I'm not gonna buy Diablo 3....


New member
Nov 3, 2009
It seems that alot of you don't see the point, it's not the Multiplayer, it's not "Enriching" anything, it's not so much DRM, as it is about money. Diablo 3 has a -real life currency- Auction House, that is why. They need to make sure people don't hack the game, or glitch it to duplicate themselves the best weapons and armor, 'Stones of Jordon', whatever, and then sell those hacked items for real cash. Sure other reasons contribute, but I will bet anything that the RL-Auction House is the main driving force on the Online 100% requirement.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
No, but really. A bit of colour is REALLY so bad?
Yeah, it really is. It looks a lot like wow.
Ah yes, WoW. That high testament to failure that nobody ever actually played, and which the emulation of is certainly a death knell.

Oh, wait...
So you admit that Diablo 3 is emulating WoW?
As soon as I can play as a tauren, sure. Not that I see anything particularly bad about a game company making a new game with elements from one of their old stupidly-successful ones.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
No, but really. A bit of colour is REALLY so bad?
Yeah, it really is. It looks a lot like wow.
Ah yes, WoW. That high testament to failure that nobody ever actually played, and which the emulation of is certainly a death knell.

Oh, wait...
So you admit that Diablo 3 is emulating WoW?
As soon as I can play as a tauren, sure. Not that I see anything particularly bad about a game company making a new game with elements from one of their old stupidly-successful ones.
Kinda dodged the question there didn't you....

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
No, but really. A bit of colour is REALLY so bad?
Yeah, it really is. It looks a lot like wow.
Ah yes, WoW. That high testament to failure that nobody ever actually played, and which the emulation of is certainly a death knell.

Oh, wait...
So you admit that Diablo 3 is emulating WoW?
As soon as I can play as a tauren, sure. Not that I see anything particularly bad about a game company making a new game with elements from one of their old stupidly-successful ones.
Kinda dodged the question there didn't you?
I didn't think it was relevant. Also I answered it. I want to play as a Tauren in Diablo 3!

Edit: I#'ll have to wait and see how large the shoulderpads get.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
I'm like the OP. The DRM is horrible, but i want to add the real money auction house to that list.

Publishers and/or developers keep stuffing their filthy tricks into my games. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
It really sucks for people who do not have connection or access to the internet all the time. And it's kinda a dick move from Blizz, since usually their games are consumer friendly. They always supported LAN and run on PC from the stoneage.

If the game 's good i still get it though. The "always online"-restriction doesn't affect me in anyway so i actually couldn't care less.
Can't be helped.

And about the Rl-money action house: I still don't get it why people are upset about that. People would buy stuff anyway, with or without Blizzards action house. It's not like it'll be new phenomenon that people will buy stuff.
I actually appreciate that move, since now even as a legal player i'm allowed to grab some cash and use it on further blizz games.

Blizz wins, because they'll get more money. The guys with alot of spare money and those without alot of freetime win, because they can just take a lil' shortcut for some extra cash if they find it worthwhile and all the other players win also because they may grab some Blizz points for some awesome random drops. A win-win-win Situation :)


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
Loop Stricken said:
Tizzmarelda said:
No, but really. A bit of colour is REALLY so bad?
Yeah, it really is. It looks a lot like wow.
Ah yes, WoW. That high testament to failure that nobody ever actually played, and which the emulation of is certainly a death knell.

Oh, wait...
So you admit that Diablo 3 is emulating WoW?
As soon as I can play as a tauren, sure. Not that I see anything particularly bad about a game company making a new game with elements from one of their old stupidly-successful ones.
Kinda dodged the question there didn't you?
I didn't think it was relevant. Also I answered it. I want to play as a Tauren in Diablo 3!

Edit: I#'ll have to wait and see how large the shoulderpads get.
It was completely relevant. Its the basis of this entire argument. To be honest though, I doubt we'll influence each others opinions. Especially over the internet. Enjoy the game mate, and if they bring out some DLC and its Tauren and Necromancer, You know who to call to Crush some demon Skulls >:D


New member
Sep 14, 2008
This forum needs moderation badly. Just the fact that this thread hasn't been closed yet is proof of exactly that. This could go into any of the other 10 million threads discussing Diablo III. Its not informative either, its just venting.

