I want to get into anime.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
BottleOfAwesome said:
Depends what you like really, but I'd recommend:
Clannad (Romance/Slice of life)
Evangelion 1.11 and 2.22 (They're movie versions of the series, they're easier to get and look amazing since they were recently made)
Code Geass (Action)
Hellsing Ultimate (If you would like to see the most bad-ass character ever created)
Nyan Koi!(Romance/Comedy)
Chaos; Head (If you enjoy Mindf*cks)
Hellsing. Lol who, Alucard or Integra... and then there is the hidden bad-ass Seras or "Holy" crazy Anderson.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
If I were to recommend a series that's not exactly mainstream,
I'd have to say Fate/Stay Night.
This is an anime only 25 episodes long, as it's based off a video game(visual novel).
It's an at-least decent first impression of Action-Fantasy Anime as it has a lot of the elements found in these animes, but isn't all that overbearing. The only thing missing is comedy.
You don't need a precursor to watch it, it has bad-ass characters of both genders, it has interesting fights for which anyone of shown them to has been at least mildly impressed. The dialogue can be sketching, but overall isn't cheesy or over-dramatic, it even has a somewhat unorthodox main character, granted everyone seems to hate him.

What should really draw you in is the two premises behind it:
1. What if modern people could summon historical famous heroes and warriors to fight for them?
2. What if the famed King Arthur was a girl?

Both seem a little strange but it smooths out into a 4/5 star anime. At least in my opinion.


New member
May 15, 2010
Fullmetal Alchemist*, Digimon Tamers, Cowboy Bebop*, Baccano!*, Durarara, Eureka Seven, Blood Plus, Gurren Lagann, Lyrical Nanoha, Bokurano, Vision of Escaflowne, Medabots, Trigun, Souleater, D.Gray-Man, Haruhi Suzumia, Azumanga Daiouh, Welcome to the NHK!

If you want be a little artsy about it:
Rahxephon, Mushi-shi*, Wolf's Rain*, Garden of Sinners, Serial Experiments Lain, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Princess Tutu, Haibanae-Renmei, Kino's Journey, Maho Shoujo Madoka Magica, Paranoia Agent*, Haibane Renmei, Monster*.

*Just as good if not better in English than the original Japanese track.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
You really are getting into a lot there, try and consider these series, which are perfect for beginners in Anime: Death Note, Neon Genesis Evangelion(a big series, but really, really, really good), Bleach, Cowboy Bebop(a must see), Trigun(another must see), Soul Eater(a lot of comedy and very lighthearted), Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate(the original series only partially follows the manga but then gets into bullshit, but Ultimate, which is unfinished follows the story of the manga very faithfully), Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood(both are real damn good but i find Brotherhood the superior one in terms of animation and storytelling, and pretty much every anime fan has seen these series) and last but not least: BERSERK!

All these series are great for beginners in watching this stuff and pretty much all are different genres, hell some of these make their own genres. I'd also recommend Ghost In The Shell, Ergo Proxy, Durarara and Baccano, Darker Than Black, Samurai Champloo, Kaiji and the Miyazaki movies.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I enjoy Darker Than Black, two series long and I find it awesome. I'd also recommend Hellsing Ultimate, it's not finished yet but what's out at the moment is pretty sweet.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
Rurouni Kenshin
Fullmetal Alchemist (the original show and brotherhood, why not? they're both good)
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Yu Yu Hakusho

EDIT: whatever technicalities you think fit, ALL of the Miyazaki movies are straight awesome.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
I would like to reinforce that you need to be ready for filler. Many of the long running shows based on manga have significant amounts of filler. Today, I think I'd have to recommend Gurren Lagann. Here, I'll even provide a link to the series on youtube. Aren't I nice?


New member
May 7, 2011
Well if I have to say... anime has changed my life rather for the better...:) it can be very good but that all depends on what you're watching... in my opinion I don't like Naruto nor One Piece because I can't fathom the storyline... ( don't hate me... I mean I at least tried watching ... it's just not my sort of anime really) I did love Bleach however and Death Note... I'm glad to hear you want to try anime but make sure you pick a good series :)
No one likes a bad series... or anything bad really (except the villains because they always get the better stuff etc )

so yes with all that said (most being irrelevant) have fun watching and hope you become a fanboy etc. :)


New member
Jun 28, 2008
For the most easily accessible (and possibly least geeky) place to start is easily the Ghibli movies.
Excelent animation, storytelling and even voice acting, which believe me is a rarity for dubing.

