I will debate almost anything


New member
Nov 10, 2009
PayneTrayne said:
One: Jesus rode a velicoraptor.

Two: I believe that killing can be justified. Argue that it could never be.
e.g) There is a gun man at the head of a bus full of child geniuses. I kill the gun man, thus killing the bus full of children, the driver, and myself.
I think you may want to re-read this. Unless of course you are slightly psychotic and think killing a bus full of children is perfectly justified just because . . . you know, giggles and all that.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
zer0kevin said:
A) That is debatable on the terms of if the genocides described are a result of the country or the political party/leader in power. It is also relative depending on if you view selective focused genocide or genocide caused by a negligent authoritative leadership controlling the country and destroying the economy. If we are just going by who was worse: Stalin oder* Hitler, I would say Stalin since at least Hitler was a good economic leader who brought Germany out of a horrible depression.**

C) Well most likely all countries will eventually come to an end. If this will happen within our lifetime? Probably not. There may be minor changes but it is unlikely that all major Western Powers will just suddenly be destroyed. It's not like they can sack Rome.

D) We could debate that but it seems irrelevant. There is no scientific data suggesting this event is likely. Th thing is that this is testable. Wait until 2012, if the world comes to an end, then sure it was the end of the world. I personally just think the Mayans wen "We just made a calender for the next thousand years. I think that should do.
A) So I get the easy one then. Three major points on Hitler and Stalin.
1. While Hitler targeted a select group giving no option for "redemption", Stalin's killings were based on political opposition. Those people didn't have to die and if they hadn't argued they wouldn't have.
2. Hitler's economic advance was driven by the slow death of his labourers, by taking his time exterminating his target population, Germany thrived. I say he had a plan that was doomed to failure. Either Germany collapses, or he fails to exterminate his population. I could say that it was driven by either pure malice or shortsightedness. Either Hitler was more evil or more deluded.
3. Hitler picked up the economy, then drove it right back down. By waging war on the whole world, Germany promised itself eventual defeat and destruction of its economic machine. Hitler was just biding his time so that he could exterminate someone he hated, and other people that would be hurt be damned. The U.S.S.R. Lasted much longer before collapse and wouldn't have if people had been happy with the soviet union and continued working. Hitler was more evil and more deluded.

C) The american economic production is unsustainable in a global economy. It can either change significantly (thus become something different and fail at its core), make enemies (and lead to war, thus the destruction of its cities) or collapse economically and fall apart. All it really takes is the north and south becoming more economically viable.

D) The 2012 doomesday theory is Mayan in origin and the Mayans were right about a surprising amount of things. The crystal skulls (tie in quite firmly to the legend) are eerily perfect and may be of alien origin. Who says aliens aren't waiting to come back and eradicate us if we haven't proven that we can advance ourselves technologically. Maybe we're an experiment to see if sentience can be synthesized and progress rapidly with minimal help? It explains a lot of things. Roswell and the countless other abductions were scheduled check-ups that failed. The Pyramids were an introduction to masonry. Perhaps the crystal skulls require a certain technology to find and (as the legend states), their unity will prevent our death, sending a message to these aliens that the experiment either succeeded or failed. It's a hell of a lot more possible than government conspiracy theories.

Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions expressed above are not necessarily those of the author. I really want to stress that in the case of the last one.


New member
May 23, 2009
Videogames are a legitimate form of human expression due to their interactive nature and the player's ability to imprint themselves onto the main character.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
eggy32 said:
O.K. here's a tough one. I actually had to do this in school once. It's about Guantanamo Bay. I was chosen to argue for it and tell fo it's fantastic advantages and why it really shouldn't be shut down.

Go and do that for me. I failed, so will you. Take all the time you want, btw.
Gitmo is a necessary evil.

1) It is now on an island that is near impossible to escape from. Can the same be said for any other facility in the US? No. We can not send them to another country because then that nations laws would complicate things more then they already are.

2) Every war has had its POW camps, and none have been as nice as Gitmo. In the US Civil War they had "death lines" you cross that line you were shot dead.

3) As do all things, this war will eventually end. Some of the Detainees will be sent home (not many), most will be tried for war crimes. How we try them is another debate. The point is if we can not keep them in the US (50 states) and we can not send them to another country, then where else do you put them?

4) It is cheaper to keep the fully built facility open, then it is to build a new one.

I will not discuss torture on this one because there are two sides to that as well.

Also, I think I would have passed that class (smug grin on my face).


New member
Aug 18, 2009
azurine said:
this sounds like fun!

let's see... 1+1=2.

I dare you to try and prove me wrong.
1 = 1

41 ? 40 = 61 ? 60

16 + 25 ? 40 = 36 + 25 ? 60

4² + 5² ? 2 * 4 * 5 = 6² + 5² ? 2 * 6 * 5

(4 ? 5)² = (6 ? 5)²

4 ? 5 = 6 ? 5

4 = 6

2 = 3

1 + 1 = 3

Have fun =)


New member
Jan 21, 2011
First of all: first post! I've lurked some, but when I saw this thread I just *had* to sign up.

