Infinity Ward Not Worried About People Comparing Modern Warfare 3 to 9/11


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Zachary Amaranth said:
Treblaine said:
Modern Warfare franchise is trash. Popular and occasionally quite fun, but still trash.
Trash or not, they have tried to "shock" us before, and that's pretty much a sign it's the opposite of tasteful.

The shock value's running out, they have to try something bigger. I actually wonder if they're doing this in hopes of the controversy selling.

Regardless, it's silly to treat New York City as sacred ground because of 9-11. Before 9-11, New York was attacked, invaded, and blown up every week in the media. Eventually, things were always going to return to form. It's been ten years, and we really should move on. Hard to do when we're still screaming about how brown people are a threat to national security, I know, but it does need to happen.

This should not be the pivotal element, though. No "shooter of the week" should be.
Hmm, I'm remembering the Nuked level in COD4. Yes, it was shocking but it was poignant and compelling, it seemed to capture the awful futility of a doomed soldier in war and at the same time emphasise how awful nuclear weapons are. That would be an important thing to emphasise for later.

But later games seem to only try to recreate the "shock" like the act-2 betrayal. It doesn't seem like a Soldier's Story.

COD4 had so many little flourishes, it was simple and powerful. It was believable that the US would invade a Middle Eastern country, they'd done it twice before in the last 5 years to COD4 coming out. But they just expect us to accept that Russia could invade America to spite it being so large and practically on the other side of the world. And it did next to nothing to establish the political situation in Russia, compare and contrast with COD4 that had a whole level where you play a deposed president being driven through your ruined country to be executed on TV.

MW2 doesn't establish itself nor suitably expand on events. Russia is a completely faceless enemy, we have no idea what the political leadership in Moscow is like, we are just expected to take it at face value that Russia would invade because of a mass shooting in an airport. That crossed the line from shock-value to be blatantly exploitative.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
meganmeave said:
The problem IW faces is this, they need to provide a story compelling enough and exciting enough that people will want to play it without it being a 100% replication of previous installments of the series. This plagues many video game series. I personally don't see any major difference in the actual game play from COD4 - where you seem to claim the series still hewed more closely to "authentic" stories, to say MW2, which you, if I am reading this correctly, believe is quite over the top.

Both games are good shooters, with a decent storyline. Neither of them are academy award winning historically accurate recreations, or for that matter, completely believable at all times. Saying COD4 has a believable scenario is like saying Jack Bauer is an authentic Counter Terrorist Agent. I'm sure such people exist, and train to do the kinds of things he does, and the things the soldiers in these games do. But the things COD4 lets you do, strung in a series of uninterrupted life threatening scenarios that you somehow manage to continue to overcome as you play each character, stretches the limits of credibility and authenticity just a little bit to begin with. I think our video games are more at the Rambo level of story line than they are at the Saving Private Ryan level of story to begin with. I really don't see this:
Treblaine said:
The thing is this slide for Call of Duty has been gradual and alarming, changing into the very thing it was not as a reason for its popularity.
at all. To me, both the MW games have been equally ridiculous as war stories.

As to the trick of EA/IW using the hallowed name COD so that people unwittingly buy these games based on the previous reputation - players aren't going to know what they are buying when they pick it up... really? It sounds like your fear is that there is going to be a large contingent of gamers out there that are going the hear the name COD:MW3 and be tricked into buying a game that is serious business, only to find out it's just like MW2 & COD4. I don't really think many of the millions of gamers who buy and love these games are outraged at the lack of authenticity, nor will they be surprised by the outlandish nature of the story. By now, they should be prepared for what it's going to be like; dual wielding, knife throwing heroes and all. Personally, I'm one of the many looking forward to buying and playing MW3. I never played these games because they were "realistic." I played them because they were fun. Which for me, is the major thing video games must do. Everything else is gravy.

Finally, you put a lot of effort into explaining why the words "Call of Duty" shouldn't be used by IW because they denote something serious. These are video games, not documentaries. If you are confusing these highly addictive forms of entertainment with something more serious, than you are doing it wrong. Perhaps books would be more your speed. There are many very authentic historical records of war time skirmishes that would likely fill this need for authenticity far better than anything you can play on a PC or console. I would never go into a video game and expect the train tunnels, to use your example, to be 100% accurate. If they happen to be accurate, that's a cool bonus. It certainly isn't a requirement when I am playing at being soldier. Now let me get in there with my truly authentic infinite lives and save system and get to business.
"Neither of them are academy award winning historically accurate recreations, or for that matter, completely believable at all times."

