

New member
Sep 25, 2009
I have a question for The Escapist: what's your opinion on incest, and would you ever engage in it?

I am imagining this is going to turn into a flame war at some point, so hey! Let's add some fuel for that fire!

I personally have no problem with incest, whatsoever. I have a brother who I kind of crushed on when I was younger and did...stuff...with when I was younger and curious. So I really have no issues with it at all, and really can't understand what makes it 'squicky' to some.

So that's my view, your turn escapist

Captcha: "It's Super Delicious" ooooooh my! <3

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Well... It is only gross if you think it is gross, as with anything. That said, I have a cousin who DESPERATELY needed a dicking to help her stop being such a *****, and yes, I would have stepped up and taken one for the team, just so she would stop being such an annoying ass pain to everyone she was around.

That said, she was kind of attractive, and that was probably the ONLY reason I would have done it at all.

Also, it is perfectly normal to experience feelings for a relative like that at some point, although acting on it is considered taboo.


New member
May 27, 2010
Metalhandkerchief said:
I think most people are genetically coded to not be attracted to siblings. Thus, those who don't have this code are judged by those who do. I wouldn't judge someone who engaged in it, but I can see why some others would. In different societies the "bar" for incest is different, here in Norway it applies to siblings only and not cousins. Cousins I have no problem with, as there is no chance of in-breeding etc.

I don't think I have anything more useful to say, other than I was never attracted to a sibling, and wouldn't imagine it happening.
Technically, you're genetically coded to have a strong sexual attraction to blood relatives. I forget the name of it, but there's a thing where if you stay around the same people for the first few stages of life (Either four months or four years), then that drops off completely and it turns into a kind of familial love as opposed to sexual. Really wish I could remember the name of it.

Anywho, I don't think much of incest. There was a lot of it in my family (To the point where my first, second, and third cousin are all the same person.) It's probably a good thing that I don't have a sibling, because I'm really not opposed to the idea at all.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Fucking creepy.
Even if they don't have kids.

If it gets to the point that they're making babies... well, oh dear.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
My feelings on incest are as follows

1) What in the ever loving fuck?!

2) You can find someone, anyone, outside your family.

I just find it a bit weird


New member
Apr 4, 2010
The whole kiddy incest thing might be okay, I often hear about kids playing "doctor" not with sexual intent (I guess? since they're too young and don't understand) but just out of curiosity.

As you grow older I'm not too supportive of close sibling incest (bro and sis etc) but cousins and distant cousins doesn't really bother me. The whole reason incest was shunned in the first place was because of the genetic disabilities it causes right? that shouldn't be as likely in cousins.


Red in Tooth and Claw
May 6, 2010
I think it is pretty gross good thing I don't have a sister or i would be freaked the fuck out about some of the things on the web that I see


Pro Misinformationalist
Jun 22, 2011
You know what they say, keep it in the family!

But uh yeah, seriously i couldn't ever imagine doing things with my 2 younger sisters, really does turn my stomach even the concept. But i'm not one to judge so go nuts i guess if that's your bag, realllly not for me.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
I personally find the idea repulsive, but if the participants are both adults or are of a similar age and maturity, then I don't have a moral issue with it.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I personally wouldn't fuck any of my family with a stolen dick let alone my own.


If Claudia Blacks parents had adopted me I would have no problem at all in nailing my "sister".

Not quite the same thing but it would have led to me fucking Claudia Black so I don't care.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Well I feel somehow morally obligated to frown upon parent/child incest, but that may just be because the thought is extremely squicky to me but...otherwise, no don't really care. As long as you and your mate is happy, none of my business.

But then again I don't care if someone wants to marry a goat, fuck a car, or use a battering ram on their genitals, so I doubt my apathy is good to use as a moral compass.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
chinangel said:
I have a question for The Escapist: what's your opinion on incest, and would you ever engage in it?

I am imagining this is going to turn into a flame war at some point, so hey! Let's add some fuel for that fire!

I personally have no problem with incest, whatsoever. I have a brother who I kind of crushed on when I was younger and did...stuff...with when I was younger and curious. So I really have no issues with it at all, and really can't understand what makes it 'squicky' to some.

So that's my view, your turn escapist

Captcha: "It's Super Delicious" ooooooh my! <3
I can't even imagine being attracted to my close family, so I won't do any of that sort.

Otherwise if you want to do it go for it, I don't mind.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I always saw my sister as my sister to the point where I believe some sort of biological trigger was set off telling me she was off limits. I am not certain if such a trigger exists.

I honestly do not care what others do in their lives as long as they are not harming others in a way they do not with to be harmed. However, I would point a judging finger towards those who decided to have a baby through incests while knowing full well of the high risk of genetic defects that comes with such an action.

I am a big believer in people who have terrible genetic disease, disorders, etc. Its one of the reasons my wife and I decided not to have kids. So I do acknowledge I could be going to far with it.


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
Metalhandkerchief said:
Cousins I have no problem with, as there is no chance of in-breeding etc.
Dude... anything closer than like third cousins carries that risk.

Genetically, it's fucked up. Emotionally, it's about on a par with all the other crazy shit humans get up to. But then we are all 7th cousins.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Define incest, mind. In some places it's perfectly acceptable to marry one's first cousin, for example.

The United Kingdom comes to mind, it's been legal to marry your cousin since Henry 8th.

Kopikatsu said:
Metalhandkerchief said:
I think most people are genetically coded to not be attracted to siblings. Thus, those who don't have this code are judged by those who do. I wouldn't judge someone who engaged in it, but I can see why some others would. In different societies the "bar" for incest is different, here in Norway it applies to siblings only and not cousins. Cousins I have no problem with, as there is no chance of in-breeding etc.

I don't think I have anything more useful to say, other than I was never attracted to a sibling, and wouldn't imagine it happening.
Technically, you're genetically coded to have a strong sexual attraction to blood relatives. I forget the name of it, but there's a thing where if you stay around the same people for the first few stages of life (Either four months or four years), then that drops off completely and it turns into a kind of familial love as opposed to sexual. Really wish I could remember the name of it.
Reverse imprinting, IIRC.

Spambot 3000

New member
Aug 8, 2011
Incest - the game the whole family can play!
Eh, personally, I think people could do much worse. Would I ever engage in it? Well there's no-one in my bloodline that I'm sexually attracted to so not really.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
Not my thing. I always hated my brother, and while I find most of my cousins to be pretty cool people, I don't have or want anything beyond a platonic relationship with any of them. If that's your thing though, I don't care. Just don't cry to be about the problems you might face because I'm not equipped in any way to assist. What I can say though is that being blood relatives and doing such is scientifically proven to be a bad thing. Just sayin.