If DeSantis wins


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
No, nitrites are what are necessary but nitrates break down into nitrites over time. You really only use nitrates for dry cures these days, especially ones that require a long hang such as salami and the like.
I'm pretty sure Parma ham is the most famous ham produced without nitrites, although Parma ham is also jolly expensive. There are others, though.

But bacon, mm. I think I read somewhere some Spanish guy had been experimenting with making bacon other ways. IIRC he said pineapple juice worked, except of course for giving the bacon a rather fruity tang, and I don't know whether, again, it was still just nitrites from a different source.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
I'm pretty sure Parma ham is the most famous ham produced without nitrites, although Parma ham is also jolly expensive. There are others, though.
Errr... did you quote the wrong bit?

I wasn't meaning you can't cure meat without nitrites at all, just that you get a lot of people claiming to have 'nitrite free' ham when all they've done is replace modern curing salt with something that naturally contains a fuckton of nitrites.

Also, yes, pineapples are high in nitrites so it's just using a different source of nitrites... or is it nitrates? Whichever. It all ends up as nitrites in the end when it comes to curing.

As for Prosciutto di Parma (and other protected region prosciutto)... Yep, that's 100% salted and air dried over a period of something like 2 years and you need everything to go right or risk kill a few people with botulism. Fun. Very expensive for what, at the end of the day, I like to think of as 'really old pork biltong'... because I'm a prick like that.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
It was never just about the kids, not that being about the kids wasn't awful already



Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
It's not, though, is it? It's not all you've said to do.
[breakfast is] the worst meal you can have (and not because of what foods are part of breakfast but because the time you eat it).
He has since gone on to explicitly argue the opposite, that the problem with breakfast is what people usually eat and not about when they eat. He is completely incapable of keeping his own arguments straight because he's either trolling or so determined to never admit he is wrong he will immediately argue the opposite point and pretend it was his position all along. He's a child. At this point he's only worth making fun of because either he sincerely believes this or he spends his time writing long posts replying to several people and convincing himself he's "owning" them like a weirdo.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
You're a child. Ketosis isn't defined wrong on the internet you just don't understand energy balance and misunderstood Ketosis as it is defined on the Internet. So now rather than just admit you don't know what you're talking about the entire Internet has to have gotten it wrong because there is no possible way that you just don't understand something. You're a fuckin weirdo mate.
Is this right or wrong? All I said was that you need to burn fat to lose fat and if ketosis is what that's basically called then you need ketosis... I never claimed I'm some expert or care about what some detailed processes in the body are called. But I know well enough to understand that you just have to eat real foods and you'll be more than fine.


It's not, though, is it? It's not all you've said to do.
That's like 90% of what I said to do...

He has since gone on to explicitly argue the opposite, that the problem with breakfast is what people usually eat and not about when they eat. He is completely incapable of keeping his own arguments straight because he's either trolling or so determined to never admit he is wrong he will immediately argue the opposite point and pretend it was his position all along. He's a child. At this point he's only worth making fun of because either he sincerely believes this or he spends his time writing long posts replying to several people and convincing himself he's "owning" them like a weirdo.
For those overweight and eating unhealthy, there's no reason to break your fast until you're actually hungry and need to. Breakfast is the easiest meal to get rid of for most people. I said breakfast can work, it just generally doesn't for the average person. And, it's also most people's worst meal of the day as well because most people aren't eating something amazing like eggs for breakfast, it's like cereal or dessert in a cup from Starbucks.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Is this right or wrong? All I said was that you need to burn fat to lose fat and if ketosis is what that's basically called then you need ketosis... I never claimed I'm some expert or care about what some detailed processes in the body are called.
You advocated for a low carb diet. You specifically said carbs in general should be avoided.

Carbs aren't really good for you because they cause big spikes in glucose and insulin
Carbs in general are supposed to be eaten in low quantities
Just to make you aware. Lipolysis is the process through which your body breaks down stored fat for energy. It will happen regardless of what you eat as long as you eat in a calorie deficit. Ketosis is when you starve your body of carbs and your liver produces ketones which allows your body to process dietary fat as it's primary fuel source. And don't pull that shit now. You came in here swinging dick about how much you know about nutrition uou just keep showing your ass and having to walk back absolute statements or just straight up lie about what you've said.

