"I'm An Asshole"


New member
Apr 26, 2008
I have many stories that fit the bill. All I have regret for.

Perhaps the one that I really regret is the time I wasted an orchestra rehearsal in 7th grade by pretending to have my jaw stuck open. I was a stupid asshole, and felt horrible afterwards. I still remember that event clearly.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
man, I don't even want to think about it. I just tell myself that most of the people I was an asshole to probably acted like an asshole to someone when they were young too. We're just a shitty species.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
FernandoV said:
Let's see: In elementary I made fun of an Indian girl and made her cry on a regular basis, called another girl trash everyday, and constantly reminded kids that due to my socio-economic situation I was likely going to be more successful than them.

In middle school I regularly called my friend a slut and picked on all the black, dominican, and mexican kids in my school.

In high school (currently) I remind people that due to my socio-economic situation I am likely going to be more successful than them. Snap at people for asking questions in class, etc etc etc, there's a lot of shit.

But I'm pretty okay with it.
I loled pretty hard.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Hmm I was usually a nice kid but there was one guy from elementary school that would just annoy the motherloving crap out of me, and we fought a lot. I was bigger and would pretty much just rough him up a bit but he wouldn't stop and I just became a total dick to him for eight years. I saw him again a couple years ago and apologized and all that sooo go me I guess?


New member
Jun 10, 2011
When I was young I kind of ditched a really good friend of mine because my other friends thought she was weird. I really regret that now, partly because I hurt her, but also because now I'm a grown woman, I would give my left leg for gal pal who liked Anime and Video games like she did.


New member
Sep 7, 2010
I once was with the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I knew she would bring trouble, so I ditched her. For a long time. She kept coming back but I came back to her with insults and stupidness. I'm ashamed of it, I acted like an asshole and wish that had never happened. She acted (and is acting) like a whore, but I forgive her. If I hadn't been an asshole to her she would probably still be with me and we'd be happy together. I know that way a lot of nice things from the world around me wouldn't have happened, but still, I'm sorry I hurt her.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
I was an asshole growing up, but it was mostly in response to the people at my school being assholes to me. I went to a VERY country school until high school an I didn't fit in with the kids there at all. Thing is, I was the biggest strongest guy in my grade so when I had taken enough flack, I kicked a little bit of country ass. There were plenty of doctor's bills that could have been avoided if only they'd left the different kid alone. but then I moved to another area for high school and the people there were more like me. I was like, "I'm home!" and became less of an asshole(still had to kick a few asses, but trust me, they deserved it).


New member
May 14, 2008
I've done various things in my life I'm not proud of.

Although, some of the ones I regret the most are:

A) I assisted (and sometimes took the lead) in harassing a kid down the street on a regular basis to the point point that his family moved out of the neighborhood and I actually felt proud of that result too at the time period. Although, he didn't actually do much of anything, mostly he was just a bit shy and dorky which I found slightly annoying.

B) When I was younger, I got tired of being harassed on the internet for being a girl, so I posed as a boy for a while and assisted in multiple instances of harassing other girls for exactly the same thing in order to draw attention away from myself.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I got really angry at my computer because it deleted all my music when my girlfriend was present. It made her cry.

"God, I'm an asshole" doesn't describe it.


New member
Apr 24, 2011
I was a right little shit when I was in primary school but the thing that I'm most ashamed of is the fact that I used to tease a kid on my bus. constantly. you see his mum had died two years ago and I gave him no end of shit about it.

I feel terrible everytime I think about it and find it horrible that my eight year old self could have done such a thing.


New member
May 26, 2011
neonsword13-ops said:
I told my mother to "Shut Up!" when she told me I had to finish my fish before I could have more Orange Juice.

I was 6. It still haunts me to this day.
Oh No! Stop it! You're the worst human being ever!

... detect the sarchasm?

OT: Once when I was a kid, my brother 4 years younger than I, got a holographic Charizard out of a Pokemon booster pack. I was so jealous. I knew I couldn't steal it because I knew he'd know it was me, so I devised a way to trick him into giving it to me, and it worked. I've felt guilty about it ever since. I partly blame myself for the person he's become.

I barely know him anymore; he spends all his time in his room and is pissed at the world for nothing. He treats him mom (who is also my mom) like shit even though she gives him everything and is always there for him when he needs something. He kicks the dog and my 4 year old sister. And the other day he asked me to get him alcohol; I can't even get alcohol, I'm twenty. And I wouldn't drink even if I had the option to and he's asking me for alcohol. He didn't used to be like that and I partly blame myself for making him like that.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I did some stupid things when I was younger, yes. But those can't be compared to the other stories on this thread.

