Mmm, I remember when you used to say a smoking gun to put Trump away would emerge from the Mueller investigation "any day now". Forgive me if I don't bother digging up a pen.
What console users never seem to remember is that any time a console "exceeds" in technology, PC catches up and surpasses within a couple of years. Furthermore, anybody who wants to port their games are still going to be constrained by the design of "lesser" machines. So the only games who will take full advantage of whatever gain you get from cutting out RAM (which, by the way, is a claim I doubt, given the 16 GB of VRAM that is almost certainly going to act as a combined RAM source), will be exclusives which never intend to come to other platforms, which is increasingly passé these days. Yet furthermore, historically it has been shown that only dev teams really willing to get down to the metal of console architecture have gotten the most out of the hardware's unique capabilities, and often only in the latter half of a console's life cycle.
What you and some others on this thread are doing is buying in to the standard pre-release hype machine, which precedes any major consumerist endeavor. The console will be what it is, and what it is, is only potential. Devs make games, not consoles.