Internet Explodes Over Origin's Invasion of Privacy

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
fi6eka said:
Catchy Slogan said:
It still boggles the mind as to how this much of an invasion of privacy can be legal.
Haven't you seen that one South Park episode:Everything is legal, as long as you agree to the terms of service.
I... I try not to...

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Do I really need to say anything more than this is the worst idea ever? I hope not, I just woke up and I'm not in the mindset for a 4 paragraph letter full of hate XD


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Meh, I'm buying anyway, I don't care what they find out about me, if they'd ask I'd tell them anyway.


Searching for common sense ...
Aug 6, 2011
Lordmarkus said:
So I who have already downloaded Origin to play the alpha is pretty much fucked?
You have only one option to opt out ... Completely remove Origin from your PC.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
MrJKapowey said:
Hmm, this is just really, really, really, fucking stupid.

"We'll release a triple-A game that hundereds of thousands (maybe) really want and have been waiting for for thre or so years. BUT we'll make them download something which requires you to agree us to do ANYTHING with ANY data we want to collect off their computers. Good idea guys, marketing is gonna love this!"
This completely. They've already ticked off a lot of people by removing all their games from Steam and forcing people to download their new service, which hasn't had much time to prove itself as reliable or good, and now they include something very invasive like this? On what plane of reality are they living where they think all of this will gain them customers over losing them with each new thing they implement?


New member
Mar 28, 2011
2. Consent to WE OWNZ YOOZ.

You agree that EA may do you raw, no lube, and absolutely no pillow biting allowed. IF YOU DO NOT WANT EA TO DO THIS, PLEASE DO NOT GET INTO BED WITH THEM. We reserve the right to record and store the experience and upload to the internets so we can make moar money.

Um, gee, thanks for letting us know.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Wow, And they though that was an good idea.

How do they come up with stupid stuff like this?

Did they take drugs at a meeting or something?

EA could you atleast try and not piss people for atleast one week.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
dropZero said:
How can anyone in their right mind ever defend and support Origin?
To put it simple the one's that don't care and think we make a big deal over nothing are simply the stupid ones, i'm sorry but it's true the one's that don't care about this sort of act are those that are ignorant of their surroundings and changes being made around them to the point where hacking off their arm doesn't bother them.

OT: The final line has been drawn for me as i like my privacy as much as anyone else so i will not be supporting this practice and i don't really give a fuck if anyone think's i'm whining because if you think the majority of my data being probed is whining then you don't see the picture at all.

This practice is flawed as hell because it just puts off many customers instead of gaining any under their guidance that they actually "care for you the customer".

I'm completely fine with Valve terms and data collections but EA's is just a wrong turn in that direction and it's more likely to provoke loyal customers to step down from buying or even using their product's and services because i know i won't be getting BF3 let alone wanting to touch Origin.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
The more I hear of Origin, the less I want to use it. Now I probably never will.

This is not the message they want to send to potential users.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
We need to get some creative people together for this one.
Come on guys,

How can we make a legal issue out of this? Surely there must be something we can claim against them for this, it's bound to stamp over all kinds of legal and ethical issues. We just need a good enough claim against it and we can destroy them.

The games industry has been spitting on customer rights for this long, it's finally getting to the point where they don't consider customers to have any rights at all they can't have a hand in. We know we can't let it go down this way.


Australian Justice
Jan 30, 2010
DragonLord Seth said:
So who's worse now, EA or Activision?
Don't worry, my door in MW3's open. Come in, take off your coat and have a seat. No not the big chair, I'm going to sit in it and gloat at you!
Hahaha I picked up on the obscure Yahtzee quote LOL

OT: As GLaDOS once did to Chell *slow clap* Well done EA, it seems like your company have taken over the role of the industry's Bobby Kotick. although thats unfair to Bobby Kotick because at least when he says stupid shit, it's not tragic. EA seriously need to start growing up, They have gotten away with this shit for too long. Sure they wanted to outsell Activision in the shooter market for once and i actually almost supported this sentiment, but with constant bad press one after the other, you sure are stabbing you're self in the foot healing it and then chopping it off.

Prediction though
BF3 Console Version will outsell PC version.


Dark DM Overlord
Apr 7, 2010
TheDarkEricDraven said:
Fucking EA! Hard. Copies. Come on people! I don't want to be the guy who's telling everyone to "Go back to horses, motors are just a fad!" but seriously!
That would be all well and good, if the hard copies didn't require you to install Origin in the same manner that many games (like Fallout New Vegas and Empire Total War) make you install Steam to run.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Well, this isn't exactly great news, in my opinion. Though i do wonder how much info Steam pulls out of my PC.


Searching for common sense ...
Aug 6, 2011
ZombieGenesis said:
How can we make a legal issue out of this? Surely there must be something we can claim against them for this, it's bound to stamp over all kinds of legal and ethical issues. We just need a good enough claim against it and we can destroy them.

The games industry has been spitting on customer rights for this long, it's finally getting to the point where they don't consider customers to have any rights at all they can't have a hand in. We know we can't let it go down this way.
Only one way. Spread the knowledge and VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET.

You see, you might have to actually not play a game you like. And make other gamers understand, that there are reasons not to buy. Once sales are terribly bad, they might notice. And by making understand is make clear, reasonable argument.

Legally, EA is fine. You see ... You accept their terms when you install. And you can terminate same agreement by uninstalling Origin. Of course, they are COUNTING you will want your game more than justice.