I will debate almost anything

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
pokemon is constantly improving in gameplay. I will let you have the first comment about this.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
TheYak said:
Nouw said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Argue that Justin Bieber is a talented musician.
Hell anyone could do that. Music is subjective so Justin Bieber could be talented from 1 person's perspective and to another, they'd be rubbish. Talented=Good right?
Music is neither objective or subjective. Preference is subjective and quality is objective. Music is a form of media.

Also I'm now deeply depressed due to my subject being ignored. What are the benefits of me flaming you to great extent and questioning your sexuality?
Hey buddy, if that's true I'm deeply depressed I didn't know what subjective meant. Just PM him!
[sub]Welcome to the Escapist.[/sub]


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
PayneTrayne said:
Two: I believe that killing can be justified. Argue that it could never be.
e.g) There is a gun man at the head of a bus full of child geniuses. I kill the gun man, thus killing the bus full of children, the driver, and myself.
I think he is implying that the man with the gun is either the driver or himself and he is the driver at the same time. If either is true then I don't think you can really justify killing yourself/the driver. Cause if you or the driver were the crazed gun man and aiming to kill the children either way dieing or not dieing will lead to the death of some or all the child geniuses. Plus how can it be justfied?

First point, they are children. How could you live with yourself if you killed a bunch of children? Also they are probably innocent of any crime or corruption due to their young ages (I'm assuming they are still highly influencial and young) and so how would their deaths be justified as revenge or retribution?

Second point, they are geniuses. In the furture, they could develop/discover some life changing phenomana that may greatly improve the lives of every living being in the world including yours or someone close to you so how can killing them for this reason be justified and even lived with if you had known the potential of their future?

Although I suppose they could potentially develop an idea that is good but becomes twisted and ugly to fufil another purpose later on. (A. T. O. M. whatever happened to them? lol)

Okay my turn.

I agree with nothing but everything and everything but nothing.

Debate is everything nothing and nothing everything?
Mar 9, 2010
Politicians are liars and crooks because the people demand it. The people only vote for the ones who promise to give them what they want with little consideration to how restricted politicians are and the millions of others who would be affected badly by what you want. The people would never vote for a candidate that actually promises realistic things because they don't want that, they want the guy who says he'll cut taxes even though everybody already knows that it won't happen.

It's not the job of the politician to give you what he wants, he's supposed to do good by his country and make sure that the system is fair and make sure that those who need support get it.

It's the job of the people to vote for the candidate best suited for the job, the one who promises to try and better the country for everyone, not just the poor or the rich.

People need to grow up.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Nouw said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Argue that Justin Bieber is a talented musician.
Hell anyone could do that. Music is subjective so Justin Bieber could be talented from 1 person's perspective and to another, they'd be rubbish. Talented=Good right?

Don't let BonsaiK read your post >.>

Oh yes OP, argue that Starcraft was the founder of Powered Armour and Space Marines.
I didn't say argue that his music was good, just that he was Talented. While music may be subjective, talent is not.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
If anyone actually reads this please write a big paragraph on one or all of these issues.
Don't care much about debating my views, moreso just seeing everyone elses.

The Atomic Bombings/Manhattan Project.

Pop/Rap music.

The benefits of consoles over PC, and vice-versa.

War is bad.

God, religion in general.

Kids having ridiculous names.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Chairman Miaow said:
Nouw said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Argue that Justin Bieber is a talented musician.
Hell anyone could do that. Music is subjective so Justin Bieber could be talented from 1 person's perspective and to another, they'd be rubbish. Talented=Good right?

Don't let BonsaiK read your post >.>

Oh yes OP, argue that Starcraft was the founder of Powered Armour and Space Marines.
I didn't say argue that his music was good, just that he was Talented. While music may be subjective, talent is not.
Someone is talented if they do something well. If someone "does music" well then they produce "good" music. If "good music" is subjective then so is Justin Bieber's talent


New member
Mar 19, 2008
ThatLankyBastard said:
lol, my friends challenged me to do this once... They went with "Pros and Cons of the Holocaust" and made me "Pros"... I still won though...

Heres a good one... Debate with me on "Pros and Cons of Modern Medicine"... You be Cons just to make it interesting...

How the fuck did you win?! o_O


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Vanguard_Ex said:
ThatLankyBastard said:
lol, my friends challenged me to do this once... They went with "Pros and Cons of the Holocaust" and made me "Pros"... I still won though...
How the fuck did you win?! o_O
I talked about population figures, how building and maintaining the death camps took up resources Germany could have put elsewhere, crap like that...

