If you find anime girls attractive does that make you a pedophile?


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Okay obviously this topic is much deeper than the title suggests and I've actually had this thought floating around my head for a while but The Jimquisition's recent episode made me decide to start this thread.

So this is just me, but I find anime girls (and most animated girls in general) very attractive. I'm not attracted to them to the level where it becomes too weird - at least I don't think I am but you can be the judge of that I guess - but if I were to decide to fantasize about a female fictional character I would definitely choose an animated one over one portrayed by an actress or whatever.

Anyway, there seems to be a lot of people who look at at such girls and find them very unsettling because to them they look like children with disproportionate breasts that shouldn't be on there. Which as a fan of anime I can say that's totally reasonable.

Now I realize that there is a lot of weird stuff in anime, and I'm not a fan of it all (personally can't stand big breasts I think they ruin the prettiness of the character.) And there's a lot of variables so such a topic can't really be generalized. But I'm just wondering, if I were to say that I were attracted to a girl character in an anime, and that character happened to be around an average teen age of 14-17 or whatever, which does happen, would that make me a pedophile or would you see me as a pedophile?

I'm 19 if anyone needs that context. And I'm still very much attracted to IRL girls if you need to know that too. And don't worry I'm not attracted to IRL children/young teens. (Please believe me, I'm not, I find that so gross.)

EDIT: Mother of crap, this is why you don't start a thread and then go to bed all night and then work all day. But if people need more clarification, like I said above, I AM STILL VERY MUCH ATTRACTED TO IRL WOMEN AND HAVE EVEN BEEN KNOWN TO DATE THEM OCCASIONALLY. So no, thinking anime chicks are better than them is not a problem.

EDIT 2: Oh and I forgot to say that along with anime girls this also includes western cartoons, American comics, etc. So yeah...make what you will of that.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Anime characters don't really look human, so no, I don't consider finding anime girls attractive equivalent to finding young real-life girls attractive. No more than being attracted to drawings with absurdly disproportionate eyes means you like humans whose eyes take up half their skull. It's just an art style.

sextus the crazy

New member
Oct 15, 2011
Not really. First of all, you're only 19. That's still with in the period in which you're becoming an adult and therefore moving on from teenager being age appropriate to adults. Secondly, Anime characters don't especially reflect real life that well. They're generally pretty fantastical in their designs. I wouldn't worry unless you're actively shunning real women for virtual women.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
No. There's no harm in finding a fictional, or in this case a cartoon, attractive. It's normal. I'm your age, and I find many Anime girls attractive, ever since I was young. It's one of the reasons why I watch anime, to be honest, but I still like real women. As for anime characters who resemble children. They're not real, so there's no harm done. As long as you don't actually go after real live children, it should be fine.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
O_O That is quite a jump you made there.

Well first, I dont really see this as looking like a teenage girl.

Although I guess it's in the way the character is drawn.

And if the character you're attracted to does happen to be underage, well it's a fiction character. Buy no bounds of the imagination can you call that being a pedo.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
LobsterFeng said:
Now I realize that there is a lot of weird stuff in anime, and I'm not a fan of it all (personally can't stand big breasts I think they ruin the prettiness of the character.) And there's a lot of variables so such a topic can't really be generalized. But I'm just wondering, if I were to say that I were attracted to a girl character in an anime, and that character happened to be around an average teen age of 14-17 or whatever, which does happen, would that make me a pedophile or would you see me as a pedophile?
Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to a prepubescent child, the fact that most of the characters have a stated age of fourteen or up and have gone through, or at least started, puberty rules out pedophilia. And most of the anime girls tend to have the same physical attributes as older teens or young adults so I wouldn't worry about it.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
Shadowstar38 said:
O_O That is quite a jump you made there.

Well first, I dont really see this as looking like a teenage girl.

Although I guess it's in the way the character is drawn.

And if the character you're attracted to does happen to be underage, well it's a fiction character. Buy no bounds of the imagination can you call that being a pedo.
Revy is most definitely an adult, in universe and by design.

And Marlene (from Blue Gender) is another adult character who looks adult.

Asuka (from Evangelion), on the other hand, is stated as being a teenager and looks less 'adult' than the other two.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Depends on the age of the character. If she's under fourteen, yeah, you might be a bit pedo. But if she's an adult, then no.

Tazzy da Devil

New member
Sep 9, 2011
No, it doesn't. It's a drawing. Liking underage anime characters is fine because there is literally nothing harmful you can do to them.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
I wouldn't be too worried about it my friend, I once read an article (which I couldn't find for the life of me) and it suggested that drawings of females or female (or males/male) related shapes trick your brain and can trigger the same kind of arousal as actual women (men) and like sextus said you're still a teenager and

sextus the crazy said:
I wouldn't worry unless you're actively shunning real women for virtual women.

LobsterFeng said:
Shadowstar38 said:
O_O That is quite a jump you made there.
Well a wise man once said: "Blame it on my ADD, baby."
Killer song by the way. One of my favourite.

Edit: Would and wouldn't make or break this reply :p


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
No, it doesn't and why the hell are we listening to Jim about these things?
Aug 31, 2012
Wolf-AUS said:
I wouldn't be too worried about it my friend, I once read an article (which I couldn't find for the life of me) and it suggested that drawings of females or female (or males/male) related shapes trick your brain and can trigger the same kind of arousal as actual women (men) and like sextus said you're still a teenager and

sextus the crazy said:
I wouldn't worry unless you're actively shunning real women for virtual women.
That's pretty much it, your brain is pretty strongly wired to find certain things attractive. I think there is an article on Cracked that has info on it. Started out talking about male turkeys trying to mate with a puppet that looked vaguely like a female turkey then said that humans are subject to similar triggers in their brain, if it looks like something you find attractive it will set off the right parts of your brain even if the rest of your brain knows it isn't really a woman (or whatever you find attractive).

As an addendum to Sextus' comment "or real girls under the AoC (consent, not Conan)".


New member
Mar 18, 2009
An interesting question to ask considering Jim just released his new video. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/6361-Monster-Boobs-And-Plastic-Children]


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Zykon TheLich said:
As an addendum to Sextus' comment "or real girls under the AoC (consent, not Conan)".
This is definitely a big thing too.

Ah, of course, I'd forgotten that cracked article, I could have sworn there was another too, but that one explains it quite well.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I don't think so, and being attracted to cartoons is pretty low on my give-a-shit list anyway so if you wanna beat one out to some anime, knock yourself out champ.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Well, if you find underage people attractive to the exclusion of others, that would make you a pedophile.

Now, not sure if you have some tendencies towards that sort of thing, but also adults.

In any case, it doesn't really matter. So long as you don't actually do anything about it (or encourage others to do so, I guess, but that's a seperate issue) it doesn't matter, same as how not being attracted to kids isn't a defense for people who've actually attacked them.

Arina Love

Apr 8, 2010
if you find killing human beings satisfying in games does that make you a psychopath murderer?

don't mix reality with fiction.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
manic_depressive13 said:
Anime characters don't really look human, so no, I don't consider finding anime girls attractive equivalent to finding young real-life girls attractive. No more than being attracted to drawings with absurdly disproportionate eyes means you like humans whose eyes take up half their skull. It's just an art style.
I would also like to accentuate this...

I would also like to question whether the OP is attracted to the 'physical' properties of the characters or the charatcerisation of the characters?

Being attracted to the characterisation isn't wrong at all, and it doesn't matter how it's drawn...