But I know well enough to understand that you just have to eat real foods and you'll be more than fine.
Firstly it's meaningless advice. All food is real food. How nutritional it is can vary but something being "unnatural" is not necessarily an indicator of how nutritionally rich it is. Secondly no. Even if I was to meet you on your level you can still eat in a calorie surplus eating "real food". You can do it very easily prioritising fat because, and you would know this if you knew anything, fat has more than double the calories per gram than carbs or protein and is consistently shown to be less satiating meaning it is very easy to over eat on a high fat diet. On top of that it is very easy to develop nutrient deficiencies eating "real food" regardless of your chosen diet.

If you wanted my absolute bog standard, cookie cutter advice? Eat a diet high in veggies, build your meals around a protein source and don't worry about going for the leanest cuts of meat just avoid the fattiest. If most of your meals look like that you're on the right track and having sweets the odd time is not a problem.

For those overweight and eating unhealthy, there's no reason to break your fast until you're actually hungry and need to. Breakfast is the easiest meal to get rid of for most people. I said breakfast can work, it just generally doesn't for the average person. And, it's also most people's worst meal of the day as well because most people aren't eating something amazing like eggs for breakfast, it's like cereal or dessert in a cup from Starbucks.
Dude you're literally just fucking lying now:

Ideally, you only want to eat food during like a 4 hour or so window
The saying that breakfast is the most important meal is complete fucking bullshit and it's the worst meal you can have (and not because of what foods are part of breakfast but because the time you eat it).
You specifically advocated for time restricted feeding/Intermittent fasting. Like word for word. You said this. Just fucking own it and stop being a clown.

Edit: and once again. I know exactly which corners of the internet you came to these views from. You heard right wing commentators discussing keto and IF (because they're obsessed with it) you did not understand but you took it for granted because your Internet youtube daddies told you it was true and your entire worldview has been crafted by your YouTube algorithm no matter how much of a free thinker you consider yourself. The fact that even before this thread ever happened I could have predicted your views on diet is really fucking telling my dude.
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Ketosis is when you starve your body of carbs and your liver produces ketones which allows your body to process dietary fat as it's primary fuel source.
At a simpler level, ketosis is simply elevated levels of ketones in the blood, as distinct from ketoacidosis, which is a metabolic problem caused by lots too much ketones (usually associated with diabetes, alcoholism, and occasionally starvation).

Exercise is likely to increase ketones, but by my understanding, most normal exercise routines with normal diets should be able to burn fats without much alteration in ketone levels. Ketones are effectively just telling you whether your body can produce enough glucose to meet its energy requirements. But... glucose can be made from fats and is so during exercise, in which case it's burning your fats anyway.

So what's the advantage of "keto" supposed to be? If someone needs 2500 calories a day and uses a very low carb diet, they might burn more fat due to glucose restriction, but they are almost certainly consuming more fat to get the calories in the first place. So what advantage is being gained here? I just don't know. Plus, high fat consumption has its own health implications, it's potentially putting metabolic strain on the liver, and you're likely to feel like shit occasionally because of the effects of low glucose on brain function. So, I think I'll pass.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
It's not, though, is it?
Yes, it literally is...

You advocated for a low carb diet. You specifically said carbs in general should be avoided.

Just to make you aware. Lipolysis is the process through which your body breaks down stored fat for energy. It will happen regardless of what you eat as long as you eat in a calorie deficit. Ketosis is when you starve your body of carbs and your liver produces ketones which allows your body to process dietary fat as it's primary fuel source. And don't pull that shit now. You came in here swinging dick about how much you know about nutrition uou just keep showing your ass and having to walk back absolute statements or just straight up lie about what you've said.

