If you were a monster?


New member
Feb 11, 2011
lRookiel said:

What? He is sort of a monster.

Anyway, I'd just be awesome :3
Being the cheshire cat from the Alice games would be sweet. He's pretty monsterly. He would probably eat your cutesy cat. =3

barring that, anything lovecraftian'd be sweet.

And if all fails, a diggle. Cute little thing with drill-beaks for noses, hell yeah.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
Quiet Stranger said:
I'd be the Slender Man and my daily routines would involve eating children and scaring the crap out of people making videos about me
This guy gets it. Slenderman2012 fo life.

No Seriously, how cool would it be to grow your limbs really long or grow arms out of your back and walk around like Doctor Octopus from Spiderman? Freaking sweet is what that is.

Also teleportation, time travel, fear inducing aura, can't be killed, pyrokinetic.......

He has quite the arsenal of cool abilities. Also, he dresses classy as FUCK. Goddam Slenderman knows how to wear a suit.

Plus you could make a living off a youtube channel of you filming yourself and pretend its someone else making a documentary. Reeeeeel in the money.

Death Carr

Less Than 3D
Mar 30, 2011
I'd be Nyarlathotep.

That way I don't have to be restricted to stars, or being asleep all the time.
I can walk around like a normal human, then switch into one of my thousand other forms and scare the tits off people.