Maybe I should open a thread with the topic "I am going to buy diablo III!"
and the op would be:
Don't care about required to be online. WoW and SC2 proves this works.
Don't care about RL Auction House. I'm not going to use it anyways.
Don't care about Blizzard being owned by Activision. They are still making some of the best games on the market.

And this game is going to be awesome.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Well you enjoy that. I highly doubt it will last, since I've heard nothing but good things from all the testers who've played it, and when the internet and you're friends are raving about it on release, it'll probably be hard not to give in to curiosity. Get Skyrim or something instead I guess. Should last awhile.

Iron Lightning

Lightweight Extreme
Oct 19, 2009
Project_Omega said:
Crono1973 said:
Project_Omega said:
Shirastro said:
Cause of the always on-line requirements.

I always liked Diablo series, but was never a huge fan. I played the first one, and played the second one quiet a bit, so i was looking forward to Diablo 3.

I have a good computer, stable and fast internet connection, and had all the intention of buying the game (instead of getting a hacked copy, which i can oh so easily do), but i wont.

Whos with me? :)

P.S. this isnt about the latest Jimquisition episode. I decided not to buy Diablo 3 a long time ago, Jim just reminded me :)
This basically shows how much NOT of a fan you are, how quickly you would discard the quality of the game and hours of good entertainment. Because of a simple 'difficulty' which you would rather boycot like a little whiner than ignore and actually try it.

Nobody cares if you don't buy the game, there are 11 million people out there who will.

Guess who will bite their lip in jelousy if they see someone play it.

Oh wow!

First of all, if someone is NOT a fan then they won't be jealous of someone else playing it will they? Secondly, it takes more courage to stand up for consumer rights and not encourage this kind of DRM than it does to go with the flow and call others "whiners". Third, you sound desperate to play this game no matter how many flaming hoops you have to jump through. If it were drugs or alcohol they would call it a controlling addiction. Just some things to consider.
Dude, I at least am going to try the game first before I even give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down. I have been in love with the Diablo series since my childhood, but I am still going to judge the game accordingly. If it turns out to be shit, I will just throw it into my 'good games gone bad' bin underneath my desk.

Also, *Not* buying the game because of some silly DRM issues isnt going to stop other people from buying the game or make blizzard stop producing the game. This isn't a boycott, its more equivalent of standing on a mail-box butt naked in WoW and screaming "Don't buy gold".

Its like a child "boycotting" his parents that he doesn't want to eat broccoli.

It's actually quite pathetic.

You want real change? Join the game-developing, or get a degree in business and throw yourself into the industry. Make a game that doesn't NEED DRM and is safe to play on computer, without it being stolen/pirated. Climb the ladder of the business you are in and start making important decisions. ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING.

And it's not like its a big thing anyway, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood was basically "Always online". Most people in the world have access to the internet, DECENT access to the internet, so why are people ranting about this.

Seriously, this is stupid.

/rant over
I'm sorry, I believe not buying a game does make a difference even if it's not an organized boycott. Sure, a lot of people will still buy Diablo 3 but quite a few people won't. Of course, the amount of people who won't buy a game because of always-online DRM is not really a determinable quantity but I think it might be as high as, say, 1 million people (not unreasonable if the game moves 10 million units as has been predicted in this thread.) That would be a $60 million dollar loss for Blizzard. I think they'd notice that.

DRM doesn't make any business sense either. See, people have can two reactions to DRM: either vehement opposition (like Shirastro) or apathy (like you.) No one buys a game because it has DRM so we can rule out supporting as a possible reaction. Having restrictive DRM will piss off the opposition and cause them to not buy the game whereas not having restrictive DRM will please the opposition and allow them to buy the game. The number of apathetic buyers will not change either way. This means that a company would make more money from legitimate consumers by not including restrictive DRM in their game.