Firstly it's meaningless advice. All food is real food. How nutritional it is can vary but something being "unnatural" is not necessarily an indicator of how nutritionally rich it is. Secondly no. Even if I was to meet you on your level you can still eat in a calorie surplus eating "real food". You can do it very easily prioritising fat because, and you would know this if you knew anything, fat has more than double the calories per gram than carbs or protein and is consistently shown to be less satiating meaning it is very easy to over eat on a high fat diet. On top of that it is very easy to develop nutrient deficiencies eating "real food" regardless of your chosen diet.

If you wanted my absolute bog standard, cookie cutter advice? Eat a diet high in veggies, build your meals around a protein source and don't worry about going for the leanest cuts of meat just avoid the fattiest. If most of your meals look like that you're on the right track and having sweets the odd time is not a problem.

Dude you're literally just fucking lying now:

You specifically advocated for time restricted feeding/Intermittent fasting. Like word for word. You said this. Just fucking own it and stop being a clown.

Edit: and once again. I know exactly which corners of the internet you came to these views from. You heard right wing commentators discussing keto and IF (because they're obsessed with it) you did not understand but you took it for granted because your Internet youtube daddies told you it was true and your entire worldview has been crafted by your YouTube algorithm no matter how much of a free thinker you consider yourself. The fact that even before this thread ever happened I could have predicted your views on diet is really fucking telling my dude.
People's diets will be essentially low-carb in comparison to their current diets. I literally said eating a potato is fine.

As you can see from my post and the pic of the google result that said ketosis is your body burning fat for energy, that's why I said you'd need ketosis because I was going off that definition. It doesn't actually matter to me what the actual process is called, you need to have your body burn fat for energy to lose fat, simple as that. Hence, you're mad that an internet definition is wrong vs what I'm, in essence, advocating for, you just don't like I used the wrong term.

It's not fucking meaningless advice and all food isn't "real" food. Most of the SAD isn't real food (and your body can't actually process that "food" in a healthy manner), that's why so many people are overweight and have tons of health problems because they aren't eating real food. Most people don't even know the difference between real food and just food. Here is a nice example of real food vs "fake" food, basically anything grain-based in America should be assumed not being real food because chances are very low that it is and people don't know that.

I know you can eat more calories that you burn eating real food but you'd at least be far healthier like sumo wrestlers. Being overweight inherently isn't unhealthy, the way most people become overweight though is very unhealthy via insulin resistance, tons of inflammation, etc. Advocating for eating real food to lose weight isn't because it makes it impossible to overeat but fixes most of the reason why people do overeat. And if you do overeat real food, you at least won't be extremely unhealthy with diabetes or heart disease or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

I hate veggies so my diet consists of like no veggies (besides whatever I get from soups honestly). That's why I say eat real foods that you like vs trying to force people to eat stuff they don't like because that doesn't work.

I also said at one point doing breakfast is fine IF you eat then during breakfast and lunch times mainly, which most people can't really do because of basic socializing isn't going to allow that. And you provided no reason people need to eat some standard 3 times a day either, which really wasn't the standard until very recently in our history. Eat when you are actually hungry.

What the fuck is up with you and thinking Keto and IF is some right-wing thing? That makes no sense. I guess IF is super conservative because it's literally just eating like we have as a species for hundreds of thousands of years (for homo sapien) or millions of years if just going by humans in general. I stopped eating breakfast not because I'm following some IF talking head (that's apparently right wing too), but because I'm never fucking hungry in the morning. In fact, when I don't have work with a standard noon lunch and I'm chilling at home, I don't start getting hungry until around 2pm actually and so I eat then. Sometimes I just skip that because I'm like I can just do dinner at 5 at this point. There's no basis for following some 3 meal structure, and I only used to eat a small breakfast in the morning because of that dumb myth about breakfast speeding up your metabolism or breakfast is the most important meal of the day bullshit. All I did was start eating real foods I like and eating when I was actually hungry. I couldn't care less about following some Keto diet or Atkins diet or whatever diet because I knew none of those were some long-term solution. That is somehow right-wing? I didn't realize people like Sarah Hallberg and Peter Attia are some right wingers...

God, it must be nice for Florida to not have any *actual* problems that need solving
The bill literally says nothing about what kids can and cannot say...


