If DeSantis wins


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
What's important is whether US law considers them to be insurrections. Given the lack of explicit definition of "insurrection" in US law elsewhere (it seems to fill a nebulous space between rebellion and civil unrest), then the sort of incidents where the Insurrection Act has been invoked are therefore insurrections.
Ok, so we're going to take every event that has had the insurrection act invoked against it as an insurrection.
Then we're going to say that any event of similar scope to those events qualifies as an insurrection.
Then we're going to say that a politician that encouraged an event of similar scope is disqualified from federal office.

Do you have any idea how many politicians that would need to be applied to?


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Ok, so we're going to take every event that has had the insurrection act invoked against it as an insurrection.
Then we're going to say that any event of similar scope to those events qualifies as an insurrection.
Then we're going to say that a politician that encouraged an event of similar scope is disqualified from federal office.
I know perfectly well you have no interest in approaching this honestly and seriously but merely in protecting your party, and that lame and facile little chunk of gobshitery really sums it up.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
I know perfectly well you have no interest in approaching this honestly and seriously but merely in protecting your party, and that lame and facile little chunk of gobshitery really sums it up.
And you're wrong.

You are the one with the serious hang up. You are willing to twist every fact and bend every rule to justify the worst possible judgment at all times against Donald Trump. It's not even party, it's just specifically him that you can't see properly. I'm just as forgiving of Biden as I am of Trump, or most politicians not named Lyndon Johnson (who really, really deserves the crap), I offer them all more sympathy than most people here, I give more leniency to most left wing politicians than the lefties here do. But your view of Trump is so warped that you see only my comments about him as "gobshitery", and make little complaint when discussing anyone else.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
But your view of Trump is so warped that you see only my comments about him as "gobshitery", and make little complaint when discussing anyone else.
Just to be clear here, thousands of people assaulted the Capitol whilst it was in the middle of a confirmation session for the next President. The explicit aim of the display was impress on the VP and legislators that they should not confirm Joe Biden according to lawful process. There was no credible evidence the election was fraudulent and thus no legitimate reason to deny the confirmation of Biden's presidency. What's "warped" is to not see that violent attempt at interference / disruption as an assault on both the rule of law and the authority of the state. This is exactly where the word "insurrection" usually would apply (some have even suggested the stronger term "attempted coup"). And in terms of US law, it is in line with other instances which have also effectively been deemed insurrections. I find it very instructive that you are afraid for the USA to even ask whether it qualifies as insurrection.

Against this, the sum total of your argument #1601 amounts to nothing but an appeal to incredulity. Worthless gobshitery indeed.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Just to be clear here, thousands of people assaulted the Capitol whilst it was in the middle of a confirmation session for the next President. The explicit aim of the display was impress on the VP and legislators that they should not confirm Joe Biden according to lawful process. There was no credible evidence the election was fraudulent and thus no legitimate reason to deny the confirmation of Biden's presidency. What's "warped" is to not see that violent attempt at interference / disruption as an assault on both the rule of law and the authority of the state. This is exactly where the word "insurrection" usually would apply (some have even suggested the stronger term "attempted coup"). And in terms of US law, it is in line with other instances which have also effectively been deemed insurrections. I find it very instructive that you are afraid for the USA to even ask whether it qualifies as insurrection.

Against this, the sum total of your argument #1601 amounts to nothing but an appeal to incredulity. Worthless gobshitery indeed.
I didn't ask if it qualifies as an insurrection, I asked you if you thought other things were insurrections. I know that you don't, I'd bet you'd call most of them miscarriages of justice, which is evidence that you aren't approaching this rationally. You don't see other things considered insurrections and conclude this was one by comparison, rather you believe this was one to begin with and are working backwards from that conclusions. You're using supporting arguments that you wouldn't even believe if they didn't support your desired conclusions.

You do this with everything related to Trump. Every event involving him, you begin with the conclusion that he is as wrong or bad as is possible, and then you work backwards and formulate the evidence to support that. It's completely irrational. You are behaving utterly without reason.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
I didn't ask if it qualifies as an insurrection, I asked you if you thought other things were insurrections. I know that you don't, I'd bet you'd call most of them miscarriages of justice, which is evidence that you aren't approaching this rationally.
Firstly, you think you know me, but you really don't: as that comment amply demonstrates.

Secondly, that whole line is just evasion. Attempting to move this into a completely pointless sphere of "what I think" is just a trick to not address the substance, trying to replace a discussion with a meta-discussion.