"But what of the pirates?" you ask
"Surely by decreasing immediate piracy one can increase sales."
I think this well-echoed sentiment shows a lack of understanding of the general pirate mentality. Pirates pirate because they're unwilling to pay for things. If a pirate can't pirate he won't pirate but he also usually won't purchase. Considering also that torrent files (the main tool of the pirate) can take days to download sometimes, we can assume that the average pirate possess a relatively high level of patience. Also, pirates have large and diverse game collections which means they are practically never out of new games to play and that they can more easily tolerate waiting a few weeks (at the very most) for a crack to be released. From this we can safely assume that most pirates will wait the one day to two weeks it takes for a crack to be released.

It is debatable whether the folks who vehemently oppose restrictive DRM outnumber the small subset of pirates who are to impatient to wait for a crack. From the buzz I've seen on internet forums (both ones that detest piracy and ones who are apathetic towards piracy) it appears that the opposition numbers greater.

The main problem of games with always-online DRM is longevity. Let's assume Diablo 3 is the best damn game you've ever played. It rocks your socks, gives you back-rub, and dispenses soft-serve ice cream from your USB ports. It's an absolute classic that you'll want to play for decades to come. Then one day, maybe 10 years in the future, ruining the authentication servers becomes too unprofitable for Blizzard or maybe Blizzard goes under or gets bought and gutted. Suddenly, the game no longer functions. An absolute classic is denied its rightful place in the history of the medium because of some petty DRM's futile attempt to stop pirates. If that's not a crime against art then I don't know what is.

More on Topic: I was thinking of buying the game until I heard about that always-on DRM, Real Money auction house (i.e. pay to win,) and no real single player mode. Now I certainly will not buy it for the reasons above and the fact that pay to win is cheap-ass bullshit that no decent free-to-play MMOG (which, I remind you, operate entirely on selling weapons) has. I don't really care for not being offered a single-player mode either (unless I am mistaken about this bit, if so then I apologize.)


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Sjakie said:
I'm like the OP. The DRM is horrible, but i want to add the real money auction house to that list.

Publishers and/or developers keep stuffing their filthy tricks into my games. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
I agree. My first thought when hearing that you'd have to have a constant internet connection was, "What's the matter Blizzard? Afraid we're going to cheat in single player?"


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Anyone that has ever gotten on Diablo 2 online will know why this is a big deal: the servers suck. In fact, they're probably the worst out of all the games I've played over the years. Surprising considering Blizzard made it.

I'll still get it though... when the price goes down.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I actually love the idea of the internet on. Makes it a lot like MMOs all your character info is stored on their servers. That way I'm not having to play against a bunch of people with hacked items and modded gear. I'm looking at you Borderlands.

I know Diablo 2 had offline and online, but I prefer a pure experience. I know not everyone's internet keeps up, but it's been the price of admission for WoW for years and that has thrived.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
I already posted in the other thread about why I think these protestations against microtransfers, DLC, online passes, etc. are selfish and unjustified, so I won't go through the reasoning again.

Personally, I'm probably not buying D3 simply because I don't have a lot of interest in it. Most of the features and changes that are causing the most griping are, to me, the most interesting parts, but I've never been a huge fan of the genre as a whole largely because I don't like the scope - which is only getting bigger here.

The thing I liked about D1 was that it was so compact, so immediately intuitive: there was a village, there was a dungeon under it, monsters, kill they dead, get neat spells and items, more monsters, kill they dead more, get new spells and items, repeat, repeat again. There was enough variety and challenge to keep the game entertaining and there was enough story to make you potentially want to hear more, but I never felt like I really had to put in time to learn the game explicitly. It's rare that you find games like that anymore and I feel like the whole Diablo genre has moved closer and closer to a more standard RPG where people agonise over builds and have to learn several complicated game mechanics. And as standard RPGs go, I'd rather play something more RPG-y and less dungeon crawl-y anyway. I guess I just don't really like the combination of the two genres that Diablo has grown into.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
I have the internet and I will buy a legit copy. Blizzard have a great track record with updates and quality of previous games. I enjoyed Diablo 1 and 2. I like the look of the videos I have seen of Diablo 3. I see no reason not to get it. You cannot boycott or decide not to get a game with always online DRM because you do not have a constant internet connection, since it would not work with you anyway.

World of Warcraft was and is a very succesfull game for about 7 years which also requires a constant internet connection to play. I can see why Blizzard do not care if a few offline people can not play it. It is their game, they can do what they want with it.