Akira is another classic, the animation might be a little dated and the plot makes little to no sense, but it's spectacular nonetheless.

Christopher N said:
I enjoy Darker Than Black, two series long and I find it awesome. I'd also recommend Hellsing Ultimate, it's not finished yet but what's out at the moment is pretty sweet.
Probably not such a good idea to start with Hellsing Ultimate..
I've watched quite a lot of anime and even then parts of it were too batshit insane for me. It made Nazis seem almost comedic before just going right round to fucking weird.
Jun 26, 2010
madwarper said:
If you're just getting into anime, I'd recommend starting off with some of the Miyazaki's [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayao_Miyazaki#Filmography] movies, specifically Princess Mononoke [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Mononoke].

Getting into the movies takes considerably less investment, in both time and capital, than trying to get into a long running series.
This, this, this, this and this.

I used to be into anime, but not anymore.

However, I still watch Miyazaki's films because they're so good.

I thoroughly recommend Berserk and/or Hellsing.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Ok you want to get into anime. I´ll reccomend bite sized chunks that are from 60m to 120m in length to get you started on. Also these are must see´s if you are heavily into anime.

Akira, Ninja Scroll(The movie), Ghost in the Shell(Also The movie) and not to forget Vampire Hunter D(Both movies are pretty good). If you played street fighter you might also want to look into finding Street fighter 2 the animated movie.

The first three are classics for anime like watchmen is a classic for comics.

They aren´t long and if you like these you´ll probably like something longer(10 or 26 episode stand alone series).

Again I reccomend these since I think they are must see´s and besides they are well made.

Ask again after you´ve seen the top 3(or 5 or 6) and know you are into anime.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Dude, I don´t want to seem bad manner or arty but I feel that the cowboy bebop scene you are showing has no meaning or context if you link it straight up like that(since you won´t know the characters if you haven´t seen the series and don´t get any of the buildup).

But then again this is the internet and everybody thinks they´re always right ;D

[Edit] Also I like your choice Cowboy bebop is one of my faves.


New member
May 15, 2011
kayisking said:
Excactly what it says. It's a side of nerddom that I have ignored for too long. You may reccommend me shows, sites, articles and anything else that you think will help me get into anime. Just keep in mind that I have absolutely zero knowledge of anime so when you recommend me a series, please don't make it something that requires me to have seen the twenty sequels before it.

Discuss below!

Ps. Please excuse my poor English, I am not a native speaker.
Watch anime in Japanese my friend.

[Watch it in japanese with the subs.]

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
I would say for violence, Highschool of The Dead or Elfin Lied.

For story, Bleach, FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood, or Higurashi/Umineko.

Hope these work out for you! DeathNote could also work too :3

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
You actually have pretty good English. It's almost exact as to how I would have worded the same thoughts, and I'm a native English speaker and typist.

As for the main issue at hand, it depends on what you want to get out of the medium. If you're looking for jokes, good fight scenes, and the like, look at some of the most popular anime. However, if you're really looking for something that tells a very good story extremely well, you may want to skip anime. It's possible to find good anime and when you do it's VERY well done, but there's a big ratio of bad anime to good anime. I would recommend some anime to start with, but I seem to be blanking at the moment, so I'll just tell you anime that you should NOT start off with;

Fullmetal Alchemist: It's not as good as people say. Like, at all. It's also very weird and somewhat unwelcoming to newcomers.

Gurren Laagann: A show that basically gathers everything generic about anime and cranks it up to 16. If you're into the stereotype of anime, this is a dream-come-true. However, I suspect that most people start watching anime because they want to experience something different from the norm, and I think that over-the-top sexualization and tons of explosions aren't the different things that they want.

Bleach: I actually think the first few seasons of Bleach are really good and great for beginners and hooks them instantly. The problem is that past those first few seasons the show just drags on and on and on and on and on that you start to lose hope that the thing will ever end. And that's the problem; a great show that just refuses to end, getting worse and worse as time goes on. By starting this series you may lose hope that the anime will ever interest you again because you have a sneaking suspicion that every other show will be a disappointment.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
one piece (not the 4kids version)
full metal jacket brotherhood (it follows the manga closer than the other series)
yu yu hakusho
dragonball z
and samurai champloo

and this is from a guy who hates most animes and i like these.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Definitely Fullmetal Alchemist and Azumanga Daioh. Both are really good shows.
kayisking said:
I have decided that I will begin with watching the original full metal alchemist. Thanks for all your suggestions and I'll try to watch them all in due time. Have a nice day everyone.
Oh good. You won't regret it.