I will debate almost anything


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
I feel like it is time to "Sharpen My Sword" and by that I mean my mind. The mind is your greatest weapon.

So I will play Devils Advocate to anyone. Pick a subject and I will debate the opposite side, no matter how unpopular it is.

If the subject in question is something I really disagree with I will put a disclaimer at the bottom.
Disclaimer: I may not agree with what I will say. I am playing The Devils Advocate

I will try to maintain as many debate as possible.


Edit thought of a new one:

Please elaborate on your argument. Do not say "'blank' is good/bad."

Instead say "'blank' is good/bad, because..."

I can not practice poking hole in your argument if you do not have a full argument. Tell me why it is good/bad.


Super Six One

New member
Apr 23, 2009
Assisted suicide.

I'm all for it, i think people who are ill should have the right to die without fear of the people who help them getting prosecuted.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Ok, lets see how good you are.

Everything revolves around the Earth while the Earth remains motionless. You can prove the latter just by watching the heavens; they move as we stay put. The former is easily proven by a simple experiment. Imagine driving in a convertible. You throw a ball up. The ball will fly backwards. If the Earth was moving then you would fly back in the same fashion every time you jumped.


New member
May 26, 2010
This is tricky.... ill find something difficult for you at some point.

For now, let me question the rules, does it have to be something that is actually under discussion, not factual knowledge such as: "gravity doesn't exist" or something equally ridiculous? or can it be literally anything? any preferred topic?


New member
Aug 18, 2010
lol, my friends challenged me to do this once... They went with "Pros and Cons of the Holocaust" and made me "Pros"... I still won though...

Heres a good one... Debate with me on "Pros and Cons of Modern Medicine"... You be Cons just to make it interesting...


New member
May 26, 2010
crudus said:
Ok, lets see how good you are.

Everything revolves around the Earth while the Earth remains motionless. You can prove the latter just by watching the heavens; they move as we stay put. The former is easily proven by a simple experiment. Imagine driving in a convertible. You throw a ball up. The ball will fly backwards. If the Earth was moving then you would fly back in the same fashion every time you jumped.
Surely your taking the difficult side of this debate? or are they just examples of what he could do?


New member
Jan 23, 2009
Part of me objects to the honing of the ability of argument just for the sake of using it to to be able to convincingly purport something that may very well be rooted in lies. It serves no greater purpose other than personal satisfaction, perhaps at the expense of others.

Actually, argue that.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Super Six One said:
Assisted suicide.

I'm all for it, i think people who are ill should have the right to die without fear of the people who help them getting prosecuted.
Tricky one.

If we are assuming that the person in question is fully cognitive of the situation. Then the reason not to do it is that how do we know that in a year or two we will not have a cure for said disease.

If we are assuming that the person in question is in a coma or otherwise not cognitive. How do we really know that is what they would want to do. Maybe they are still in there and have not yet found a way to communicate.
Disclaimer: I do not agree with what I just said


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Jowe said:
Surely your taking the difficult side of this debate? or are they just examples of what he could do?
There is a right and wrong way to tackle this argument. I want to see if he knows what it is. I would hate to see him just google the answer though. I need to warm up my muscle as much as he needs to warm up his.

HonorableChairman said:
Part of me objects to the honing of the ability of argument just for the sake of using it to to be able to convincingly purport something that may very well be rooted in lies. It serves no greater purpose other than personal satisfaction, perhaps at the expense of others.

Actually, argue that.
Not true. It increases everyones ability to form an argument and spot holes in the opponents. It also promotes proper debating techniques. It also helps people learn logical fallacies which goes with the debating techniques.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
crudus said:
Ok, lets see how good you are.

Everything revolves around the Earth while the Earth remains motionless. You can prove the latter just by watching the heavens; they move as we stay put. The former is easily proven by a simple experiment. Imagine driving in a convertible. You throw a ball up. The ball will fly backwards. If the Earth was moving then you would fly back in the same fashion every time you jumped.
We first must prove the Earth is round we do this by showing the curvature of the Earth. Look out to the horizon as far as you can, the walk there. You can see the next horizon, continue on until you get back to your original point on Earth (I assume you have a boat).

By using a telescope we can chart the movements of the planets around the Solar System. Using this we see that the Sun is stationary (not really but that is another discussion) and that all the planets, including Earth, revolve around the Sun. The Moon is the only exemption to revolve around the Earth.