COD4 was. I actually follow accounts of military operation of both Marines and SPecial Forces and COD4 seems to almost be an amalgam of operations that had happened over the past 6 years.
The SAS DID raid a ship at sea, abseiling in from helicopters. The US Marines, DID invade a coastal Middle Eastern country. many of the other scenarios SAS men have said they do train for and consider them a probably eventuality, including storming of a nuclear missile silo. The threat of nuclear terrorism has not yet materialised yet is a real danger.

COD4 was award winning for it's story telling. Like how it ended the nuke level, it was poignant and powerful without being melodramatic or contrived. Something MW2 failed to do.

I mean how did the Al-Assad (the little-bad, leading to big-bad) get captured in COD4? Got punched in the face. But MW2? The informant got tackled OUT OF A WINDOW onto the roof of a car, crushing its roof. That's Professional Wrestling bullshit.

"These are video games, not documentaries."

Of course, why make such an obvious clarification... unless it is to weasely depict that that is what I SAID! I didn't. Authentic=/=documentary, it's a fallacy to dismiss authenticity with that extreme comparison.

"Perhaps books would be more your speed."

Nope, COD4 did it right, more of that. It is so denigrating of games to say you can't make them entertaining AND authentic. Yes, you can have artistic licence like infinite lives and save-checkpoints but you seem to have the attitude that if it isn't 100% authentic then it doesn't matter if it is 1% authentic.

You also just plain do not care about authenticity, or it's just an added extra to you... rather than something fundamental to the game's MEANING.

PS: my quote of JourneyThroughHell is NOT misleading. It leads to a place that is uncomfortable to some as it challenges their prejudices, but still very true and relevant. I'm not going to quote an essay worth of waffle and manipulative fallacies. I have NOT changed what he said, I focused in on what he actually definitively DID say without all the snarky and sarcastic addendums.

He insinuates I should be ashamed to watch Extra Credits, a really thoughtful and insightful show, as if those are bad things. It's just a back handed insult, too cowardly to jut say it plainly.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
JourneyThroughHell said:
Treblaine said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
(story) is not something many players care about, just like it's not something most film-goers care about when they go to see Transformers.

*cites MW2's high sales but not it's low user-scores nor sales figures of Wii shovelware*

I find it extremely fitting you have two EC badges on display. That's not a compliment, by the way.
Well I think that says it all.
Oh hello there, Fox News. Didn't see you come in.

Okay, one by one:

JourneyThroughHell said:
(story) is not something many players care about, just like it's not something most film-goers care about when they go to see Transformers.
All is well and good, except, you know, it wasn't "story" that I said that about, but heaven forbid that you start paying attention now.

JourneyThroughHell said:
*cites MW2's high sales but not it's low user-scores nor sales figures of Wii shovelware*
Yeah, because neither of those are relevant in any way. You weren't just saying you disliked MW2, you were giving advice to the people making it on where they should take their entire franchise. And, just as Nintendo doesn't need our advice when continuing its console line, IW or Treyarch clearly don't need yours.

JourneyThroughHell said:
I find it extremely fitting you have two EC badges on display. That's not a compliment, by the way.
Well, I still do.
Oh, so I disagree with you, therefore I'm Fox News. Not quite as bad as Godwin's Law but the same principal.

(1) It IS about story; go back and read the original quote
(2) It IS relevant; as this isn't about money, this is about art.
(3) Nothing wrong with watching Extra Credits - unless you fear intellectual thought.


New member
May 21, 2009
Treblaine said:
Bowling is such an asshat, yet with West, Zampella and co out of IW he is somehow the most important person of the studio.

I'm not surprised that of the half that left IW to form Respawn Entertainment, that Bowling was not one of them.

Remember, Bowling was the key architect in arguing for MW2 on PC going without dedicated servers.

Yet again, he has absolutely no say in what the developers get to do.

People treat Bowling like he is the sole creator of Call of Duty. He can have the perfect argument for anything, whether or not they do it is entirely up to IW. He's basically just a scape goat.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Treblaine said:
Oh, so I disagree with you, therefore I'm Fox News. Not quite as bad as Godwin's Law but the same principal.