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
The bill literally says nothing about what kids can and cannot say...
During a subcommittee hearing in the Florida House on Wednesday, Republican state Rep. Stan McClain said his bill would include restrictions on girls talking about their menstrual cycles. The legislation doesn't specifically mention periods or menstruation but McClain told a subcommittee hearing that it would include restrictions on conversations about girls' menstrual cycles.
You are, as always, a terrible reader.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Yes, it literally is...

People's diets will be essentially low-carb in comparison to their current diets. I literally said eating a potato is fine.

As you can see from my post and the pic of the google result that said ketosis is your body burning fat for energy, that's why I said you'd need ketosis because I was going off that definition. It doesn't actually matter to me what the actual process is called, you need to have your body burn fat for energy to lose fat, simple as that. Hence, you're mad that an internet definition is wrong vs what I'm, in essence, advocating for, you just don't like I used the wrong term.

It's not fucking meaningless advice and all food isn't "real" food. Most of the SAD isn't real food (and your body can't actually process that "food" in a healthy manner), that's why so many people are overweight and have tons of health problems because they aren't eating real food. Most people don't even know the difference between real food and just food. Here is a nice example of real food vs "fake" food, basically anything grain-based in America should be assumed not being real food because chances are very low that it is and people don't know that.

I know you can eat more calories that you burn eating real food but you'd at least be far healthier like sumo wrestlers. Being overweight inherently isn't unhealthy, the way most people become overweight though is very unhealthy via insulin resistance, tons of inflammation, etc. Advocating for eating real food to lose weight isn't because it makes it impossible to overeat but fixes most of the reason why people do overeat. And if you do overeat real food, you at least won't be extremely unhealthy with diabetes or heart disease or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

I hate veggies so my diet consists of like no veggies (besides whatever I get from soups honestly). That's why I say eat real foods that you like vs trying to force people to eat stuff they don't like because that doesn't work.

I also said at one point doing breakfast is fine IF you eat then during breakfast and lunch times mainly, which most people can't really do because of basic socializing isn't going to allow that. And you provided no reason people need to eat some standard 3 times a day either, which really wasn't the standard until very recently in our history. Eat when you are actually hungry.

What the fuck is up with you and thinking Keto and IF is some right-wing thing? That makes no sense. I guess IF is super conservative because it's literally just eating like we have as a species for hundreds of thousands of years (for homo sapien) or millions of years if just going by humans in general. I stopped eating breakfast not because I'm following some IF talking head (that's apparently right wing too), but because I'm never fucking hungry in the morning. In fact, when I don't have work with a standard noon lunch and I'm chilling at home, I don't start getting hungry until around 2pm actually and so I eat then. Sometimes I just skip that because I'm like I can just do dinner at 5 at this point. There's no basis for following some 3 meal structure, and I only used to eat a small breakfast in the morning because of that dumb myth about breakfast speeding up your metabolism or breakfast is the most important meal of the day bullshit. All I did was start eating real foods I like and eating when I was actually hungry. I couldn't care less about following some Keto diet or Atkins diet or whatever diet because I knew none of those were some long-term solution. That is somehow right-wing? I didn't realize people like Sarah Hallberg and Peter Attia are some right wingers...

The bill literally says nothing about what kids can and cannot say...
Not having this circular conversation again. Have a nice life. You're wrong about almost everything you say on every topic amd you're not a smart person.
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
So what's the advantage of "keto" supposed to be? If someone needs 2500 calories a day and uses a very low carb diet, they might burn more fat due to glucose restriction, but they are almost certainly consuming more fat to get the calories in the first place. So what advantage is being gained here? I just don't know. Plus, high fat consumption has its own health implications, it's potentially putting metabolic strain on the liver, and you're likely to feel like shit occasionally because of the effects of low glucose on brain function. So, I think I'll pass.
All of the advantages of the keto diet are largely anecdotal at best. What's telling is that the most prominent advocates for keto and carnivore are largely the likes of Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson and thosw diets are very often framed in opposition to vegan and plant based diets. Basically some people decided to own the libs so hard by risking scurvy in the 21st century. They're are right wing grifters claiming that plant based diets are a deep state conspiracy to feminise men.