Mr Companion said:
Dracosage said:
Ehhh it wasn't that great.
Kinda boring if you ask me.
The people of the escapist are pretty hard to please it seems. This isn't the first time I have seen this kind of response to something that obviously taken a lot of time and effort and planning be completely disregarded in the comments section. I guess what I am saying here is that you should validate your argument that it was boring by creating a more exiting version yourself.
On another note your comment is almost certernately trolling anyway so whatever.
Edit: Actually I do dislike the message of the video so I goess I can sort of see where you are coming from but boring it was not.
Err no, sorry, you've got it ever so slightly wrong. He shouldn't make his own animated movie simply to be able to register an opinion on someone else's. That's silly. What he should do is explain why he found it boring, so that other folks who can make shorts such as this can take his points on board and create something he and others like him will enjoy.
To say "Your argument can only be validated if you can make something similar" is beyond absurd. How then can games reviewers review a product? How can anyone?
OT: I enjoyed this, the plot is a thin veneer used to explain the violence, but it's a 7 minute animated short, anyone expecting deep plot is possibly thinking using other parts of their anatomy rather than the intended. From a technical standpoint it was well done, the splits between 2 and 3d were well done and I got more than a few nostalgic twinges from certain parts. Good job all round, in fact, stellar job all round.