I will debate almost anything

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
Gilhelmi said:
Danny Ocean said:
Gilhelmi said:
Then the UN will cry foul and may (I stress may) attack the US.
No it won't.

Really really really won't.
One-in-one-hundred chance, still falls in the realm of possibility.
Nyeh. A collection of nations might attack the USA, but a UN-ordered invasion would require a vote which the USA would surely veto.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Danny Ocean said:
Gilhelmi said:
Danny Ocean said:
Gilhelmi said:
Then the UN will cry foul and may (I stress may) attack the US.
No it won't.

Really really really won't.
One-in-one-hundred chance, still falls in the realm of possibility.
Nyeh. A collection of nations might attack the USA, but a UN-ordered invasion would require a vote which the USA would surely veto.
Unless the UN voted in general assembly to ask the US to leave.

Now we are getting into the realm of one-in-100,000


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Pirate Kitty said:
Devil's advocate only works if you disagree with what you're saying; it means playing the role, despite your own feelings on the matter.
This is true. But many people choose the debate and gave me the side I agreed with.

Not always, But about half of the Active Debates I argued in this thread were on the side I did not agree with.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
LarenzoAOG said:
Gilhelmi said:
LarenzoAOG said:
Gilhelmi said:
Debate with me then sir, Gay Marriage, I'm for and you are against, and no religious reasoning, please start this off.
Give me a day to think on this one. It is actually quite difficult.
Take as long as you like.
OK I took more then a day (I got busy at work).

I got nothing. Nothing that I could post in good consciousness. I thought about it for days, still nothing. This is all I got and it is religious in nature. It is my personal view so here we go.

I believe that homosexuality is a sin. but I also believe that lying, masturbating, being an a**h*** are also sins. In the end, it is up to the gays and lesbians to choose their own paths in life. I can not, and will not, choose for them (I can tell them my choices, when asked, but that is it). A person can change their destiny simply by force of will. If you are a Christian and believe that homosexuality is a sin (as it says in the Holy Bible), and you have homosexual tendency and thoughts, you can choose not to act on those thoughts. I am a male and I have sexual thoughts frequently. If I so choose, I could go to a bar and pick up women/men to have sex with. But I choose not to. I will myself not to. I pray to my God to give me strength of will not to so that I can find a woman, who will be my wife, and give her my all and be my only.

In conclusion, your decisions are between you and God. I will show all people the same love that Christ showed me. Patience and Kindness are my shield in this.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Gilhelmi said:
LarenzoAOG said:
Gilhelmi said:
LarenzoAOG said:
Gilhelmi said:
Debate with me then sir, Gay Marriage, I'm for and you are against, and no religious reasoning, please start this off.
Give me a day to think on this one. It is actually quite difficult.
Take as long as you like.
OK I took more then a day (I got busy at work).

I got nothing. Nothing that I could post in good consciousness. I thought about it for days, still nothing. This is all I got and it is religious in nature. It is my personal view so here we go.

I believe that homosexuality is a sin. but I also believe that lying, masturbating, being an a**h*** are also sins. In the end, it is up to the gays and lesbians to choose their own paths in life. I can not, and will not, choose for them (I can tell them my choices, when asked, but that is it). A person can change their destiny simply by force of will. If you are a Christian and believe that homosexuality is a sin (as it says in the Holy Bible), and you have homosexual tendency and thoughts, you can choose not to act on those thoughts. I am a male and I have sexual thoughts frequently. If I so choose, I could go to a bar and pick up women/men to have sex with. But I choose not to. I will myself not to. I pray to my God to give me strength of will not to so that I can find a woman, who will be my wife, and give her my all and be my only.

In conclusion, your decisions are between you and God. I will show all people the same love that Christ showed me. Patience and Kindness are my shield in this.
Ah, I had forgotten about this, I had actually done a bit of research on the matter but I forgot just about all of it. Well, technically you win this debate since I no longer have the information I was going to use, so good job.