(1) It IS about story; go back and read the original quote
(2) It IS relevant; as this isn't about money, this is about art.
(3) Nothing wrong with watching Extra Credits - unless you fear intellectual thought.
(1) I don't have to read the original quote. I wrote it. I remember what I wrote. I said that having an "out-there story in a realistic setting" is something most people would not care about, or rather, would not object to. I didn't say that nobody gives a shit about story in gaming, I obviously do not think so and I don't know an game who does.

(2) Call of Duty is and has always been a blockbuster, the most "artsy" it gets is imitating other movies - Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, The Rock.

(3) Not really, my fear is mostly of repetition, lack of research and shows that falsely claim to provide "insight" when what they do is reiterate obvious points to people who just found out that gaming exists.

Also, the your Fox News comment is also very Fox News worthy. It's quite obvious, both to me and you surely, that the comparison is not meant to represent not so much you disagreeing with me, but rather, your attempts to misquote me.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Tdc2182 said:
Treblaine said:
Bowling is such an asshat, yet with West, Zampella and co out of IW he is somehow the most important person of the studio.

I'm not surprised that of the half that left IW to form Respawn Entertainment, that Bowling was not one of them.

Remember, Bowling was the key architect in arguing for MW2 on PC going without dedicated servers.

Yet again, he has absolutely no say in what the developers get to do.

People treat Bowling like he is the sole creator of Call of Duty. He can have the perfect argument for anything, whether or not they do it is entirely up to IW. He's basically just a scape goat.
Well he is the "creative lead", that sounds like 'Director' to me. Or is it just a meaningless title?

If so, then who the hell IS running this circus?

There is very little info out there on reformed Infinity Ward and it seems since the mass departure Activision has been running the company in ultra-secret mode. Everyone is toeing the party line and nothing is being leaked.

But Bowling has always been an Activision loyalists and way too often he has stuck the knife in his fellow developers, mainly against Treyarch.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
JourneyThroughHell said:
Treblaine said:
Oh, so I disagree with you, therefore I'm Fox News. Not quite as bad as Godwin's Law but the same principal.

(1) It IS about story; go back and read the original quote
(2) It IS relevant; as this isn't about money, this is about art.
(3) Nothing wrong with watching Extra Credits - unless you fear intellectual thought.
(1) I don't have to read the original quote. I wrote it. I remember what I wrote. I said that having an "out-there story in a realistic setting" is something most people would not care about, or rather, would not object to. I didn't say that nobody gives a shit about story in gaming, I obviously do not think so and I don't know an game who does.

(2) Call of Duty is and has always been a blockbuster, the most "artsy" it gets is imitating other movies - Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, The Rock.

(3) Not really, my fear is mostly of repetition, lack of research and shows that falsely claim to provide "insight" when what they do is reiterate obvious points to people who just found out that gaming exists.

Also, the your Fox News comment is also very Fox News worthy. It's quite obvious, both to me and you surely, that the comparison is not meant to represent not so much you disagreeing with me, but rather, your attempts to misquote me.
It's a fair quote, it was too long and I replaced "it's" with "story is" after you talked about out-there story, that you later clarified with comparison with Transformers movies that have notoriously terrible story. It's a prime example of how a creative work can be absolutely awful yet still rake in metric tons of money.

Art =/= "artsy"

Art is the reason that ALL games have recently dodged the censor's scissors in America.

So you are implying because I watch Extra Credits I will just parrot whatever they say with no insight of my own? Why would you think that? Why would I do that for Extra Credits but not do the same for Bowling's messages? Also, to people who "just found out gaming exists"?!?! What! I've been gaming since 1996... What were you doing in 1996? Extra Credits is by and for veteran gamers, I mean REAL veterans, not people whose first experience with COD was Modern Warfare.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Treblaine said:
It's a fair quote, it was too long and I replaced "it's" with "story is" after you talked about out-there story, that you later clarified with comparison with Transformers movies that have notoriously terrible story. It's a prime example of how a creative work can be absolutely awful yet still rake in metric tons of money.
There was no need to replace anything. People do not rage against Transformers for the fact that its story is out there, they rage at it for the fact it's not good. Sure, pretty bad example, but it was the first thing that came into my mind and I'll be insane if I decide to edit my posts after I've done with them - you don't put any work into this, why should I?

Treblaine said:
Art =/= "artsy"

Art is the reason that ALL games have recently dodged the censor's scissors in America.
Not really, that would be free speech. Every game is art, btw, just like every movie is "art". Some are high art, some are not.