You do this with everything related to Trump. Every event involving him, you begin with the conclusion that he is as wrong or bad as is possible, and then you work backwards and formulate the evidence to support that. It's completely irrational. You are behaving utterly without reason.
More likely what's actually going on is that you like to pretend that you know what other people think as a form of psychological defence to discount or minimise what they say and make you feel safer in your own beliefs.

This is what "Trump derangement syndrome" was coined for. An attempt to normalise Trump's lies, abuse, chaos, nepotism, incompetence and venality by framing complaints against him as irrationality. It was really about facilitating people like you compromising the standards you expected from those in high office in order to protect him.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Yes, but he didn't just "hope", did he? He told them to march on the Capitol. And if there is a case that he did so expecting or wanting violence - especially with a wider context that it could serve his aims to disrupt or delay the handover of power to Biden.

Now it's interesting you drop that in. I have given you two explicit opportunities to make that argument, and you did so neither time. I'm fascinated why you've suddenly brought it up now.

You can look up occasions where the Insurrection Act 1807 has been invoked. Several of these are similar in scope or severity to the Jan 6th Capitol riot, and I think they would very much provide precedent to justify it as insurrection.
Again, since when is marching considered violence or insurrection? There's marches all the time. BLM marches involved violence, why not arrest the organizers?

I meant on Trump's end of it being an insurrection because Trump is being accused of being an insurrectionist, the reason of his removal from the ballot. On that end, I don't see how you can call that being an insurrectionist.

The Insurrection Act you're referring to doesn't only come into play only during an insurrection. Insurrection is just one of the things that you can deploy troops to and not the only one per that Act. So, saying the Act has been used for this or that in history, doesn't mean "this" or "that" is indeed an insurrection.

Just to be clear here, thousands of people assaulted the Capitol whilst it was in the middle of a confirmation session for the next President. The explicit aim of the display was impress on the VP and legislators that they should not confirm Joe Biden according to lawful process. There was no credible evidence the election was fraudulent and thus no legitimate reason to deny the confirmation of Biden's presidency. What's "warped" is to not see that violent attempt at interference / disruption as an assault on both the rule of law and the authority of the state. This is exactly where the word "insurrection" usually would apply (some have even suggested the stronger term "attempted coup"). And in terms of US law, it is in line with other instances which have also effectively been deemed insurrections. I find it very instructive that you are afraid for the USA to even ask whether it qualifies as insurrection.

Against this, the sum total of your argument #1601 amounts to nothing but an appeal to incredulity. Worthless gobshitery indeed.
Thousands of people didn't assault the Capitol nor was it an attempted coup. This exaggeration is ridiculous which goes hand in hand with downplaying of events when it's something on the "left" side. Far more people assaulted federal buildings during BLM for example, I don't see you repeatedly sharing your disgust for that 3 years later like you do for January 6th. Some people of the BLM protest literally took over part of a city for nearly a month. But January 6th was a coup when they couldn't even delay the confirmation until the next day let alone do anything that could've possibly led to Biden somehow not getting confirmed at all? You're acting like Trump had any chance (even if a 1% chance) of staying in power when it was 0% chance the whole time. And the democrats are still pushing that narrative and claiming democracy is at stake this presidential election. Hillary Clinton even said that a Trump victory would be the end of democracy. This is just ridiculous rhetoric only throws more gasoline on the fire of the divide in America.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Again, since when is marching considered violence or insurrection?
Are you forgetting the "fight like hell"? Fighting to overturn an election loss is indeed insurrection.

And you can hardly claim that that's not what he meant when he said "fight"-- because when they started literally fighting, Trump was informed, and stood by.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
More likely what's actually going on is that you like to pretend that you know what other people think as a form of psychological defence to discount or minimise what they say and make you feel safer in your own beliefs.
When I identify someone else's opinions, they tend to do exactly what you did right here: say that I'm wrong, and then offer no reason for why. If I was actually wrong about what you think, you'd tell me why I'm wrong.
This is what "Trump derangement syndrome" was coined for. An attempt to normalise Trump's lies, abuse, chaos, nepotism, incompetence and venality by framing complaints against him as irrationality. It was really about facilitating people like you compromising the standards you expected from those in high office in order to protect him.
No, it's not, it's really about you. I can see Trump's failings just fine while also denying the untrue ones.

