Is a PS3 worth it?


New member
May 24, 2011
Tanakh said:
Cridhe said:
Tanakh said:
I would save for a gaming PC

Some people are not, and will never be PC gamers. Some of us enjoy plug-and-play with no complications. Some of us enjoy the feel of a controller in our hands and if you actually read what the OP had said before sputtering "my god is holier than yours" garbage, he's clearly a console gamer.
Fine, fine, but Steam is plug and play and i do play with a 360 controller my SF IV and Super Meat Boy.

And clearly PC would open up 15-20 times more content for him than a PS3, for... 2-3 times the price? Sounds like his best choice tbh.

I myself need a 360, but don't have time to play more, and are saving to go and fly around the world anyway.
I myself have been playing exclusively on PC for the last several months, there are benefits to both PC and console. Console tends to suit a more active lifestyled person, I myself have been drawn over to PC simply for the fact I work a 3rd shift job now and quite honestly have nothing better to do on my nights off.

Super Meat Boy and SF4 aren't the only two games in the world either, but yes Steam is a wonderful thing.

If he has friends that like to hang out and play games and isn't sitting for a majority of the day, or doesn't have time to figure out why a game he just paid $50 for is constantly crashing then clearly a PS3 is a fine choice.

PC just isn't for everybody, and again there's nothing like the feel of a game pad in my hands.

Edit: Even playing on PC, I could care less about extra content. I've been on a Bioware binge lately and the core games are all I give a damn about. If you're not selling your customer a complete product from the start then I don't want your product, and no the truck I drive does not have fuzzy dice in the mirror or a go-faster-stripe painted across it.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Garret866 said:
Xbox - online shooters and the like, much better in my opinion
ps3 - awesome single player games like metal gear solid or Heavy rain
My thoughts exactly. I buy most of the multiplayer games, CoD for example, for the 360. I buy the occasional single-player game for it but not very often. The PS3 is primarily used as the single-player system, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear being the examples. It's also used as the lesser known games console, the prime example being Agarest: Generations of War (don't judge me)

So yeah definitely get one if you can, PC gaming might be a better alternative but when it comes to PC gaming I'm almost completely lost. The main reason I got a PS3 is because I went to town looking for some cheap 360 games. Some people didn't seem to understand my logic...


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Look through the exclusives and see if there's anything else you're interested in, the PS3 probably has the biggest list of exclusives this gen. Look for exclusive downloadable games too, like the Pixeljunk series.

Look through the reviews of the games too. I mean you've listed 3d Dot Heroes which was a little disappointing to be honest, despite it's appearance it's a VERY barebones Zelda clone, maybe you can get some second thoughts on other games too.


New member
May 13, 2009
I could personally never justify it. My dumbass brother bought one to use as a BR player and only afterwards realized that it would cost him thousands of bucks to rebuy his entire collection. So it gathered dust until I borrowed it to play through the only two exclusives on the system that I ever considered looking at (The two Ratchet & Clank games)


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Frozengale said:
So it was recently announced that the 160GB PS3 is now going to be $250 and an Infamous 2 Bundle (320GB) for $300 (Sauce:

I've been thinking about getting a PS3 for a long time now, but I can't really seem to justify it. There are only about 6 games on it that are exclusives that I would want (LBP/LBP2, Infamous/Infamous 2, 3D Dot Hero, Demon's Souls).

So I'm at a crossroads here wondering if I should get a PS3 or abandon the idea all together and just stick with my PS2, 360 and Wii. So when I'm in crisis what do I do. Why turn to the people of the internets of course! Because getting advice from strangers on the internet is what life is all about. So Escapist, should I get a PS3, or should I just stick with what I got.
I had the same dilema...mainly because it was a big purchase and I already felt I had enough to play with my PC, then finally came time where I could afford one

and yeah Id say it was DEFINETLY worth it

first of all you wouldnt belive how awsome it was to be FREE of DRM and of the internet, and the game secction of the store was no so much bigger it was great (I never did do digital distribution)

and my taste in games isnt exactally PC-centric...I was soo exited to try out all those games I previously couldnt (LA noir, red dead redemption) and there are alot of good ones for PS3 I am yet to try, BTW infamous is awsome

