If Nintendo went under tomorrow, who should buy their assets?


New member
Dec 19, 2010
LoL, Enron wasn't what you describe. It was a fake corporation that didn't have anything at all that duped investors into buying it's stock. It's not illegal to be not profitable, after all, Sony would be in trouble. A lot of hate on this thread, but like it or not Nintendo isn't going anywhere.

But, if I had to choose, I would say that it shouldn't go to either of the main companies at this point. I mean, they are busy ruining their own games into the ground. I don't know really... I can say who shouldn't get them: EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Sony, Microsoft... yeah, anyone else is free game really.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
OutrageousEmu said:
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
OutrageousEmu said:
Yes, after you've been betrayed by someone, a miniscule, tokenistic effort of them doing the bare basics of what you need is really all you can ask for. Thats the basis of a healthy relationship. Like when a husband beats their wife - after he brings her some cheap flowers that probably cost him $5, all should be instantly forgiven.
I don't normally double post, but I read this and could not let this point slide:

Are you seriously, honestly trying to compare the buying of a videogame console with a wife in an abusive relationship getting beat by her husband?

Seriously, is that where you're trying to take this? Because if so, I know exactly how to respond: Get. The. Fuck. Out.

I'm not going to lecture you about all the psychology that goes on in abusive relationships, even though it's obvious that you're ignorant enough about them to happily drag them into the most unrelated of topics. Suffice to say that the mental issues at play are usually very dark and very complex.

I'm not going to waste time pointing out the difference between the mindset of being in a horrible life situation such as domestic abuse, and deciding whether or not to buy a videogame console. I would hope that even a cursory glance between the two is enough to highlight the vast gulf that separates them. One is a terrifying situaiton to be caught in, that negatively affects every aspect of the victim's life. The other is simply choosing how best you want to waste your leisure time.

What I am going to comment on is the sheer crassness, the monumental tastelessness you've shown by so glibly trying to draw a comparison between the two. I don't care whether you meant it light heartedly or not, the very fact that you saw fit to compare the two shows either monumental ignorance or sheer callousness on your part. You are not an abused party. Nintendo has not abused you in any way, shape or form of the term. To even try and paint yourself in such terms is an an insult to the millions of men and women who have to put up with domestic abuse on a day to day basis.

You are all that is wrong with gaming today. You are selfish, ignorant, and cannot get over yoru own sense of entitlement. You try and manipulate words in such a way as to appear to be a victim, when in reality you demean yourself and insult others with your words.

And a word to the wise - if you have to include downloadable games and last gen ports, and still have such a low bar that you put in Animal Crossing, The Last Story, Little Kings Story and Harvest Moon, you are just making it worse the more you talk.
Because Sony and Microsoft are completely and unequivocably not releasing any forms of re-releases and ports to try and sell their systems. No sir, they sure aren't releasing God Of War HD, Beyond Good And Evil HD, Ico/SOTC HD, Sly Cooper HD and Halo Anniversary to sell their consoles. It's not like part of their appeal is the online stores where you can buy numerous retro-classics.


And Animal Crossing, Little Kings Story, The Last Story and Harvest Moon are all critically well-recieved games that have gained large fan followings. You may not like them, but then I am of the opinion, given the above, that your judgement isn't all that great anyway.
See, I have actually studied these abusive relationships. Its not a coincidence that the excuses that get dragged up sound the exact same. Removing the physical aspect of said abuse, the cycle of actions and reactions is almost indistinguishable - abuse and neglect gets rationalised as "my fault". Any showing of affection at all is "proof they really are good". Darkest moments are usually met with "how they used to be".

No-one at any point tried to cheapen the harshness of the day to day existence of the sort of person locked into an abusive relationship, I instead merely drew the parralel between the cycles of excuses. Instead, when said cycle was brought up, you immediately got defensive and hostile. Another trait I've noticed, "Our relationship isn't like that".

And while Sony and Microsoft have both got HD rereleases going on, you'll notice three things - one, no fan is going around putting those games on "Lists of Why the 360 is totally great", two, those games come bundled at a budget price, and 3, those games are given HD upscales.
I was going to snip all of this, but it's not worth headache. Have you ever thought that maybe there are plenty of people out there who don't feel abused by Nintendo. That perhaps there are many people who didn't have a huge problem with the Wii, and in fact may be looking forward to what is produced on the Wii U? You say you draw parallels, but it's only because you feel abused. Nintendo hasn't appealed to the "hardcore" game in quite a while, to be honest with you. But I don't summarily accuse everything made for a Nintendo system to be shit. There were plenty of good games for the Wii. Why are people so angry that Nintendo is now being competitive in the more hardcore market.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Baresark said:
I was going to snip all of this, but it's not worth headache. Have you ever thought that maybe there are plenty of people out there who don't feel abused by Nintendo. That perhaps there are many people who didn't have a huge problem with the Wii, and in fact may be looking forward to what is produced on the Wii U? You say you draw parallels, but it's only because you feel abused. Nintendo hasn't appealed to the "hardcore" game in quite a while, to be honest with you. But I don't summarily accuse everything made for a Nintendo system to be shit. There were plenty of good games for the Wii. Why are people so angry that Nintendo is now being competitive in the more hardcore market.
This. All of this right here! This is what I'm trying to say. Nintendo haters moan about how Nintendo doesn't do anything hardcore anymore, ignoring the fact that Nintendo's previous hardcore efforts got them a secure last place. Then, all of a sudden, they decide they're going to try the hardcore approach again, and people are angry?