Treblaine said:
So you are implying because I watch Extra Credits I will just parrot whatever they say with no insight of my own? Why would you think that? Why would I do that for Extra Credits but not do the same for Bowling's messages? Also, to people who "just found out gaming exists"?!?! What! I've been gaming since 1996... What were you doing in 1996? Extra Credits is by and for veteran gamers, I mean REAL veterans, not people whose first experience with COD was Modern Warfare.
Oh, yeah, man, you're so real. "Real" gamers need to have the difference between "graphics" and "aesthetics" explained to them. Real gamers like Passage a lot, because it's a real game for real gamers. That's just really real.

Also, I wasn't implying anything of that sort. I don't see any points EC ever made reiterated in your points, despite maybe the "art" thing, but that is, like, the vaguest thing ever, so I could not accuse you of blindly parroting their opinion even if I really wanted to (and I do).

It's just that your post really reminded me of how Daniel Floyd talks in the videos, minus his restraint.

Treblaine said:
What were you doing in 1996? Extra Credits is by and for veteran gamers, I mean REAL veterans, not people whose first experience with COD was Modern Warfare.
Finally, this is getting fun.

That jab really hurt, you know, except my first experience with Call of Duty was Call of Duty 1 back in 2003 (maybe in the early 2004, don't remember). But that shouldn't matter either way and it doesn't.

Jesus, that all-caps part was the biggest explosion of elitism, like, ever. So real.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
EC falsely claim to provide 'insight' when what they do is reiterate obvious points to people who just found out that gaming exists.
JourneyThroughHell said:
Jesus, that all-caps part was the biggest explosion of elitism, like, ever. So real.
You are elitist when it suits you; then you use elitism as an insult when that suits you. Pfft, it's all meaningless.

so I could not accuse you of blindly parroting the opinion of Extra Credits, even if I really wanted to (and I do)
yet you did say, in relation to me watching Extra Credits
my fear is mostly of repetition, lack of research
PS: Supreme Court said they only granted Video game First Amendment as it was proven the medium had widespread artistic significance, you can't be a philistine on this point.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Why the hell did I read this whole thread just to post a reminder to the few people talking about continuity that CoD has not had continuity between games since the very first one where Captain Price DIED like a sucker in World War 2 on board a German naval ship. He didn't even get a death scene. You just leave him guarding a door, go around a circular corridor and come back to find his corpse, which just gets left there.

Then of course he's been featured in every single IW made CoD game since including the modern warfare games. Hell, some more anal fans have imagined that MW Price is a descendant of WW2 Price. The real answer is far simpler. Not many people realize this, but CoD is actually not a real world military action game at all but is actually a high fantasy story disguised as a military game. Price is an immortal. The only way to kill him is decapitation. And hey, that also clears up the complete lack of realism or plausibility too doesn't it? Oh yes, and Sgt Foley is the same character two, he's actually even more powerful than Price since he's both immortal, and a shape shifter. I think he was also Sgt Randall from CoD 2 as well because personally I couldn't tell the difference.

Anyway, you're welcome.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Treblaine said:
You are elitist when it suits you; then you use elitism as an insult when that suits you. Pfft, it's all meaningless.
Not a single bit of elitism in that one. All I said is that they "reiterate obvious stuff", I did not, in fact, say that I am a real gaming veteran who knows better than them and all that.

I find the stuff they say incredibly obvious or, in other cases, wrong. That doesn't mean that I consider myself smarter than most people who think they're really insightful. I just don't see how the show is of any use at all.

Treblaine said:
yet you did say, in relation to me watching Extra Credits
Quote plox.

Treblaine said:
PS: Supreme Court said they only granted Video game First Amendment as it was proven the medium had widespread artistic significance, you can't be a philistine on this point.
I'm a guy who posts on forums. They're people who make a video series for money. They have a week to do that shit. When I can immediately spot that somebody fucked up and called K&L a First-Person Shooter or BF2 and Arma CoD clones, I start doubting anyone even researches that shit. And when there's an entire episode about New Vegas that could only be written by people who did not play the game through, that's when I call it as it is.