Lets just say, my Speech and Barter skills are 100...

Or my friends are idiots... Your pick...


New member
Mar 19, 2008
ThatLankyBastard said:
Vanguard_Ex said:
ThatLankyBastard said:
lol, my friends challenged me to do this once... They went with "Pros and Cons of the Holocaust" and made me "Pros"... I still won though...
How the fuck did you win?! o_O
I talked about population figures, how building and maintaining the death camps took up resources Germany could have put elsewhere, crap like that...

Lets just say, my Speech and Barter skills are 100...

Or my friends are idiots... Your pick...
Both are equally good explanations :p fair enough


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Gilhelmi said:
I feel like it is time to "Sharpen My Sword" and by that I mean my mind. The mind is your greatest weapon.

So I will play Devils Advocate to anyone. Pick a subject and I will debate the opposite side, no matter how unpopular it is.

If the subject in question is something I really disagree with I will put a disclaimer at the bottom.
Disclaimer: I may not agree with what I will say. I am playing The Devils Advocate

I will try to maintain as many debate as possible.


Edit thought of a new one:

Please elaborate on your argument. Do not say "'blank' is good/bad."

Instead say "'blank' is good/bad, because..."

I can not practice poking hole in your argument if you do not have a full argument. Tell me why it is good/bad.

Feel free to debate this view: This thread is boring, the premise is narcissistic and infantile, the title alone is grating and smacks of the combined teenage discoveries of rhetoric and the near-infinite amount of argument to be had on the internet, the discussion is largely pointless, and the overwhelming majority of the questions have been split between shallow, trite attempts at making you defend something that is universally hated and attempts to sound clever by presenting you with similarly puerile and obvious paradoxes.

To everyone else: Please stop talking about what a great rhetorician you are. If you managed to "win" a debate with your friends about the Holocaust being good and great, your friends are terrible, you're mistaken, or you're just making shit up. Also, if your hobby is debating the Holocaust, I'm not sure that I buy that you have friends.

Because I am not myself above arguing with people on the internet:
Gilhelmi said:
zer0kevin said:
Gilhelmi said:
zer0kevin said:

Gilhelmi said:
zer0kevin said:
Also which non-western power would have the supplied military force and cause to actually invade us?
China, Their military will blindly follow orders without thinking about it too much, they believe the propaganda. Also, the Chinese may come to the conclusion that the US would not us Nukes on our home soil, I think they are right. The US would avoid firing its missiles at China, because lets face it, no matter where it hits it will kill civilians. Then the UN will cry foul and may (I stress may) attack the US. So I do not know how likely it is that strategic (ie: affect large area, like a H-Bomb) weapons will come into play. We would probably use tactical (ie: affects smaller areas; like tanks, guided missles, small less-than kiloton nukes, ect). So mostly a world war could happen and be almost fully conventional weapons.
2) The US is flipping crazy. You think US citizens (the crazy ones not the others) would allow a full invasion or annexation of the US? I understand that countries like France just get used to being invaded but this is "Merica!" we are talking about. Even if fighting the enemy is irrational, futile, stupid, or crazy, we will do it. Heck Glenn Beck and people will lead the charge, they have been waiting for an actual threat to America to fight against (Now Mr. Beck just makes up threats to get by).
You make an excellent point. I am one of those crazies with an AR-15 and a 1911 by my side. and yes the UN is pretty useless.

However, I think you underestimate China just a bit. I mean they have a standing population of 1,300,000,000 or as I say in understatement "a lot of people". Assuming half are men (this is a big assumption because girls are less desirable in their culture) then that is still 650,000,000 people or as I say "TWICE THE US POPULATION" (Google both of them. I just did to make sure my facts were strait. I was 100,000,000 short on china and 200,000,000 over on the US.) Point is China might just start a war to solve their population crises. At first, I was going to make a joke but after looking up those stats I think I will be serious on that.

Yes, we could mount a successful resistance, and yes it would give Glenn Beck something to do (I partly agree with him but he is so bloody annoying I feel bad for agreeing)

