Introducing the Google Image Search 2 Porn Game!


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Graph goes to page 54 (964 images) then it asks if I want omitted results included. No sign of any kind of porn at all!


New member
Jan 25, 2008
I thought I had a winner with xenon, but google wouldn't go past p.50, telling me "
Sorry, Google does not serve more than 1000 results for any query. (You asked for results starting from 980.)" Can I increase this limit or what?


New member
Dec 7, 2007
I found this game concept to be funny, so i gave it a shot...

first search: Steve Martin (i mean who doesnt love steve martin?)
everything is fine until...
pg. 9 - Playboy cover (nothing to see)
pg. 10 - Playgirl cover (i am thouroughly confused now)
pg. 11 - Two more Playboy covers (apparently there is a porn star dude named Steve Martin, so im screwed)
pg. 12 - Penthouse and Playboy covers (only a matter of time...)
pg. 17 - NOOOOO! shower boobies ahoy!

next i searched: lightbulb
nohing offensive until...
pg. 30 - lingerie shot of Paris Hilton (the link was which i thought was funny, but even moreso cuz i went to the site and saw an article on how paris is helping save the environment. how?? by drinking all my alcohol???)
pg. 43 - NOOOOO! some black and white nipple from some 1883 Gold Bond. w/e black and white boobie, i shun you

next i searched: carpet (i'm asking for trouble ith this)
i get farther than i thought i would, and i only got to pg. 6 which says something about my confidence in my search. Pg. 6 produced some pic of "hardcore adult spanking"...I am intrigued, naturally

after im done with "hardcore adult spanking" some two hours later, my cramping hand types out "smurf" for my next search. again i am asking for trouble, i mean, cmon, only one smurfette? what a slut, but w/e
pg. 1 - some risque stuff, nothing too offensive until...
pg. 2 - grampa porn...AHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO! wtf does like an 80 yr old dude sucking off another 80 yr old dude have to do with smurfs??? needless to say i i needed another reason to hate old people lol...although i did go back a little later to get a more thourough look...


New member
Nov 9, 2007
ah, that reminds me that when you still have to get the hand of searching on google, and youre young, and innocent...

When I was younger, I was running some picture searches for a school thing. I had to glue pictures together based on a story. In one part, the women was expressing her fantasy to go to Italy, and marry one of those hairy fisherman...
and me, idiot that I was, ran a search for 'hairy man'.

>.< doh!


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Turkish coffee yeilded no porn on gis, except for the cover of a gay porn movie on page 28, but nothing explicit for 53 pages.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
0 pages for "fishnet"

o pages for "play"

1 page for "coca-cola" Some topless chick, WTF?

4 pages for "lollipop"

40 pages for "shoe" before I hit a UK porn line, What the f*ck?


New member
Feb 15, 2008
I searched "nintendo" went 47 pages before hitting the omitted section. I was surprised. I saw a lot of partial nudity, but nothing blatantly sexual.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Searched for "psp." So far, the closest thing to porn is on the first page. It's that "girl having an orgasm with a psp" image from Kotaku.

continuing on...

EDIT: pg 11 - an ad for "Free PSP porn videos"


New member
Nov 24, 2007
-Got 9 pages with "dihydrogen monoxide" before I got an album cover with a topless girl on it.
-For "dornick" I got 6 pages before seeing nudity, but it wasn't sexual, so I continued... 32 pages before getting something that could be considered porn.
-I got a guy in a loincloth on the first page for "dotard", but... it wasn't until page 4 that I got some friendly Greek ladies. I guess that could be porn.
-Page 12 for "defenestration" has men with socks on their penises. You can see enough that I'll call it quits there.
-A nude statue appeared on page 32 for "excelsior", but it's not really porn, I think. After 47 pages, still no porn.
-I got kind of a sexy drawing on page 5 with "anastrophe" and was disappointed, so I stopped.
-Don't do "pseudoantidisestablismentarianism". Just don't.
-I got 10 pages with "paramecium". I was surprised.
-I got a medical diagram on page 16 for "Sphygmomanometer", but it's not porn, so I continued. Page 29 had another diagram involving sex, which is technically porn, so I stopped.
-Doing another measuring device... "dosimeter" got me a medical diagram with a flaccid penis on 15, but again... not porn. I did get a girl in a swimsuit on 39, but she's decent. At page 43 it said "we have omitted some entries, blah blah..."
-There's a naked fairy lady on page 18 for "diverticulitis" (fun one), but you can't even see nipples. Next page has nudity, but again, not full frontal nudity, even. Still worksafe. Some bare asses on 35, but I'm not going to ponder whether it counts because I'm tired of looking at colonoscopy images.
-Despite the phallic nature of cannons, "culverin" didn't even turn up anything risque until page 30, and there's nothing NSFW actually showing. Ended at page 39, no actual pr0n.
-Oh yes. I got 44 pages for "bacteriophage". No porn.
-I got 47 pages for "sturgeon" with no porn.