Also, the Supreme Court thing frequently mentioned and brought up freedom of speech. In fact, the Mortal Kombat/Divine Comedy comparison specifically goes against your argument. It's not about the cultural value, but freedom of speech.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
JourneyThroughHell said:
Also, the Supreme Court thing frequently mentioned and brought up freedom of speech. In fact, the Mortal Kombat/Divine Comedy comparison specifically goes against your argument. It's not about the cultural value, but freedom of speech.
The mortal kombat vs Divine Comedy was the argument made by Schwarzenegger's team, the Justices dismissed that argument with the overall artistic significance of the medium as it is today as being the deciding factor.

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Treblaine said:
In fact, if it didn't have the preface of "3NGLAND" I'd think it was showing gameplay footage of New York rather than London.
Not quite true. While most of the London Underground is pretty compact, stations such as Baker Street have tunnels going in and out that are significantly wider, and not all that dissimilar to what is seen in the trailer. Until we actually play the game, there's no way of knowing exactly whereabouts on the Underground that scene takes place. If it's halfway up the Jubilee line, then sure, a little creative license has been used. On the Metropolitan heading out of Baker Street though? A little crazy, sure, but not exactly impossible.

Ultimately it just stinks of poor research and indifference to authenticity.
I don't know. The police cars looked very much like the sort of police cars you see out and about in London. Big Ben looks like Big Ben. The weather looks like your typical grey and rainy London weather.

Ultimately, Infinity Ward is an American developer. They're never going to make a 100% depiction of London, because they can't just nip out and visit it any time they like. So far, from what we've seen in the trailer, I don't think they've done a bad job.
But Infinity Ward use to be able to be authentic with their WWII games and COD4 especially in Prypriat. It really dragged me in and had me totally hooked and really felt like a Special Forces warrior

But this MW3 trailer has bullshit that a Hollywood action movie wouldn't even try, chasing a subway train in a car. I think the closest Hollywood has ever gotten is that ridiculous Money Train where Wesley Snipes got to a stationary subway train on a motorcycle. It's just another case of the COD series 'jumping the shark'.

Remember, the Tv show Happy Days went on for several more seasons after the Fonz actually jumped the shark, but everyone recognises that was the point that it had gone too far and they should call it quits.

It's gotten worse with them using prototype weapons that are not in production (Kriss Super V aka Vector), devices that do not exist (compact heartbeat sensor) and others that frankly defy physics and physiology like instantly killing someone by throwing a knife that hits anywhere.

Hmm, I remember the end of modern warfare 2 having to make that impossible knife throw (to spite lying on my back with my sternum being split in half, a punctured aorta and severe pneumothorax) I noticed that it was literally impossible to miss. The auto-aim assist would not allow it. Such a contrast to the end of COD4 where you had to actually AIM and kill three armed men with just 7 shots and do it quickly.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Treblaine said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Also, the Supreme Court thing frequently mentioned and brought up freedom of speech. In fact, the Mortal Kombat/Divine Comedy comparison specifically goes against your argument. It's not about the cultural value, but freedom of speech.
The mortal kombat vs Divine Comedy was the argument made by Schwarzenegger's team, the Justices dismissed that argument with the overall artistic significance of the medium as it is today as being the deciding factor.
I read up on it. It's not the artistic significance. It's about the the first amendment and its application to games, not because they're necessarily high art. In fact, the verdict tries its darndest not to draw a line between entertainment and art.

Treblaine said:
But Infinity Ward use to be able to be authentic with their WWII games and COD4 especially in Prypriat. It really dragged me in and had me totally hooked and really felt like a Special Forces warrior

But this MW3 trailer has bullshit that a Hollywood action movie wouldn't even try, chasing a subway train in a car. I think the closest Hollywood has ever gotten is that ridiculous Money Train where Wesley Snipes got to a stationary subway train on a motorcycle. It's just another case of the COD series 'jumping the shark'.
Or, you know, Mission Impossible, in which a guy piloted a helicopter into a subway. No outrage over that.

Again. Nobody cares. It's gonna be a segment that's gonna be fun to play. Call of Duty is NOT down to earth, it's not Arma, if it makes you feel like a special forces officer then you clearly have some wrong misconceptions about them.

Treblaine said:
Remember, the Tv show Happy Days went on for several more seasons after the Fonz actually jumped the shark, but everyone recognises that was the point that it had gone too far and they should call it quits.
Yeah, apt comparison there. Except, you know, Black Ops, the game after MW2, had a bigger launch and MW3 is looking to crush even those records. Unless your definition of everyone is "The Escapist", in which case I can't argue with what you're saying.

