make the ending actually BEARABLE. But otherwise the game is pretty much perfect.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Yeah, I think I was completely over it the day after I beat it. There'll always be a small part of me that's a little bugged about how something that was on a role managed to ruin three separate games worth of content, but what's done is done.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Well, thankfully I quick saved my emotions when Shepard was pulling herself on the floor, slipping on her own blood, so after the ending, I recalled how amazing the rest of the game was. Then I played it again.


New member
Jul 4, 2006
StriderShinryu said:
I coped by really enjoying ME3 even with being slightly disappointed by the ending but liking the multiplayer way way more than I thought I would. I'm currently finding myself still playing multiplayer on occasion and waiting with anticipation for news on whatever Bioware is going to do next. I'm also interested in seeing how the coming ending extending DLC ends up when it finally comes out.

I coped by starting a new game immediately and getting all of the achievements because it's a great game. I'm still going back to multiplayer sometimes but I've got other games to keep me busy too.

It didn't make me hate the game.
It didn't make me hate Bioware.
It just disappointed me a little. But it did not ruin an incredible game.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Honestly, I never felt the game was ruined. Did I like the wnding, hell no, but like others have said, its a great game regardless of its ending.

Im slightly pissed that I wont be able to access stuff from the Collecters edition. I think this is actually one of the big complaints I have with promotional stuff, like the bonuses you get in some games from pre-ordering at gamestop. But thats another discussion.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Unfortunately I did think the game was ruined, but not just by the endings. The endings were just a final nail in what was an oppressively mediocre game. They made the combat system the best of all the three, but I think they sacrificed just about everything else to get there (story, mood, continuity), and I was sorely disappointed.

Coped by clean sweeping ME3 and Origin off the ol' HDD, and installing Psychonauts again!


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I really wish more people were over it. I was over it roughly 8 seconds after the credits rolled. I thought "Huh, that was a bit poo" and the realised it was just a freaking game and ate lunch. Never did understand all this palaver about the ending. Or the photo debacle.

Life's too short to rage at something as trivial as the ME3 ending.


New member
Feb 29, 2012
dreadedcandiru99 said:
I fucking hated the ending. I despised it. I loathed it. On some level, I always will, and why not? I've never seen a game developer piss away five years in five minutes.

But I just skimmed a few lingering ME3 threads, and I realized that I'm not really that mad anymore. I haven't touched the game in a month and a half, so maybe time really does heal all wounds. (Now that I think of it, why haven't I traded it in already? I wonder if I can still get anything for it.) Or maybe posting that one-star review on Amazon was more therapeutic than I expected. It probably helps that I've been playing other games, too--mostly indie games, with stories created by writers who know what they're doing.

But whatever the reason, I think I'm finally past it. I can simply swear off EA games forever, file this experience away next to the Star Wars prequels, and move on. I probably won't even watch that Extended Cut thing on YouTube.

How about you? How did you cope?
Yeah, I was pissed with the ending. Extremely pissed, actually, but I haven't played it since I beat it a few days after its release. I'm over it and have largely forgotten about it, which is really sad considering right before the ME3 ending I had ME pegged as the greatest sci-fi saga of all time and then Bioware had to fumble the ball at the goal line.

The only thing of passing interest I noticed recently was the discovered audio files from your squadmates that indicated a much more substantial ending. I found a minute of audio from Jack(my ME2 romance) that was bittersweet considering I bought ME3 to conclude my relationship with Jack and had to listen to the audio files that were unofficially leaked to hear anything from her. Very very sad, indeed. Can't really put into words how greatly Bioware blew ME3, but oh well.

I've been playing a lot of Skyrim and Batman: Arkham City so I've moved on. RIP Mass Effect and RIP Bioware.


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
I don't actually plan on finishing the game until the new ending is released (Or expanded upon, for those touchy people...). My brother finished it, and I saw the ending. but yeah, I'd rather not finish it yet.