I tried to please everyone back then. Basically I did anything they told me to do, which got me into trouble sometimes.

Though I do remember back in 7th grade I was really mean to a friend of mine, and I actually made him cry.
I still don't know why I did it - why I said those things. It was such a stupid thing to do and I still have not forgiven myself. Thankfully, he did.


New member
Mar 12, 2009

after my gf dumped me in janurary, i still don't know why to this day why but she did it. but we're 'still friends'. but right when she dumped me it was mid terms week, i couldn't think on my finals and i promise my parents i studied but i couldn't focus a damn bit, all i could think about was how she hurt me. then my mom's side began this hurricane of lies and deceit they're still at it to this day. started drinking just for fun, i was convinced i need something to mix things up, i was living such a modest slow life with all my modest slow friends. i felt like i wanted to live faster, live more, do more, drink more.
then i started to be a real dick, i shut out all my friends and i didn't even know it when i was trying to make new friends, new friends who weren't her friends to. i'm still friends with some of them now but i never hear from them. the others are gone i haven't heard from 'em since but they had it coming b/c 1 a was dick and 2 couldn't keep up with me. the new friends who i thought were my friends weren't even my friends, by the time i completely lost my old friends i got a bully problem, and it was some of the kids i was trying to be friends with. we had so much in common to, we could of been good friends, but turns out they were fuckin dicks, makes me wanna burn down their houses thinkin about what they did and said to me. went into an emo phase (got a few cuts to prove) by this time i'm alone and the only one who listened to my crys was my ex so i looked in her eyes and told about my shit. and i forget what she told me, it was such a long time ago.
couple weeks later was challenge day, and i had been signed up for that. i recently found out that the conseluers at my school personally invited the kids who they thought didn't have any friends. i thought i was invited cuz 'i was such a nice guy' i was wrong is was because of the way i made myself alone. but when i did challenge day, i learned that there are so many other kids at my school who have had to go through so much bullshit in their lives i honestly felt ashamed for being there wasting their time. one girl's sister had gone through attempted suicide and drugs, another girl cut herself because she wasn't perfect the way her parents yelled at her, and here i am bitchin about some break up, no friends, and my mom's sides drama.

i felt like an asshole trying to make these kids feel sorry for me when i knew they've been through more shit at 18 than i'll ever go through in my whole life.

that was at all the end of senior year, semester 2. it's freshmen year of college now and i feel like a shell of what i used to be, listening to punk and smokin weed like i'm trying to be someone i'm not. but i like being someone i'm not, me by myself sucks. i know people say to be yourself and i try i really do, but i've been someone i'm not for so long it's a part of me now.

i am an asshole.


aka "Who?"
May 11, 2009
Come on, no-one posted that yet?

OT: Due to a real tendency of mine to make major social faux pas when attempting to be funny, I also often end up being an asshole without meaning to be. A recent example was when I told a good friend of mine, who does have self-esteem issues, that I hadn't missed her while she'd been gone briefly because I had been talking to someone else.
[small]There's a bit more context than that, but I cba[/small]
Fortunately she's the most forgiving person I've ever met.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I guess everyone has a story like this to tell, I think most people sometimes have told/done something to their parents/siblings/friends that they feel afterwards was wrong.
Can't remember anything out of the ordinary right now thou.

The Virgo

New member
Jul 21, 2011
I once made a joke about a dead kitten that was found on the lawn. The difference is that I don't actually feel bad about it.

Yes, that little "frozen heart" quiz award isn't there just for looks ...


New member
May 21, 2009
My freshman year in high school, I went to one of the football games with some of my friends. One of them brought his girlfriend with him and the entire evening I just sat there and made fun of her because she is religious (I was still going through the "hey look at me, I'm an atheist" phase). Later I felt really bad, but I reminded myself that I'd likely never talk to her again. She's now married to my brother and pregnant with my niece/nephew. I'm very glad that I got an opportunity to apologize to her.

For the most part, if I wrong someone, I will make it right.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Colour-Scientist said:
-Assholism Anonymous?-
I never had to look back.

I am many things. A monster, a madman, a maniac... Yeah, I'm definitely an asshole, and proud of it. Sometimes, you have to be the guy that puts people in their place and doesn't give a damn, because they had it coming. Some people need to be tripped up so that they'll re-examine themselves and try to do better with their lives. I make no allusions towards being 'good' with this kind of action. It may serve a purpose, but I am definitely going to hell for all of it.