Treblaine said:
It's gotten worse with them using prototype weapons that are not in production (Kriss Super V aka Vector), devices that do not exist (compact heartbeat sensor) and others that frankly defy physics and physiology like instantly killing someone by throwing a knife that hits anywhere.
It's not like you could knife a person in the leg in CoD 4 and insta-kill him. Oh wait, you can. But doesn't that mean that CoD 4 is being "the worst of both worlds"?

Who's being selective now?

Treblaine said:
Hmm, I remember the end of modern warfare 2 having to make that impossible knife throw (to spite lying on my back with my sternum being split in half, a punctured aorta and severe pneumothorax) I noticed that it was literally impossible to miss. The auto-aim assist would not allow it. Such a contrast to the end of COD4 where you had to actually AIM and kill three armed men with just 7 shots and do it quickly.
Yeah. It was so hard to aim, in fact, that all of the three men were one-hit kills from the pistol no matter which body part was targeted, unlike any other enemy in the entire fucking game.

That would be a serious flaw, except it doesn't matter and no one cares, because it created a really nice ending for what essentially was a very good Hollywood flick, not a documentary about special forces and Arabs detonating nukes in their own cities and voice actors speaking in butchered Russian. Seriously, many of the in-game walls with were covered with the same Russian profanity and that made me smirk more than the entirety of Modern Warfare 2.

Authenticity, sure.

I mean, it's a fucking crime for IW not to know the width of the London underground tunnels, but not hiring proper Russian VAs is a-okay.


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
Treblaine said:
"Neither of them are academy award winning historically accurate recreations, or for that matter, completely believable at all times."

COD4 was. I actually follow accounts of military operation of both Marines and SPecial Forces and COD4 seems to almost be an amalgam of operations that had happened over the past 6 years.
The SAS DID raid a ship at sea, abseiling in from helicopters. The US Marines, DID invade a coastal Middle Eastern country. many of the other scenarios SAS men have said they do train for and consider them a probably eventuality, including storming of a nuclear missile silo. The threat of nuclear terrorism has not yet materialised yet is a real danger.

COD4 was award winning for it's story telling. Like how it ended the nuke level, it was poignant and powerful without being melodramatic or contrived. Something MW2 failed to do.

I mean how did the Al-Assad (the little-bad, leading to big-bad) get captured in COD4? Got punched in the face. But MW2? The informant got tackled OUT OF A WINDOW onto the roof of a car, crushing its roof. That's Professional Wrestling bullshit.
I'm not going to really argue this point anymore. It's a matter of opinion. Despite what you may feel, you can't really be any more right than me when it comes to opinion. It is my opinion COD games are not particularly realistic. It is your opinion they are. Are they more realistic than TF2? Obviously. That doesn't mean they are particularly believable scenarios to me. They are thinly veiled action adventure games with guns and military fatigues. Adding a few "real world" scenarios does not make this seem any more real to me. I know military personnel. War is not an action adventure game. I'm not really going to trust your word for authenticity over theirs. Based on your theory, the game is "authentic" because it's an amalgam of a series of events that happened or might have been trained for over six years. That would make "Go Ask Alice" authentic as well, because it was also an amalgam of stories smashed together to make a single exciting narrative. If that's what makes authenticity for you, then there really isn't anything more for me to say on the matter, so we'll end this at that.

"These are video games, not documentaries."

Of course, why make such an obvious clarification... unless it is to weasely depict that that is what I SAID! I didn't. Authentic=/=documentary, it's a fallacy to dismiss authenticity with that extreme comparison.
It was clearly an exaggeration to illustrate a point, but perhaps you missed that. I shall clarify. You argued that because the early COD games were more "authentic", that made them better. I argued that they were no more authentic than any COD games, see my above statement on the matter. I was using this extreme example to drive home the issue that the main purpose of games is not to be authentic, but rather to entertain. Non-Fiction books however, are certainly written with the explicit purpose of being authentic, which readers expect. I was trying to say you are projecting a level of expectation onto a group that I feel doesn't exist.

"Perhaps books would be more your speed."

Nope, COD4 did it right, more of that. It is so denigrating of games to say you can't make them entertaining AND authentic. Yes, you can have artistic licence like infinite lives and save-checkpoints but you seem to have the attitude that if it isn't 100% authentic then it doesn't matter if it is 1% authentic.