Drake_Dercon said:
d) 2012 will be the end of the world?
Don't quote me on this, but I think I heard somewhere that the whole thing was mistranslated, and that the real end of the Mayan calendar has actually passed already.

crudus said:
a-b=0 for all numbers.
you divided by zero which is a mathematical no-no
Damn, ninja'd!

PayneTrayne said:
There is a gun man at the head of a bus full of child geniuses. I kill the gun man, thus killing the bus full of children, the driver, and myself.
Um...did you mean to say "saving" when you said "killing"?

DasDestroyer said:
1^1 = 1
1^0 = 1
Therefore all numbers are equal to all other numbers.
Simple: 1^x = 1, where x is any real number.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
XxRyanxX said:
..Mm *thinks* What will you get out of debating if I may ask?
TeeBs said:
Scott does not watch Child Pornography.

*looked at your profile.*
Bad Mr. TeeBs, Bad. *wackes TeeBs gently with rolled up news paper*


New member
Dec 4, 2008
I usually don't start a debate unless I'm at least 95% certain of what I'm talking about. Otherwise, I politely and humbly ask questions about the subject to know more.

I'm curious, though, what's the point of debating just for the sake of debating? Isn't it a bit counter-productive?


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Salad Is Murder said:
If there was intelligent design, why do we breathe and eat through the same tube? Pretty critical design flaw.
Not really, unless you do not chew your food, it works most of the time. Where is the flaw in that?


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
ouch111 said:
I usually don't start a debate unless I'm at least 95% certain of what I'm talking about. Otherwise, I politely and humbly ask questions about the subject to know more.

I'm curious, though, what's the point of debating just for the sake of debating? Isn't it a bit counter-productive?
You use it to sharpen your skills at finding logical fallacies, or to understand why you believe what you believe. If everyone alway agreed then nothing new can be learned. That is boring to me.

Besides, how can you debate your views if you do not know the other sides arguments. On the spot correction is also necessary part of ones skill-set.

Also it is fun.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Socialism is good.
*incoming shitstorm*
Socialism is the system that place full emphasis on the government. Even under democracy, the government can be corrupted. The best system is a combination of Capitalism and Federalism (see federalism. If you distribute the authority out along many Checks and Balances then you reduce the corruption.
But if all people learn to work their jobs, and benefit to society equally, everyone gets the same amount of things, over time, envy and jealousy have been bred out of humans, so corruption would not happen in a socialistic society


New member
Apr 3, 2010
erto101 said:
azurine said:
this sounds like fun!

let's see... 1+1=2.

I dare you to try and prove me wrong.
1 = 1

41 ? 40 = 61 ? 60

16 + 25 ? 40 = 36 + 25 ? 60

4² + 5² ? 2 * 4 * 5 = 6² + 5² ? 2 * 6 * 5

(4 ? 5)² = (6 ? 5)²

4 ? 5 = 6 ? 5

4 = 6

2 = 3

1 + 1 = 3

Have fun =)
x=/=-x, unless x=0


New member
Jul 8, 2009
zer0kevin said:
All numbers are equal to all other numbers.

A and B are equal non-zero quantities:
(a = b)

multiply by a:
(a^2 = ab)

Subtract b^2:
(a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2)

(a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)

Divide (a - b):
(a + b = b)

Substitute for a = b:
(2b = b)

Divide by b:
(2 = 1)
You do realise you divided by zero. No matter what the variables equal, you still divided by zero. (But yes, high-five for math-logic fail!)


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
XxRyanxX said:
Gilhelmi said:
XxRyanxX said:
..Mm *thinks* What will you get out of debating if I may ask?
TeeBs said:
Scott does not watch Child Pornography.

*looked at your profile.*
Bad Mr. TeeBs, Bad. *wackes TeeBs gently with rolled up news paper*
Haha, wow XD that was a response I was not expecting. Really good reply, wow *laughing a bit* Whew.. ok, besides that what got you into debating? Or into the hobby for that matter?
Just the hobby of it. I live in a small town in Kansas so not too many that can stay on my level of debate. Here I can have a challenge at least.


New member
May 20, 2009
This will be fun!

Question: Are pants beneficial to mankind, and if not how?

(I'll be the pros of pants you be cons :) )


New member
Sep 18, 2008
zer0kevin said:
"We just made a calender for the next thousand years. I think that should do.
2012 is the year when the mayan calendar changes main digits.

So its like going from 12.999.999 to 13.000.000

I can't remember the actual date format for the long count off the top of my head (and i'm too busy to google!), but its no more spectacular than that.