IGN Gives Uncharted 3 a 10 out of 10

Cosmic Humor

New member
Dec 8, 2009
It's a product of the hype machine. IGN couldn't possibly let Sony down with a low score, or they'd end up hurting a symbiosis they have, not to mention make themselves look like fools for hyping it up.

I thought the Uncharted games were fun. Nothing to write home about, but fun.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
While I will admit to not playing the games, the only real defining feature of Uncharted that stood out in my eyes was the fact that the game featured a not-quite-completely-shaven Nolan North shooting at nameless enemy 76,759,045 behind old rocks and occasionally partaking in some really easy puzzles. I mean, I guess that series is good if you want that thing, but to me that scenario is shoved to the "It seems boring, it doesn't interest me, and I don't get it, so why should I care?" part of my brain.
Sep 14, 2009
GreatTeacherCAW said:
I am not surprised. Uncharted 1 and 2 were amazing, so this seems about right. Is it a 10? Probably not. It will probably end up being a solid 8, but I didn't expect Uncharted 3 to anything but awesome.
roughly this, but really, is it worth all the hullabaloo to shout about people?

(wow wtf, hullabaloo is a fucking word apparently..no red squiggly line.)

if you see a 10/10, and expect to jizz every time you start up the game, you are sadly mistaken and are a fool for thinking as such, if you think 10/10 should never be used, you are also a fool, as it is a subjective taste to every reviewer and if no one used 10/10 then what is the point of there even being a 10?

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
What's the point of a 10/10 if every time you give it to a game, people flip out? This is one of the most pathetic threads I've seen in a long time.

10/10 does not mean flawless and that EVERYONE will love it.

How would you feel if your teacher refused to give you 100% on your assignments only because either

A- Some other teachers might not like it as much so she feels like it should be marked down, or

B- It's not the greatest assignment they've ever scored, so giving it 100% would lower the value of perfect scores.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Dammit IGN, 10/10's used to be more of a big deal. Ocarina of Time. Pokemon Gold. That was pretty much it for a long time. And then BOOM


And GTA IV was great. Even I got it. ANd I'd never played a GTA game. Loved the shit out of it.

But then came MGS4, and you gave that a 10, too.

Now with uncharted... these 10's just aren't great anymore.

These 10's aren't baked with review love.

Keith Reedy

New member
Jan 10, 2011
HassEsser said:
Keith Reedy said:
Ah well, I hate reviews that give a number like that
Keith Reedy said:
But I played the two at a friends house I would have given them like an 8 maybe.
Hmm, k
Keith Reedy said:
You don't seriously believe that do you? If MS is doing it theirs a very good chance Sony is doing it not that either can yet be proved but that statement is terribly naive of you.
No, I don't believe that, and I never said I did. All I said was, if anyone were to pay IGN to give false reviews, it would be Microsoft, it's exactly their type of work ethic. Also, it isn't naive to observe that Sony actually cares about their customers, instead of constantly trying to bleed them dry of their money.

But that's beside the point, there is no reason to hate on Uncharted 3 because IGN (can't spell ignorant without IGN) happened to give it a 10 out of 10, which isn't as common as you think it is, and is way less of a problem then you think it is. There is nothing wrong with handing out a 10 every year or so, because all a 10 says is "do yourself a huge favor, play this game", and if the only thing you can take from IGN is that, then that's just fine. If you want a REAL system of reviews, that realistically gives you an idea of how good a game is, go to Metacritic; there are absolutely zero games with perfect scores. Closest any game has come is 96 out of a 100, and Uncharted 3 is currently sitting on a 94. Make of that what you will, I'm done here.
Easy man, MS cares about their customers just as much as Sony, which is they will try to get away with as much as they can so long as you keep paying them neither is better. When did I say that reviewer get bought off a lot? Nowhere.

I don't trust any reviewer I just read them to get an idea whats in a game not their score. I'm not hating on Uncharted the first two are fun just not a 10. A 9 means go play is a 9.5 or an eight also means go play it. Dispite what IGN might say 10 implies perfect.

There is only like 40 reviews on metacritic for it and it doesn't get full acurrate till the number is a few hundred at least. But whatever don't know why you felt the need to make such a long reply to my post. You angry I said you sounded naive? U mad?

