If You Could Be The Best At One Game...


New member
Jul 11, 2008
This one's pretty self explanatory. If you could be the worlds best at any one game, what game would that be? And by best I mean you would be able to, on a good day, have a 50+/0 Kill/Death ratio. Your death or defeat is next to inconceivable. You are equally deadly with any and every weapon in game, you only prefer one weapon over any other because it is more efficient. Your screen name will inspire fear in the hearts of every n00b on the server. Your so good, they are considering a blanket ban on you to keep you from participating in any tournaments with that game.

So, what game is it and why?

Personally, I'd go with Left 4 Dead. Its kinda a weird choice if its just me who is the best and its a team game, but I would also be theoretically good enough that I really didn't even need a team. Also it's probably one of the hardest games to be the best at what with the A.I. director and all. Also the idea of being able to solo that on expert without even the computers for company is just really impressive to me.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Starcraft. Then I'd go to Korea and be a pro, and actually earn some money with my skills. Hellz yeah.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Hello Kitty online. That way all the asian girls of the world would fear my name! Either that or COD so I could get some sort of sponsorship deal and make some money for doing nothing.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Your description of being the best at one game reminds me of when everyone in my year downloaded Unreal GOTY edition onto the school computers. Not a second went by without someone in the classroom shouting "Who's Davey Woo?" "Grrr he just killed me again!"

The people in my year were pretty shit at Unreal...
I don't know to be honest, I think being the best at something would get boring after a while. Except for maybe Rock Band I suppose.
I'd love to be able to 100% on hard, let alone Expert.
Jun 6, 2009
Fat_Hippo said:
Starcraft. Then I'd go to Korea and be a pro, and actually earn some money with my skills. Hellz yeah.
Dammit! You stole my idea! You would make 600 Grand a year, plus since you're not a citizen, you don't have to take the 2 manditory years of military service!

El Poncho

Techno Hippy will eat your soul!
May 21, 2009
Pokemon? Then I can win prize money and all that jazz, and each game is the same so I will be the best at every single pokemon game until they change the formula.

Textbook Bobcat

New member
Sep 9, 2009
The upcoming DJ Hero.

My skills would extend into the real world, where I could "air scratch" to conquer foes, and of course rewind time.

And thus: A relatively original gaming concept is born.


New member
Dec 23, 2008

I've been beaten to it here, but dammit it's awesome. I'd love to be an actual grandmaster...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Davey Woo said:
Your description of being the best at one game reminds me of when everyone in my year downloaded Unreal GOTY edition onto the school computers. Not a second went by without someone in the classroom shouting "Who's Davey Woo?" "Grrr he just killed me again!"

The people in my year were pretty shit at Unreal...
I don't know to be honest, I think being the best at something would get boring after a while. Except for maybe Rock Band I suppose.
I'd love to be able to 100% on hard, let alone Expert.
Did you bring the CD to school and install it? Because I'd love to do something like that. Any suggestions for a game?

OT: I'm going to go the mindfreak route, and say... LIFE!

But honestly, Magic the Gathering. I'd own everybody at the local tournaments, and win cash.


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
Definitely Halo. The entire Halo series, including Halo Wars.

I'd mostly play Halo 3, and watch as people accuse me of 'hax' and cheating and the like. But I would just sit silently and play, maybe make the occasional non-sequitur, or witty sarcastic comment.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
IxionIndustries said:
Davey Woo said:
Your description of being the best at one game reminds me of when everyone in my year downloaded Unreal GOTY edition onto the school computers. Not a second went by without someone in the classroom shouting "Who's Davey Woo?" "Grrr he just killed me again!"

The people in my year were pretty shit at Unreal...
I don't know to be honest, I think being the best at something would get boring after a while. Except for maybe Rock Band I suppose.
I'd love to be able to 100% on hard, let alone Expert.
Did you bring the CD to school and install it? Because I'd love to do something like that. Any suggestions for a game?

OT: I'm going to go the mindfreak route, and say... LIFE!

But honestly, Magic the Gathering. I'd own everybody at the local tournaments, and win cash.
Someone had the demo on a USB stick, and they saved it as "important work" in the student user area, so everyone could access it.

I will warn you though, if a class of you is playing it will be obvious because on school computers it takes up a shed-load of the LAN. So prepare to be caught and possibly punished (I don't know your schools rules so I'm just warning)