I will still play some games on the PC but now I dont feel limited

in your case.....I dont know you already have a console...mabye put that money towards anotehr game...or borrow a freinds PS3

Grotch Willis

New member
May 10, 2011
Frozengale said:
So it was recently announced that the 160GB PS3 is now going to be $250 and an Infamous 2 Bundle (320GB) for $300 (Sauce:

I've been thinking about getting a PS3 for a long time now, but I can't really seem to justify it. There are only about 6 games on it that are exclusives that I would want (LBP/LBP2, Infamous/Infamous 2, 3D Dot Hero, Demon's Souls).

So I'm at a crossroads here wondering if I should get a PS3 or abandon the idea all together and just stick with my PS2, 360 and Wii. So when I'm in crisis what do I do. Why turn to the people of the internets of course! Because getting advice from strangers on the internet is what life is all about. So Escapist, should I get a PS3, or should I just stick with what I got.
You have a PS2, 360 and a Wii, why on earth would you need a ps3? you spoiled little urchin. Be happy with what you have because its more than most.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
tgchan said:
bought one like 2 months ago. If you like games and don't wanna spend 121212$ on gaming get one.

I've never regret buying it and the best thing is I don't have to worry about requeirements.

Playing on console it just much more fun than on pc imo
I dunno...its damn frustrating when you cant aim...when I loaded up Dead space 2 on PC I was like OMG! Precision! how Ive missed you!!

I do both...the ULTIMATE gaming nirvana

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It's a fantastic system, but if it took you this long to consider buying one, then it's probably not woth it.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
well you have the others it seems so if its feasible I would buy a PS3 personally I am lucky enough to own all 3 (wii,360,PS3) and over the years I have put about the same playtime into 360 and PS3 plus ignoring exclusives its always nice to have a choice what system to buy your games for.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Frozengale said:
So it was recently announced that the 160GB PS3 is now going to be $250 and an Infamous 2 Bundle (320GB) for $300 (Sauce:

I've been thinking about getting a PS3 for a long time now, but I can't really seem to justify it. There are only about 6 games on it that are exclusives that I would want (LBP/LBP2, Infamous/Infamous 2, 3D Dot Hero, Demon's Souls).

So I'm at a crossroads here wondering if I should get a PS3 or abandon the idea all together and just stick with my PS2, 360 and Wii. So when I'm in crisis what do I do. Why turn to the people of the internets of course! Because getting advice from strangers on the internet is what life is all about. So Escapist, should I get a PS3, or should I just stick with what I got.
I haven't at all regretted getting my PS3 despite having a solid gaming PC and a wii already.

But if I already had a 360, i'd probably not get it, the library for the 2 are too simmilar, and theres probably plenty games i'd like to play avalible on the other 3 platforms, without the need to buy a new console.

Now here's what you do:
1) Find the prices for all the PS3 exclusives you want, minus the one comping with the PS3 (infamous2 it seems in your case)
2) Find the price of the PS3 (which you alrady did)
3) Add the 2 together
4) Add the price of an extra controller if you wanna use it for local multiplayer
5) Deduct the price if a blu-ray player IF you consider it something worth buying and don't already own one, if bly-ray means nothing to you, skip this step.
6) Divide the grand total with the number of exclusive games summed up in step 1

And there you'll have the price pr. game, leaving it to yourself to decide if they're worth the extra cost compared to getting games avalible for the platforms you already own.

Ofc there might come new exclusives you'll like, but on the other hand, your current systems will also get new games.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
OutrageousEmu said:
Uncharted 3 will be game of the year - anyone who can't recognize that by now is fooling themselves. So basically, do you think $250 is worth missing out on that?
actually game of the year is likely to be one that us multi console, it will probably be Cod Mw3, skyrim, gears of war 3, portal 2 or dues ex


New member
Mar 4, 2009
As just a gaming console, I'm not sure I'd buy it. For me though, it's also a DVD/Blu-ray player. I can use it to watch youtube on my TV, or stream media from my PC. Depending on how much of that you need/already have covered, it may or may not be a good choice.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Obviously its the exclusives that are going to make up your mind here.

