If you find anime girls attractive does that make you a pedophile?


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Nouw said:
An interesting question to ask considering Jim just released his new video. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/6361-Monster-Boobs-And-Plastic-Children]
Especially since OP states that said video inspired his question, eh?

I add my voice to the "NO" crowd. It just a taste in aesthetics and as mentioned above, protagonist like Revy (Black Lagoon) and Mayor Motoko Kusanagi (GItS) don't look or act teenage (to me at least).
So no, liking anime girls does not make you pedophile.
Unless it's Rin form Higurashi no Naku Koro ni or girls from Kodomo no Jikan (that show is bad and I feel bad for watching half of it).
However when they say "this girls is ten years old" and has a B-cup, no one can blame you. Blame the unrealistic portrayal.

Also, if you read manga, pick up Franken Furan (or Franken Fran). There is a chapter about a girl that wants to look like anime girls because of a guy she likes and I find that story relevant to this tread.

Off topic:
Captcha is being mean.
"Which one is the most difficult" with options "differential calculus" and "walking". Answer that, Stephen Hawking!


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
twistedmic said:
Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to a prepubescent child, the fact that most of the characters have a stated age of fourteen or up and have gone through, or at least started, puberty rules out pedophilia. And most of the anime girls tend to have the same physical attributes as older teens or young adults so I wouldn't worry about it.
Glad someone brought this up, under 18 =/= pedo and so it appears the OP is fine in that regard. Secondly, while I think if someone was attracted to prepubescent anime characters that would make them a pedophile, that's not necessarily a bad thing if they stay firmly on the side of the law, as the saying goes: sex is like long division, if it's under 16 do it in your head!


NAPs, Spooks and Poz. Oh my!
Aug 4, 2011
No. They don't exist. You're no more a pedophile than someone that rubs one out to centaurs.

Playful Pony

Clop clop!
Sep 11, 2012
I'm not a huge anime fan, I may not be highly qualified for this... I don't think your more likely to have sex with a young girl than I am having sex with an animal. Just because I have a thing for the furry characters doesn't mean I want to 'give it' to a pig or chicken! I mean EWW, wtf is wrong with people that even suggests thats what I want to do!

I DON'T see how people can find those DOA women sexually atractive, but that's OK! I'm sure a lot of people cannot comprehend how I find humans with fur, tails and animalistic faces to my liking. That's also OK. When it comes to reality we know whats right and whats wrong, and if I want to dress up as a pony for sex with my partner then that's my business damnit!

Shadowstar38 said:
Well first, I dont really see this as looking like a teenage girl.

Yaay, pretty much the only anime I like! XD Drawing a female that looks older is easy. For whatever reason the anime crowd has a stereotype they like, and that's fine I guess. Lots of my friends are anime fans, and I can't honestly tell one of their 'heroines' from the others!

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
Carsus Tyrell said:
No. They don't exist. You're no more a pedophile than someone that rubs one out to centaurs.
The law says differently -

In December 2008, a man from Sydney was convicted with possessing child pornography after sexually explicit pictures of children characters from The Simpsons were found on his computer. The NSW Supreme Court upheld[11] a Local Court decision that the animated Simpsons characters "depicted", and thus "could be considered", real people


NAPs, Spooks and Poz. Oh my!
Aug 4, 2011
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Carsus Tyrell said:
No. They don't exist. You're no more a pedophile than someone that rubs one out to centaurs.
The law says differently -

In December 2008, a man from Sydney was convicted with possessing child pornography after sexually explicit pictures of children characters from The Simpsons were found on his computer. The NSW Supreme Court upheld[11] a Local Court decision that the animated Simpsons characters "depicted", and thus "could be considered", real people
Sucks to be them, what can I say? There are good, bad and stupid laws out there.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Carsus Tyrell said:
No. They don't exist. You're no more a pedophile than someone that rubs one out to centaurs.
The law says differently -