Mar 28, 2009
2 > 1

F = ma

The first law of thermodynamics

All prime numbers equal to 4n + 1 are expressible as the sum of two squares.

There exist no whole number solutions (except for zero) to the equation x[sup]n[/sup]+y[sup]n[/sup]=z[sup]n[/sup] where n is an integer greater than 2.

0.(9) = 1


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
HonorableChairman said:
Part of me objects to the honing of the ability of argument just for the sake of using it to to be able to convincingly purport something that may very well be rooted in lies. It serves no greater purpose other than personal satisfaction, perhaps at the expense of others.

Actually, argue that.
No, just like one does not go to battle without a clean gun or a rusty sword, one does not go into debate without a firm grasp of both side of the debate. Very few things are truly lies, just different points of view.

Ones own enlightenment should be something we all strive for.


Walking Mass Effect Codex
Jun 11, 2010
An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force
An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Prove Newton wrong.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Redingold said:
Only if you use a different base for math mathematics.

I believe this will answer that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_prime

edit: I am only good at math, not super-great. You are talking graduate level probably.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Gilhelmi said:
crudus said:
Ok, lets see how good you are.

Everything revolves around the Earth while the Earth remains motionless. You can prove the latter just by watching the heavens; they move as we stay put. The former is easily proven by a simple experiment. Imagine driving in a convertible. You throw a ball up. The ball will fly backwards. If the Earth was moving then you would fly back in the same fashion every time you jumped.
We first must prove the Earth is round we do this by showing the curvature of the Earth. Look out to the horizon as far as you can, the walk there. You can see the next horizon, continue on until you get back to your original point on Earth (I assume you have a boat).

By using a telescope we can chart the movements of the planets around the Solar System. Using this we see that the Sun is stationary (not really but that is another discussion) and that all the planets, including Earth, revolve around the Sun. The Moon is the only exemption to revolve around the Earth.
That doesn't so much prove the Earth is round so much as big[footnote]If you wanted to prove the Earth was round just look at sea as a ship sails towards you. You will always see the ships sails before the ship itself[/footnote]. Although I never said it was.

How can the sun be stationary? If you drill a hole in a wall and mark where the sun hits at a certain time of day, the mark will be different for each day.

The_root_of_all_evil said:
So you're a mass-debater?

[sub]Sorry, I had to :)[/sub]

Ok:- I think, therefore I am.
Prove you are thinking :)


New member
Apr 16, 2009
All numbers are equal to all other numbers.

A and B are equal non-zero quantities:
(a = b)

multiply by a:
(a^2 = ab)

Subtract b^2:
(a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2)

(a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)

Divide (a - b):
(a + b = b)

Substitute for a = b:
(2b = b)

Divide by b:
(2 = 1)


New member
Sep 13, 2010
How about these? Pick your side.

Be it resolved that:
a) As Stalin's massacres were much more widespread than the Holocaust, the U.S.S.R. was more evil/deluded than Nazi Germany?
b) Music can not succeed in expressivity unless the message is both coherent and subtle, the lyrics not being to exclusivity a measure of a song's depth?
c) Western society is doomed to failure as was the late roman empire?
d) 2012 will be the end of the world?
e) Nothing is infinite? (I kind of want the pro side on this one.)

I invite others to join in as well as I'm not a particularly good debater myself.

Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions expressed above may not be those of the author.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
ThatLankyBastard said:
lol, my friends challenged me to do this once... They went with "Pros and Cons of the Holocaust" and made me "Pros"... I still won though...

Heres a good one... Debate with me on "Pros and Cons of Modern Medicine"... You be Cons just to make it interesting...
Modern Medicine penetrates the body with chemicals that were only recently started to be used. Most of the modern drugs have nasty side effects.

A better solution is Natural medicines, these do not have the nasty side effects and can be just as effective (in some cases more effective) then the artificial drugs.

I hate to go all conspiracy theory, but in 1987 the AMA tried to dispose of the Natural approach of Chiropractic medicine (see Wilk_v._American_Medical_Association). Chiropractic medicine rarely passes out drugs or prescriptions but instead uses more natural approaches like realigning the body and mild electric-stimulus on tense muscles.

Chiropractic emphasizes more on the natural side of how the body interacts with itself and pressure points and immediate non-drug treatment, unlike modern medicine that tells doctors to give 2 pills and call in the morning.

I actually agree with this one.