It really depends on the games you play. I've found XBOX accommodates more of the 'hardcore' gaming crowd with games such as Halo while the PS3 tends to put more focus into creating games which are more cinematic, light entertainment style. (I'm not in any way saying the games themselves are specifically for light or casual gamers, quite the opposite, its more about the feel and style of the games). This is of course a heavily generalized statement with games like Mass Effect bringing that quality to the XBOX, but with the PS3 having titles such as Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Little Big Planet and Metal Gear Solid, my point still stands.
It may be worth considering that playstation are currently snapping up a heap of studio's to work on even more PS exclusives.

Personally I only own a playstation and have not once regret my decision.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
unless you are interested in exclusives, don't.
i got a PS3 a few month back and i love it but i also didn't own an xbox before so i could play all the cool stuff that was never released on PCs.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I think everyone else here has covered it: If you have enough disposable income, then go for it! I mean, with stuff like the SotC/Ico: HD Collection, Uncharted 3, Demon's Souls, the fucking weird Noby Noby Boy, the PS3 is awesome! That's not to say it doesn't have its downsides (PSN Outage, etc.) However, to everyone saying "OMG ditch the PS3! Xbox 360 is better!", this is what annoys me.

I say that I dislike the Xbox 360 alot, but really only because I don't have one and wouldn't play it anyway. I think it's the "Xbox 360 white-knights who've probably never owned a PS3 to formulate an opinion.

Back OT: PS3 is great, and quite a few of the exclusives are worth it. However, you should also look ahead and find out if there's any other games in development that you haven't heard of for Xbox 360 and PS3, and see which one you may end up playing more in the future.


Aug 27, 2010
I'd definitely recommend it. I was a late adopter as well, but now I love it much more than my 360. I simply like the exclusives more.
kyosai7 said:
I'm thinking about it. The main games I'm interested in are the various jRPGs like Hyperdimension Neptunia, and White Knight Chronicles. That, and the PSN for PS1 games (although I have a PSP, just need a bigger card.) and as a Blu-Ray Player. I have a PSN account, is the Welcome Back program still going?

Just as a note, I have a Wii, 360, and a gaming PC.
As far as I've understood it, and I haven't, the free 30 days of plus has expired, but the free games are still available, but won't be much longer.


Needs a life
Aug 20, 2010
Cridhe said:
Some people are not, and will never be PC gamers. Some of us enjoy plug-and-play with no complications. Some of us enjoy the feel of a controller in our hands and if you actually read what the OP had said before sputtering "my god is holier than yours" garbage, he's clearly a console gamer.
^ Thank you so much, darn PC elitists I tells ya...


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Personally I've also been considering a PS3, but coming as a more obscure kind of gamer the only reason why i didn't pick one up was because I'm distrustful of Sony as a personal rule or vendetta or something, and plonking down a lot of cash on a PS3 never quite felt right.

i still don't own a Xbox 360 OR a PS3, but honestly if i was gonna jump in, it'd be a PS3.

I have no interest in most mainstream releases, and until well after the fact, so my list for games on the PS3 (including non-exclusives) would consist of...

Dead rising 2
Dead Island (maybe)
Katamari Forever (this game about re-sold the PS3 to me as of late)
Portal 2 (possibly)
Armored Core (again maybe)
Dynasty Warriors (who knows if any are good, but why not)

but the PS3 still has the edge of Blu-ray. mind you I still say blu-ray like its a crime that anyone's using the format, and while I hate blu-ray I love the regional differences. I have a thought that it would let me pick up Japanese Blu ray movies and games and play them on my Ps3. i like that freedom, or at least i like the thought.

of course, another reason why id get the PS3 is to play the HD-onto-TV Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2- Dream Theater, so maybe it just appeals to some of my sensibilities where no other console would right now.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
I currently have one but I think I will be selling it, for me I think PC gaming is the way forward. But in my very uneducated and childish opinion its only so I can get more of the map and more players when playing Battlefield 3. Although if thats out of the question then a PS3 is a sound option it has some pretty sick exclusives and Lovefilm if your in the UK, also internet browsing and some On Demand stuff too.