A lot of people who say they won't buy the game will buy the game in the end, it has happened with a few games already.

The majority of complaints about the DRM is just plain sulking, grow up and stop acting like a spoilt child.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Project_Omega said:
Crono1973 said:
Project_Omega said:
Shirastro said:
Cause of the always on-line requirements.

I always liked Diablo series, but was never a huge fan. I played the first one, and played the second one quiet a bit, so i was looking forward to Diablo 3.

I have a good computer, stable and fast internet connection, and had all the intention of buying the game (instead of getting a hacked copy, which i can oh so easily do), but i wont.

Whos with me? :)

P.S. this isnt about the latest Jimquisition episode. I decided not to buy Diablo 3 a long time ago, Jim just reminded me :)
This basically shows how much NOT of a fan you are, how quickly you would discard the quality of the game and hours of good entertainment. Because of a simple 'difficulty' which you would rather boycot like a little whiner than ignore and actually try it.

Nobody cares if you don't buy the game, there are 11 million people out there who will.

Guess who will bite their lip in jelousy if they see someone play it.

Oh wow!

First of all, if someone is NOT a fan then they won't be jealous of someone else playing it will they? Secondly, it takes more courage to stand up for consumer rights and not encourage this kind of DRM than it does to go with the flow and call others "whiners". Third, you sound desperate to play this game no matter how many flaming hoops you have to jump through. If it were drugs or alcohol they would call it a controlling addiction. Just some things to consider.
Dude, I at least am going to try the game first before I even give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down. I have been in love with the Diablo series since my childhood, but I am still going to judge the game accordingly. If it turns out to be shit, I will just throw it into my 'good games gone bad' bin underneath my desk.

Also, *Not* buying the game because of some silly DRM issues isnt going to stop other people from buying the game or make blizzard stop producing the game. This isn't a boycott, its more equivalent of standing on a mail-box butt naked in WoW and screaming "Don't buy gold".

Its like a child "boycotting" his parents that he doesn't want to eat broccoli.

It's actually quite pathetic.

You want real change? Join the game-developing, or get a degree in business and throw yourself into the industry. Make a game that doesn't NEED DRM and is safe to play on computer, without it being stolen/pirated. Climb the ladder of the business you are in and start making important decisions. ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING.

And it's not like its a big thing anyway, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood was basically "Always online". Most people in the world have access to the internet, DECENT access to the internet, so why are people ranting about this.

Seriously, this is stupid.

/rant over
I never said it was a boycott. I am not buying Diablo III because I don't approve of their DRM. It's funny though because eventually this type of "silly" DRM will come back to bite you.

I also find it infuriating that simply refusing to buy a product because you disapprove of some aspect is now considered childish. That is one of the best tools consumers have but now it's childish if we don't bow down to Blizzard and give them our money. That, my friend, is closer to pathetic in my opinion.


New member
May 24, 2011

Think about that. You're online anyway.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Well, erm, congratulations I guess? Thanks for telling us?

OT: I on the other hand, will be getting it. Since I'm virtually always connected to the Internet it shouldn't be a problem :p


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Trying to make a point? Better off posting on the D3 forums.

Many people claim they won't buy it. But when it comes down to release time, you know you will get it.. you know you will.

I don't like it either, but Blizz won't change it. They'll make enough money anyways. So telling them that you don't like it with your wallet won't hold up.

In other news, I made a post. I think I'll make a topic of it. (Sarcastic bad joke about this topic.)


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
TwitchyGamer101 said:
Trying to make a point? Better off posting on the D3 forums.

Many people claim they won't buy it. But when it comes down to release time, you know you will get it.. you know you will.

I don't like it either, but Blizz won't change it. They'll make enough money anyways. So telling them that you don't like it with your wallet won't hold up.

In other news, I made a post. I think I'll make a topic of it. (Sarcastic bad joke about this topic.)
No, I won't get it and despite being told I would also get Starcraft II anyway, I haven't.

i just don't understand this argument, "Don't speak with your wallet, it won't work". Of course it will work if you know what IT is. IT = I won't waste $60 on a game that uses my internet connection to keep an eye on me because Blizzard doesn't trust me. If you go into a shop and the clerks watch you like they don't trust you, would you buy anything in that shop?