Let me put it this way: some amount of the things Trump is accused of are true. I acknowledge that. He definitely put family and close allies in undeserved positions of power and let them loose on the world. He has treated many, many people poorly, often undeservedly. I can see that. But also, some amount of the things Trump is accused of are false. You need to admit that. You can't just shamelessly push every accusation and conspiracy theory about the man like you do. It makes you look really stupid. I know you don't actually believe all of it, I know you're arguing what you want to be true rather than what is, but on the one topic of Donald Trump you look really dumb, because you've given up even the facade of rationality.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
When I identify someone else's opinions, they tend to do exactly what you did right here: say that I'm wrong, and then offer no reason for why. If I was actually wrong about what you think, you'd tell me why I'm wrong.
It's funny how you complain about LBJ when you share his tactic of throwing out shit just to try and make someone deny it. You might learn that the response is frequently that people just ignore it.

No, it's not, it's really about you. I can see Trump's failings just fine while also denying the untrue ones.
What you mean by this is you accept all the small stuff, but suddenly turn into his staunchest defender on the big stuff, which is to say the "this guy should not be president" issues. It seems to me to be the common con-job of feigning reasonableness and neutrality to pretend one is not absolutely partisan. You say you see his failings just fine, and yet when it comes to the big stuff, you actually stop seeing those flaws because you hand him a load of favourable interpretations inconsistent with his decades-long patterns of behaviour. That is a form of irrationality.

You probably have not noticed you impugning literally everyone who goes against or rules against Trump. There is a small mountain of people you've casually dismissed as crooked, biased etc., meanwhile the guy with an extraordinarily well-documented history of dishonesty, fraud, misconduct and so on whose failings you claim to see... yeah, funny but there's never anything there, it's literally everyone else.

So, I don't claim to be perfectly rational, but I can see you definitely aren't.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
You probably have not noticed you impugning literally everyone who goes against or rules against Trump.
How many cases are there against Trump? How many charges? And I've said like 3 are bullcrap, maybe?

There are double digit number of women who have accused Trump of inappropriate behavior or worse, and only two I actively doubt: the girl with no name who has corresponded only through a 3rd party and might not actually exist (not just the accusation is false, the accuser is fictional), and the advice columnist who liked the Apprentice and said on tv that rape is sexy. You want me to agree with you? Pick one the many that aren't obvious bullcrap. I'm not gonna say Trump didn't pay off Stormy Daniels, there you go.

If there is so much terrible that's so obviously true, why must you constantly double down on the implausible or sometimes outright disproven claims? Why must we award gratuitous sums of money to an already rich woman making the least plausible accusation out of all of them? Why do you look at the private texts of Trump's people, see them saying "wait, is that what we're doing, we're blackmailing Ukraine? If that's what we're doing, I'm out.", and still maintain that Trump was blackmailing Ukraine through those men? If push came to shove, I bet you'd claim the piss tape is real.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
You've been loudly insisting that it's based on sex for absolutely ages now.

Uh-huh, and then you said they can't "rule on" federal law. And your original argument that started this tangent was based on the notion that states can't interpret or prosecute federal law.
Based on physical characteristics that are literally tied to sex...

Can't rule on the whether Trump would fall under being an insurrectionist per the constitution, which they can't.

Are you forgetting the "fight like hell"? Fighting to overturn an election loss is indeed insurrection.

And you can hardly claim that that's not what he meant when he said "fight"-- because when they started literally fighting, Trump was informed, and stood by.
Are you forgetting?
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

You can say things like "fight like hell" and not mean actually fight right? Or else like every sports game would end up with fights going on if the players took the coach's speech literally.

They didn't just march. We wouldn't be having this discussion if that's all they'd done.

When you start a paragraph with something so plainly untrue, it's hard to bother with the rest.
It's not about what they did, it's about what Trump did or didn't do.

Thousands of people didn't assault the Capitol, that is an objective fact.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
There are double digit number of women who have accused Trump of inappropriate behavior or worse, and only two I actively doubt... and the advice columnist who liked the Apprentice and said on tv that rape is sexy.
And that's exactly what I mean. Firstly to claim to recognise a pattern of behaviour, but then oh so conveniently put in the strong doubt column the one that actually got to court. Because it would be awful to have a Republican president who'd been found responsible of sexual assault, wouldn't it? As long as he's merely accused, that awkwardness can be put aside.

If there is so much terrible that's so obviously true, why must you constantly double down on the implausible or sometimes outright disproven claims?
Because most of these cases are credible. Some, e.g. Ukraine, are strong. (Whilst we're on irrationality, your bizarre little narrative on the Ukraine controversy is ridiculous. Both its manufacture and the strength with which you cling to it is what I mean by how hard it can be to see one's own irrationality.) Throughout that, you devoted huge amounts of time to attacking Adam Schiff. You've complained about Adam Schiff on this forum more than you have ever discussed Trump's failings, despite his almost total comparative triviality. Why is that? And I think we all know it's an attempt to distract from and explain away charges against Trump. You do this every time: you employ selective cynicism and throw everyone under the bus to protect Trump when it matters.

