Introducing the Google Image Search 2 Porn Game!


New member
Nov 24, 2007
-With "bread" I got what appears to be possible nudity on page 18, but it's all artistic and stuff... I don't think it could be considered porn... a nude sculpture made of bread dough on 43, but the bread lady isn't actually doing anything pornographic ( no more results after 47 pages.
-I didn't bother going past the girl on the toilet for page 5 with "pubic louse". You can go farther if you want.
-"Lemon Party", one page. I swear, it was a total surprise!
-With "pituitary gland" I got a lot of medical diagrams, but no nudity before page 8 and... ok, I'll stop at 17.
-No porn on the 2 pages "poopmuscle" gave me.
-"Fecal soda" gave me tubgirl on page 2. FYI, my brother chose the poop-related ones.
-I am thankful I only had to look at one page for "bitchtits".
-I got 4 whole pages for "almond roca balls"!
-The first picture on 'christianity' ended it.

Mr. Bubbles

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Not including a picture that has a picture of a taco over Britney Spears "fish taco" as the photo description likes to call it on page 23 (thugh there was also a rather disturbing pic of some little girl in bikini on page 34, I don't think that that really counts either since it didn't show anything that would disturb anyone that wasn't looking for something disturbing), fish got to page 55, where it stops. Of course, if you lot decide the "fish taco" or the little girl count, it didn't get nearly so far, but whatever.


New member
Nov 23, 2007
On page 8 of "toothpaste," I ran into something called the toothpaste penis pump, but there was no picture of actual genitals. Does that count?
Otherwise I got to page 29.

Antarctica didn't get past page 1...

I got to the end (page 43) of "FA-18 hornet" without porn.

"not porn" didn't make it past the 1st picture...


New member
Nov 23, 2007
so taxes and peninsula are the leaders so far...

I got to page 45 of cumulonimbus, you've got to be fucking kidding me! What the hell does a storm cloud have to do with nude photography?!?!?!


New member
Mar 18, 2008
50 before google telling me i can't look at more that 980 images for 'charter' (almost!)


New member
Jan 14, 2008
LordKaT said:
"chernobyl" page 19.
Dude, I searched Chernobyl several years ago, and the top hit has scarred me until this day. Don't read if you are of weak constitution...

It was a very attractive woman on a beach, the only problem was that the woman had jubblies in places that jubblies don't belong (such as knees, elbows, etc.). I was doing research for my school newspaper at the time and the search completed about the time that the teacher walked in the room.


New member
Nov 23, 2007
My brother was playing guitar hero at the time, so I thought I'd go with an easy one.

Hammer-on - 4 pages
Hammer on - 14 pages
Pull-off - 4 pages
Pull off - 1 page

I couldn't believe it, but the hyphen made a massive difference.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Joe said:
Intrepid ranter JR [] was scouring Google Image Search today when he said to me, "Dude, never search for 'outside' with safe search turned off." From there, we had the conversation everyone's had since the internet and porn first got married: Is there a search term out there that won't turn up porn? I decided to find out. I hopped over to GIS, turn off safe search and typed in "lamp." I made it 46 pages. JR, convinced he could make it further, typed in "Pez" and made it 29 pages. And lo, a game was born.

Google Image Search 2 Porn, or GIS2P for short, is as simple as it is beautiful. To play, just type a word into GIS with safe search off, then go until you find porn. Don't include omitted results, and if you reach the end of the image line, the search is over.

Can you beat Joltin' Joe's record of 46 pages without seeing a pair of bare bosoms or people bumping uglies? Play GIS2P to find out!

Post the words you choose here, as well as your page results! You can leave the porn on Google; we'll take your word for it.
Girlscouts first page


New member
Jan 26, 2008
54 with Mr. Rogers. no porn at all, i got to the end of the search pages.... lol i thought there would be tons of it.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
Clarinet. All 55 pages were porn-free, people. I think I've found an exception to Rule 34.