I wish I could understand it, I really do...
Oh, they're not angry that Nintendo is going back to hardcore.

They're angry that Nintendo is still in business and hasn't bowed down to Sony or Microsoft. I guess they feel threatened by the lack of gritty, dark, steroid abusing Space Marines.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Stall said:
If anything, they will probably get swooped up by EA or Activision or some other big publisher and just milked. It's not like anything would realistically change, although all the Nintendo fanboys would have a hissy fit.

FreakSheet said:
If Nintendo goes under, so does innovation. Gaming will stagnate, and die.

But if they did, Retro seems to be very good in handling a Nintendo property.
Oh god, I can't stop laughing. Dear god... this is hilarious. Nintendo? Innovative? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh god, that's a good one. You should do stand-up.

Oh wait... you're being serious aren't you? You actually think Nintendo is innovative? Wow... the single most infamous game company in terms of milking their franchises, rehashing, and not letting shit die is innovative? I can't think of a single thing they have done recently that has been "innovative". If you think "innovative" means gimmick, then I guess you are right, but last time I checked, innovation was quite different from a gimmick. I guess I need to look up innovative again. I'll be right back...
Sure they milk they're franchises but they do something different most of the time. The first mario Galaxy messed with gravity and blended that with classic 3D mario gameplay, Legend of Zelda is constantly changing up they're art style, Exite Bots added a nice twist to racing by adding minigames inside the core gameplay ,Other m tried to play around with camara perspectives(even though it didn't work that well.) Oh and lets not forget the first console to have motion controls which competitors had to rip off. Nintendo does take risks and sometimes they fail or just end up gimmicky but I honestly don't see any other gaming companies of nintendo's size trying this kind of stuff so nintendo does innovate


New member
Jun 24, 2011
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Oh boy. The Nintendo haters are out in force. Time to address a few points:

Firstly, Nintendo is the only company to have actually made a serious profit on their console. Microsoft and Sony were selling their consoles at a loss for so long that it's only now that they've started to get their money back. Nintendo has been making money off the Wii and the DS since day one. Not only that, but they've sold tens of millions more consoles than their competitors. While the corporations as a whole may have more money, you can bet that the gaming divisions of Sony and Microsoft have made less money than Nintendo. Therefore, the idea of Nintendo going bankrupt and having to sell off their assets in the near future is ludicrous. Nintendo won this generation. They stepped outside the box, took a different path, and managed enough money to have both Microsoft and Sony eyeing them with jealousy. Nintendo isn't going anywhere in the near future, despite what naysayers might say.

Secondly, and this is addressed less to the OP, and more to the bleating anti-Nintendo sheep: The Wii is not the barren wasteland you make it out to be. There are good games for the system. Quite a few, in fact. Quite possibly more than the Nintendo 64 ever had, and that's a console none of you can shut up about. I'll give you a quick rundown of some the games that the Wii has to offer:

Animal Crossing
Boom Blox
Call Of Duty
de Blob
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Epic Mickey
Fatal Frame IV
Goleneye (reboot)
Harvest Moon
Kirby's Epic Yarn
The Last Story
Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword
Little King's Story
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Metroid: Other M (slag off the story all you want, the gameplay was tight)
Monster Hunter Tri
Mushroom Men
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
No More Heroes 1&2
Pandora's Tower
Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
Sonic Colours
Spectrobes Origins
Super Mario Galaxy 1&2
Super Paper Mario
New Super Mario Bros
Tales Of Monkey Island
Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
World Of Goo
Zack And Wiki

There are plenty of awesome games to play on the Wii, if you know where to look. Sure, there isn't a huge number of gritty modern shooters or gritty sci-fi shooters, but to be quite honest the other two consoles (plus PC) have given us enough of those to last a lifetime. Sure, there's a lot of shovelware, but the PS2 had an excess of shovelware too, and many consider that the best console of all time. You may not like the Wii, and you may not be enamoured with many of the games, but just because its library isn't tailored to your tastes, that doesn't mean it's a failure. It's outsold every other console bar the PS2, and it's got a damn fine collection of games if you leave your preconceptions at the door.

Finally, for everyone who's still moaning about how Nintendo branched out to the casual gamers: what the hell did you expect. Nintendo spent the previous two generations trying to win over the hardcore crowd, and ended up firmly in last position in the console wars as a reward for their efforts. The Nintendo 64 was as revolutionary a console as the Playstation, and had some of the best games ever made in its library. It was still resoundingly clobbered by the Playsstation. Nintendo persevered with the Gamecube, and did even worse as a result. Where the fuck were you 'hardcore' Nintendo fans when Nintendo was actually trying to make 'hardcore' consoles? Nintendo spent two console generations at the back of the class for trying to appease you fuckers. Is it any wonder that they decided to embrace the casual audience instead? They actually made money from the casual audience, something they hadn't done with you hardcore guys since the days of the fucking SNES.

I find it bizarre that, having found success with the Wii, Nintendo are actually going to try and re-engage with the 'hardcore' gamers with the WiiU. It's everything you bloody well asked for from a Nintendo console: It's significantly more powerful than it's competitors (it can run Unreal Engine 3, Cryengine 3, and Frostbite 2 nay bother), it has a 'proper' controller, and it's got much better third-party support. And you fuckers still moan about how Nintendo has 'let you down' yet again. There is no bloody pleasing you guys!
*Slow clap*

On Topic: I want DK with Rare, Metroid with Retro, Zelda with Capcom, Star Fox with Namco, Fire Emblem with Intelligent Systems, and Mario with...crap...I can't think of anyone else that can make Mario games.