Thus if one of these more credible accusations of Trump comitting sexual assault got to court, I think you'd be throwing the same shit, and if he were found responsible, you'd be making the same snide comments about the jury, judge, Democrats, blah blah blah. Because it's what you do every single time, without fail.
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
And that's exactly what I mean. Firstly to claim to recognise a pattern of behaviour, but then oh so conveniently put in the strong doubt column the one that actually got to court.
It didn't actually get to court though. A defamation case got to court, and they awarded her a pile of money. If this were an assault case, and they found him guilty to a much, much higher standard, I'd likely have a different opinion.
Throughout that, you devoted huge amounts of time to attacking Adam Schiff. You've complained about Adam Schiff on this forum more than you have ever discussed Trump's failings, despite his almost total comparative triviality.
It's not my fault you defend Adam Schiff. That argument happened because you can't admit a single Democrat lied about Trump. When the evidence all came out, there was no smoking gun of Trump with Russia, no smoking gun of Trump blackmailing Ukraine, private correspondence actively suggesting Trump didn't blackmail Ukraine, Zelensky's public statement that Trump never threatened to withhold the aid from them, and you're still buying that Schiff has "beyond circumstantial evidence" that he just never shared? You ask me if Trump likely committed sexual and financial crimes in his life, I'd say absolutely. I ask you if a single Democratic politician told a lie about their political opposition, and you refuse to give an inch.

Think about this: Trump is out of office, Zelensky is now President of a Ukraine that is under siege from Russia, and the Democratic Party of the US has become one of their biggest benefactors. Maintaining their favor is among the best things he can do for their war finances. Ukrainian officials since Biden's inauguration have been much more open about their dealings with Giuliani, throwing him under the bus. Zelensky has been publicly critical of Trump, when Trump said he could "end the war" immediately, Zelensky went off on him. And yet, and yet, to my knowledge, he's never gone back and said "yes, he was threatening to withhold aid". Zelensky has not contradicted his statements that he was not blackmailed and did not feel pressured by Trump at that time. Your argument then was that Zelensky had to say nice things about Trump publicly, he was being diplomatic... well what's your argument now? Why now do you still think Zelensky was lying? Why do you think he's the liar and Schiff is honest?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Based on physical characteristics that are literally tied to sex...
Which are changeable, and are not inherent or definitive of sex. They just correlate.

Can't rule on the whether Trump would fall under being an insurrectionist per the constitution, which they can't.
They literally can. That's what they did. So, you still apparently believe states can't uphold the constitution.

Are you forgetting?
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

You can say things like "fight like hell" and not mean actually fight right? Or else like every sports game would end up with fights going on if the players took the coach's speech literally.
You can. He didn't, which is why when violence unfolded and he was informed it was happening in his name, he didn't object-- he stood by.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
It's not my fault you defend Adam Schiff.
I couldn't give a shit about Adam Schiff: he's your weird obsession, and your distraction from all the other witnesses, evidence and testimony that actually matter. It's one of the ironies of you making out I have a Trump problem when you made up a pantomime villain to suit you. You blab and blab on about lying Democrats because then you don't have to engage with evidence. And still there you are, even when it's pointed out to you, Democrats this and Democrats that like a stuck record.

... understands statecraft and diplomacy. You obviously do not.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
I couldn't give a shit about Adam Schiff: he's your weird obsession, and your distraction from all the other witnesses, evidence and testimony that actually matter. It's one of the ironies of you making out I have a Trump problem when you made up a pantomime villain to suit you. You blab and blab on about lying Democrats because then you don't have to engage with evidence. And still there you are, even when it's pointed out to you, Democrats this and Democrats that like a stuck record.

... understands statecraft and diplomacy. You obviously do not.
You brought up Adam Schiff. You are deflecting from the evidence. You are wrong, and you are deluding yourself.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
You brought up Adam Schiff. You are deflecting from the evidence. You are wrong, and you are deluding yourself.
That is remarkable hypocrisy from a man who weighed in on a discussion about what an insurrection might be without offering any useful comment on what it might be, and here we are umpteen comments later with still precisely nothing.

Literally the only substantial argument you have pursued in the last ~8 posts is that you think everyone who disagrees with you is a liar or an idiot. If you've got nothing useful to say - and on current evidence you do not - let that be your epitaph on the topic.