In December 2008, a man from Sydney was convicted with possessing child pornography after sexually explicit pictures of children characters from The Simpsons were found on his computer. The NSW Supreme Court upheld[11] a Local Court decision that the animated Simpsons characters "depicted", and thus "could be considered", real people
Who gives a fuck about the law. Between this (could be considered real people... lol) and declaring pizza a vegetable I think they lost their credibility long ago.
I assumed the OP gives a fuck. Though pedophile could be used in a legal and factual sense I guess, but I don't really see the point of asking a bunch of anime watchers if they think watching anime is pedophilic.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Well, because every anime girl looks exactly the same and is drawn exactly the same way and canonically are all the same age all the time, and also the Japanese are all pedophiles so it was probably drawn by someone who was jerking off to it at the time, then yes, it does make you a pedophile. Absolutely.

by the way i'm using sarcasm to point out logical flaws in your question


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Being 24 years old, i can still find 13-16 year olds attractive (my little sister who is almost 17 has been attractive since she was 13).

That doesn't make me a pedophile. "Finding attractive" isn't the same as "being attracted to". I don't look at a 15 year and say to myself "I'd do her." At most I'd say "I'd do her if she was X years older" because i can see she is on the path to becoming an attractive woman.

Anyone who gets off on them though....


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Uhhh... people find women with big eyes attractive...

I'm going to call my post, "The Emma Stone Defense",
seriously she comes close to being a real life example of an anime girl,
and I find her extremely attractive.

Same sort of thing with Mary Winstead and Lyndsy Fonseca, big eyes, alright breasts, attractive, and I'm attracted to that sort of girl in an anime.

Like I still watch stuff like Eureka Seven, but I'm not attracted to any of the women in it because they are all flat chested and really look too young to be sexy. I felt the same when watching Sword Art online, just nothing the female lead cuz she is just... young looking.

Doesn't do anything for me.

The place which gets me into trouble is my friends girlfriends... Always have a crush on women already in relationships, but that's another topic.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Carsus Tyrell said:
No. They don't exist. You're no more a pedophile than someone that rubs one out to centaurs.
The law says differently -

In December 2008, a man from Sydney was convicted with possessing child pornography after sexually explicit pictures of children characters from The Simpsons were found on his computer. The NSW Supreme Court upheld[11] a Local Court decision that the animated Simpsons characters "depicted", and thus "could be considered", real people
That's only the law in Australia, the law on cartoon pornography differs between countries. Besides, it's already been established that under 18 does not automatically equal pedophilia, so imagine the hypothetical case of someone enjoying porn containing 16 and 17 year olds. That would make them liable for prosecution under child porn laws but it wouldn't make them a pedophile. Hence it logically follows that something coming under the definition of child porn doesn't automatically mean the contents is pedophilic, and so the Sydney man wouldn't necessarily be defined as one.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Don't they usually have giant boobs? Perhaps anime takes the youthful expressions of a child, but the body of an adult?

Its been a long time since I've watched anime.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well some backwards countries just might want to stick you in jail for it but no, it doesn't make you a pedo mainly because these are fictional characters.
And the reason anime girls are so damn attractive is because Asia is the master of weird boners, they have this tendency to draw a really youthful/childlike person and then give them physically impossible curves, skimpy clothes, make them strike seductive poses, add some boob/upskirt shots, they talk and squeak like their entire life is one big orgasm, and just to make sure you haven't missed anything they will throw in a guy that gets nosebleeds at any innuendo.

But all they really do with that is use traits of a grownup/sexually mature person to yank your chain.
Also worth mentioning because anime puts no detail into skin or faces characters ages 10 to 50 can't be placed until some text is thrown in there, well sometimes you can judge by boob size.


New member
Dec 26, 2010
I wouldn't say it's weird. I mean I find Serah and Vanille from FF13 attractive, but then again I am 17 so I'm probably not the best judge.