I read every Harry Potter book but I had little interest in the movies after the fourth one, which I felt was botched horribly. I decry the legions of fans who claim it is the greatest fantasy series ever. Objectively it isn't. I haven't seen any of the movies since, won't be seeing this couple, and I generally turn my nose up at those who clamor to see the movies and midnight ect.
Of course I'm really no better. I thus became an elitist, claiming my "sophisticated" fantasy was superior to the, I dunno, tween/teenage fantasy that is Harry Potter.
In retrospect, I sold Harry Potter short. The characters are indeed engaging, and develop nicely over the books. Of course they're immature at the beginning, and of course they act like self-absorbed teenagers at times. They are. The romance drama and subplots make me gag, but that is probably because I care little for romantic drama. I prefer romance to be more straightforward and basic. Which is apparently utterly uninteresting. XD
In the end, my misplaced Harry Potter hate came about simply because I found fantasy that I enjoyed more, specifically R.A. Salvatore's books, the Forgotten Realms collection of novels, George R.R. Martin, and the Dresden Files.
And damnit, I want THOSE books to be made into movies!!!