If you find anime girls attractive does that make you a pedophile?


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I, in my own opinion, would say no in the general overview of anime equalling being a pedo, but if looking at something that is obviously trying to be a child(loli) then yes, because the intention of it is to be a child. But it doesn't matter what one really does though as long as it doesn't impact me, so *shrug*.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Colour-Scientist said:
Treblaine said:
It's no worse than how most of the movie-going public does the same with a live action character actors. They are both works of fiction, Tom Cruise is nothing like the roles he plays in films.

Patrick Stewart is no where near the perfect gary-sue he is when he plays Captain Jean Luc Picard.
Yes and it would be extremely unhealthy to hold a real human being up to those standards, which is occasionally the case with people who become a bit too obsessed with certain anime characters.
Is it so unhealthy?

I'd say it's better to have someone trying and falling short of being the paragon of virtue, restraint and dedication to the betterment of all sentient life like Jean Luc Picard... rather that than settling for Jersey Shore douchebaggery.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
I will just drop this here given that this provides all the answers you should need.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
You're not a pedophile unless you gain sexual gratification from real children. So even if you are into 10-year old anime girls, you're not a pedophile.

But if you ARE into really, creepily young anime girls.... well, I'd question your sanity and I'd want at LEAST 10 electric fences between you and any children and I wouldn't go anywhere near you, but you wouldn't be a pedophile.

You'd just be a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very creepy person. Who I wouldn't want to touch with a 50 foot pole.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Saulkar said:
I will just drop this here given that this provides all the answers you should need.
But can you smoke it? No, because it is not a pipe, only a drawing of one. A drawing of a pipe can also not give you lung cancer, etc. I think that is more the point of this discussion.


Dec 24, 2011
Andy of Comix Inc said:
Well, because every anime girl looks exactly the same and is drawn exactly the same way and canonically are all the same age all the time, and also the Japanese are all pedophiles so it was probably drawn by someone who was jerking off to it at the time, then yes, it does make you a pedophile. Absolutely.

by the way i'm using sarcasm to point out logical flaws in your question
Thanks for telling me because I honestly didn't realize you were being sarcastic there.

The thing I think you have to keep in mind is pedophiles are attracted to human beings. Anime characters remind me more of ageless nymphs who defy all traditional laws of human anatomy, so I don't see how any relation can be made to the real world with them

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
OlasDAlmighty said:
Andy of Comix Inc said:
Well, because every anime girl looks exactly the same and is drawn exactly the same way and canonically are all the same age all the time, and also the Japanese are all pedophiles so it was probably drawn by someone who was jerking off to it at the time, then yes, it does make you a pedophile. Absolutely.

by the way i'm using sarcasm to point out logical flaws in your question
Thanks for telling me because I honestly didn't realize you were being sarcastic there.

The thing I think you have to keep in mind is pedophiles are attracted to human beings. Anime characters remind me more of ageless nymphs who defy all traditional laws of human anatomy, so I don't see how any relation can be made to the real world with them
There are pedophiles who are attracted to anime characters... usually obsessively so. It's rather scary, actually.

Plus some anime characters are drawn in such a way that they're a really good representation of age. Other times they staple boobs to 14-year-olds, but small victory is a victory nontheless. I think if an anime is good quality, they pay attention to their characters and their motivations and how to bring that across through visual design... while a bad anime is about spectacle or fights or whatever and while you can certainly enjoy that if you must, the characterization is usually quite poor and it comes across in the visual design, especially of the women characters. It's the difference between a story handled with care and dedication, and just throwing drawings out onto the screen with no correlation to anything with any semblance of meaning.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
When it comes to cartoons, I don't think you've got anything to be worried about. And like you said, it's just cartoons.

If they look tall enough, are portrayed as above 18 then they're young adults, some people say smaller breasts and shorter statues and hey presto, they look like kids, I don't think this is necessarily true, its all about the individual character, so if anyone labelled you like you think they are, they're either joking or they're crazy (not talking about anyone on the forums here, so I'm not slamming anyone before me as crazy if they did, just in general, I think it would be a crazy conclusion to reach).


New member
Aug 16, 2011
It's a pretty simple answer is you ask me: if you're attracted to child characters (i.e the sort of characters in a "lolicon" anime or characters who's of a very young age that's was officially established in the show) then yes, you have pedophile-ish tendencies. If it's characters that are depicted being older, then no. Attraction to anime characters does not equal pedophilia, since characters in anime are of MANY different ages and are drawn as such. Compare Rin from Usagi Drop:

To Hiroko from Hataraki-Man:

Animated or not, one is clearly a child, while the other is an adult.

Now, if you're the former, maybe you won't abuse real children, but the fact remains you're attracted to someone that is portrayed as a child, fictional or not. If it's the latter, then you're a normal dude who is attracted to females with the sort of features that legal women have.


Nov 11, 2011
You are not alone...

but seriouslly, anime characters are drawn to be attractive.
They are supposed to capture everything that is cute and make it larger than life.
So it doesnt make sense to deny them.

Also there is this for the girls too.



New member
Aug 17, 2012
As long as you are not having sex with people under 16 you are fine in my eyes. I personally dont care what people jerk off to.


New member
Nov 17, 2011
I dont think it hits the classic definition of "pedophilia", no. Mostly because most anime women look so bizarre and far from reality.

But I disagree on the previously hinted notion that there's nothing wrong about it since it is "drawed", "fictional" and simply not real. Some drawings can be real life-like, and people finding life-like erotic drawings of children arousing probably have tendencies leaning towards pedophilia. Of course, its not fully as bad because it does not involve the RL exploit of children. But I'd still classify it as creepy and wrong. To clarify, im not in favor of stoning pedophilians or anything, but I most certainly dont find it okay, and I think they need help.

Anime is not all alike, there's a high variety of styles, and the most fitting label I can put on the kind of anime that tries to put over-sexualized features(breasts etc) on what appears to be a very young body, is "creepy". But that is my personal oppinion and taste, and I dont think people that find such images arousing will be walking around being attracted to children IRL, for the primary previously noted reason that anime is so far from a realistic interpretation of a human being.