Just kidding, sorry I didn't mean to be insulting.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Keith Reedy said:
HassEsser said:
Keith Reedy said:
Ah well, I hate reviews that give a number like that
Keith Reedy said:
But I played the two at a friends house I would have given them like an 8 maybe.
Hmm, k
Keith Reedy said:
You don't seriously believe that do you? If MS is doing it theirs a very good chance Sony is doing it not that either can yet be proved but that statement is terribly naive of you.
No, I don't believe that, and I never said I did. All I said was, if anyone were to pay IGN to give false reviews, it would be Microsoft, it's exactly their type of work ethic. Also, it isn't naive to observe that Sony actually cares about their customers, instead of constantly trying to bleed them dry of their money.

But that's beside the point, there is no reason to hate on Uncharted 3 because IGN (can't spell ignorant without IGN) happened to give it a 10 out of 10, which isn't as common as you think it is, and is way less of a problem then you think it is. There is nothing wrong with handing out a 10 every year or so, because all a 10 says is "do yourself a huge favor, play this game", and if the only thing you can take from IGN is that, then that's just fine. If you want a REAL system of reviews, that realistically gives you an idea of how good a game is, go to Metacritic; there are absolutely zero games with perfect scores. Closest any game has come is 96 out of a 100, and Uncharted 3 is currently sitting on a 94. Make of that what you will, I'm done here.
Easy man, MS cares about their customers just as much as Sony, which is they will try to get away with as much as they can so long as you keep paying them neither is better. When did I say that reviewer get bought off a lot? Nowhere.

I don't trust any reviewer I just read them to get an idea whats in a game not their score. I'm not hating on Uncharted the first two are fun just not a 10. A 9 means go play is a 9.5 or an eight also means go play it. Dispite what IGN might say 10 implies perfect.

There is only like 40 reviews on metacritic for it and it doesn't get full acurrate till the number is a few hundred at least. But whatever don't know why you felt the need to make such a long reply to my post. You angry I said you sounded naive? U mad?

Just kidding, sorry I didn't mean to be insulting.
Sorry but Sony exploits people and lies about their products, tv's, and kills all the games I like... I do not enjoy Sony.

Microsoft is my best bud though.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Mechanix said:
I take reviewer scores with a grain of salt, but a 10/10 has got to mean a game is at least worth looking at right?
If anything, a high-profile AAA title like Uncharted 3 getting 9.5s and 10s is taken as read and not something that is really worth noting or making a deal out of.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Delsana said:
Sorry but Sony exploits people and lies about their products, tv's, and kills all the games I like... I do not enjoy Sony.

Microsoft is my best bud though.
I'd like to see a list of games Sony personally killed off then, quite interested in this. Not that I am trying to defend Sony in any way here, just interested in what kind of games you liked but got killed off over time. It is a subject I have been thinking about for this generation... lots of great franchises never made the transition from last gen to this...

As for Uncharted 3 getting a 10/10, cheers to Naughty Dog!

To me, the review means that the person who reviewed it liked the game and that people who liked previous UC games will probably like the third one as well. Thing with numbers and reviews is, there are so many ways to look at a game and review it, people really shouldn't get hung up on numbers.

If you don't like the series, fine, forget about it. If you do, well be happy that the new game will most likely be as good as the previous ones. If you feel indifferent about the series, rent it.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
bluegate said:
Delsana said:
Sorry but Sony exploits people and lies about their products, tv's, and kills all the games I like... I do not enjoy Sony.

Microsoft is my best bud though.
I'd like to see a list of games Sony personally killed off then, quite interested in this. Not that I am trying to defend Sony in any way here, just interested in what kind of games you liked but got killed off over time. It is a subject I have been thinking about for this generation... lots of great franchises never made the transition from last gen to this...

As for Uncharted 3 getting a 10/10, cheers to Naughty Dog!

To me, the review means that the person who reviewed it liked the game and that people who liked previous UC games will probably like the third one as well. Thing with numbers and reviews is, there are so many ways to look at a game and review it, people really shouldn't get hung up on numbers.

If you don't like the series, fine, forget about it. If you do, well be happy that the new game will most likely be as good as the previous ones. If you feel indifferent about the series, rent it.
We could say the Star Wars MMO, but why not the best mmo ever... PlanetSide? Pretty much the ONLY successful FPS-MMO.

If you want to see how far it's fallen... just take a trip to "planetside.com" and look at the cheesy website and crap it is now... Oh sad day.

There are more, but no need to give those if we can just list those two examples as the prime.

Anyone who gives a 10 means they've been bought. It just works that way.