You also just plain do not care about authenticity, or it's just an added extra to you... rather than something fundamental to the game's MEANING.
First: You argue that MW2 is not authentic enough to warrant the name COD, then you criticize me for saying something isn't really authentic. I'm having trouble following your line of argument here. Indeed, my threshold for what I consider authenticity is higher than yours. I just don't require authenticity in order to enjoy a military shooter.

Second: You know what's denigrating of games? Insisting they have something like authenticity to be a valid form of expression and entertainment, insisting they be "artistic" in order to have some value in this world.

Games do not need these things to be of importance. Music, television, books, all can have value simply by being entertaining. They don't need to be educational to have worth. They don't need to have deep meaning to have worth. They don't need to be authentic to have worth. Sometimes people buy stuff just to have fun. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I should not have to validate what I do for fun by shoehorning in these imaginary values just so society will accept my preferred medium of entertainment. It is denigrating to have to stoop to that level in order to be accepted. I refuse to do that. I play games because they are fun. If I get something more out of them, yes, that is highly enjoyable as well. But I should not have to be ashamed of playing MW2 because it's like a Micheal Bay film.

It is also silly to dismiss a game like MW2 based on the fact that you don't find it believable enough to be authentic. I'm not the one with the hangup on authenticity. Surely, you can see that. Given the multifaceted nature of video games that are a complex interplay of story, characters user interface game play design, etc, it is unreasonable to expect every game will score 100% in every category across the board. Personally I take the position that it is the aggregate of all these aspects that come together to determine how enjoyable a game is to actually play.

PS: my quote of JourneyThroughHell is NOT misleading. It leads to a place that is uncomfortable to some as it challenges their prejudices, but still very true and relevant. I'm not going to quote an essay worth of waffle and manipulative fallacies. I have NOT changed what he said, I focused in on what he actually definitively DID say without all the snarky and sarcastic addendums.

He insinuates I should be ashamed to watch Extra Credits, a really thoughtful and insightful show, as if those are bad things. It's just a back handed insult, too cowardly to jut say it plainly.
You did change his quote, that is pretty clear to me. If you are going to excuse what he did by saying, "Well, he insulted me first in a petty way, so yeah," that's not really going to convince me what you did was right. It is not a good argument to say you lowered yourself to his level.

Treblaine said:
PS: Supreme Court said they only granted Video game First Amendment as it was proven the medium had widespread artistic significance, you can't be a philistine on this point.
You are simply incorrect on this point. Though you can't really be blamed for this since the media certainly boiled the 24 page opinion down to this simple point. Scalia, and the other justices, actually said quite a few things, and they did not declare video games art, as the court has ruled in the past that the federal government cannot really determine what is and is not art. In the opinion, which can be read here: Scalia specifically states

"California correctly acknowledges that video games qualify for First Amendment protection. The Free Speech Clause exists principally to protect discourse on public matters, but we have long recognized that it is difficult to distinguish politics from entertainment, and dangerous to try."

The court is recognizing that video games are a form of expression, but they do not go so far to say that it is art. Art is after all, highly subjective, because as Justice Harlan wrote in the Cohen v. California case, "one man's vulgarity is another's lyric."

Scalia further writes, "Like the protected books, plays, and movies that preceded them, video games communicate ideas?and even social messages?through many familiar literary devices (such as characters, dialogue, plot, and music) and through features distinctive to the medium (such as the player?s interaction with the virtual world). That suffices to confer First Amendment protection."

Again, he is stressing that video games communication of ideas is what protects them under the constitution, not their artistic merit.

Once more from Scalia "Under our Constitution, ?esthetic and moral judgments about art and literature . . . are for the individual to make, not for the Government to decree, even with the mandate or approval of a majority.?

It's also important to note that the Justices decided video games were not obscene, which is the major important distinction, in my opinion as a constitutional scholar, of this opinion. This is important because obscenity can be legislated by the government despite the first amendment's protections of speech, because this is one of the few exceptions to the free speech amendment. The court disallowed the creation of a new class of exception, namely violence, to the free speech exceptions.

"Because speech about violence is not obscene, it is of no consequence that California?s statute mimics the New York statute regulating obscenity-for-minors that we upheld in Ginsberg v. New York, 390 U. S. 629 (1968)"

In short, no, it was not because video games are art that they were protected, rather they are considered an expression of ideas. I know, semantics really, but that is what the law specializes in.