Note: I am just amazed one-point-three BILLION people verses three-hundred million. I mean we are not that different is size.
I think you underestimate China a little bit in the wrong direction. Yes, they have 1,300,000,000 people. I agree that some large fraction of those people are able-bodied. What you ignore is that some large fraction of them are also still subsistence farming. There are huge swathes of China that do not have and have never had electricity. Geographically, we're talking about the overwhelming majority of the country here. This is a place where entire villages can still die of starvation if they have significant problems with the crops for a season. Perhaps even a majority of Chinese speak mutually unintelligible dialects of Chinese (traditionally and politically they are referred to as dialects, not languages, but most are completely mutually unintelligible). The idea of organizing even a reasonable fraction of the population for a war, much less a war OVERSEAS, is ludicrous.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
norwegian-guy said:
The problem with your argument is that it focuses on the question about: are we pre-determined? While 'I think therefore I am' is a matter of existence.
Well, I am sort of touching on "does free will exist" since it brings up the question of "If you can't control your thoughts, are you still thinking them"? For example, if we tied someone up like a marionette, we could control is actions. Any actions would be inherently not his own. Say we can do the same thing to someones brain and force them to think thoughts(we can have done this, btw). Would they be the ones doing the thinking?

(Why are there Greek characters in my captcha?)

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
fletch_talon said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Nouw said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Argue that Justin Bieber is a talented musician.
Hell anyone could do that. Music is subjective so Justin Bieber could be talented from 1 person's perspective and to another, they'd be rubbish. Talented=Good right?

Don't let BonsaiK read your post >.>

Oh yes OP, argue that Starcraft was the founder of Powered Armour and Space Marines.
I didn't say argue that his music was good, just that he was Talented. While music may be subjective, talent is not.
Someone is talented if they do something well. If someone "does music" well then they produce "good" music. If "good music" is subjective then so is Justin Bieber's talent
However, he uses auto-tune to be able to sing well, so that's not his talent, it's the auto-tuner.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Chairman Miaow said:
fletch_talon said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Nouw said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Argue that Justin Bieber is a talented musician.
Hell anyone could do that. Music is subjective so Justin Bieber could be talented from 1 person's perspective and to another, they'd be rubbish. Talented=Good right?

Don't let BonsaiK read your post >.>

Oh yes OP, argue that Starcraft was the founder of Powered Armour and Space Marines.
I didn't say argue that his music was good, just that he was Talented. While music may be subjective, talent is not.
Someone is talented if they do something well. If someone "does music" well then they produce "good" music. If "good music" is subjective then so is Justin Bieber's talent
However, he uses auto-tune to be able to sing well, so that's not his talent, it's the auto-tuner.
I believe that he uses it because he likes the sound of auto-tuning.
[sub]Ask BonsaiK >.>[/sub]


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Dimensional Vortex said:
Gilhelmi said:
ThatLankyBastard said:
lol, my friends challenged me to do this once... They went with "Pros and Cons of the Holocaust" and made me "Pros"... I still won though...

Heres a good one... Debate with me on "Pros and Cons of Modern Medicine"... You be Cons just to make it interesting...
Modern Medicine penetrates the body with chemicals that were only recently started to be used. Most of the modern drugs have nasty side effects.

A better solution is Natural medicines, these do not have the nasty side effects and can be just as effective (in some cases more effective) then the artificial drugs.
There have been many a story of people with Cancer and other such afflictions who have resorted to natural medicines. When they have done this they have attempted to increase their Vitamin C and other parts of the body thinking this will help them, it does not, it increases the intensity of their affliction and ultimately making it worse. Most people who supply natural medicines to the community are not trained professionals and are not always sure of the consequences of the product they are giving out. True, the medicine we have in a hospital to treat fatal illness often has some side effects, but the positive side easily outweighs the side effects. You can't treat a brain aneurysm with herbal tea or other natural remedies which are said to make the body healthy. You can't repair a cancerous limb with natural medicine. The only time natural medicine sometimes outweighs actual modern medicine is when someone has a small illness like perhaps the common cold, and even then it is far cheaper to just grin and bare it.

Personally I would take the modern medicine, deal with the side effects, and get cured from my fatal illness rather than put my money in some new age natural medicine which don't even help half as much.

PS: You could debate why uniforms are good/bad at school, it would very much help me in school when we do debating for Year 8 :D
This is true, not all suppliers of natural medicines are reputable. This is why one should look at the qualifications of the person you are taking advice from. A doctor of Chiropractic medicine who has been to Chiropractic school, would be better then the average joe selling the stuff over-the-counter. Never take advice from the salesman. Talk to a Professional and then do your own research (not on the Internet) at the library or social offices.

As for school uniforms.

They are a way so that the students can focus more on the subject of school. Everyone is wearing the same thing so social status is reduced (not eliminated). This works best if the school strictly enforces the uniform policy, so that students do not alter the skirts higher and try and say that they are still in regs.

That brings us too the second point. School uniforms help develop discipline in the younger students. By strictly regulating things like clothing, students must realize that their actions and words have consequences too themselves and those around them.