Is CD Projekt Most overrated Developers of today?


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Hello friends,

I used to think its rockstar and still think they are but they can release good games time to times. its just thier GTA formula is boring. otherwise Max payne 3 is thier best game and red dead redemption is good as well.

theres lot of bad developers today like DICE or bioware but they are also hated by lot of gamers.

come to think i find out its CDPR who are currently most overrated developers.

thier first release witcher 1 was absolute crap, a game where i wish it has button to skip the combat, 2 was better but gameplaywise still mediocre and 3 is their most loved game but it was also the most overrated game of this generation. a boring open world game with mediocre combat and excellent lore/universe.

now theres cyberpunk 2077 coming out not any time soon and still most of mainstream journalist calming it best thing they have seen since slice bread and some even say its the best game ever or best game of this gen or GOTY when it will release. this is the first time i have ever seen a game which doesnot shown to public getting insane amount of hype. because more i read preview. the only thing interesting to me is first person view, driving in open world feel boring, plus romance option is waste of time etc.

now it make me think CDPR is most overrated developers today. I mean they can make thier universe and lore great. which i give them credit. but their games lack solid gameplay mechanics.

what do you think? is CDPR most overrated developers of today?

lets discuss


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
B-Cell said:
coming out not any time soon and still most of mainstream journalist calming it best thing they have seen since slice bread and some even say its the best game ever or best game of this gen or GOTY when it will release.
Isn't this exactly what you've been doing with Exodus and Doom Eternal?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
B-Cell said:
this is the first time i have ever seen a game which doesnot shown to public getting insane amount of hype
So I take you were asleep during the No Man's Sky announcements, weren't you?
Feb 7, 2016
"People are berating me for my lack of knowledge on the Cyberpunk universe and my hypocritical views on the unreleased game. Please, someone, agree with me?"


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Nope, even when IMO CDPR has yet to make a good game. Rockstar makes worse games consistently and I literally have no faith they'll (at least with the Houser boys in creative control) ever make a good game. I also find Bethesda more overrated as well as I find their games just really boring on pretty much every level.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Smithnikov said:
CaitSeith said:
B-Cell said:
this is the first time i have ever seen a game which doesnot shown to public getting insane amount of hype
So I take you were asleep during the No Man's Sky announcements, weren't you?
Not to mention Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Now that you mention it, Gearbox probably would be who I'd give the nod too.

I was gonna say Rockstar, but thats a little unfair given I've only played GTAs and the first Max Payne way back when.

I'd tentatively throw FROM in the pile too. The Souls series is fine, and they've done well milking the success of it, but most of their other titles are just janky half-playable messes. I kind of eye Shadows Die Twice with some skepticism, because they had to dial back to a very barebones structure for Souls combat to finally churn out something that wasn't a mess control wise (and still had nonsense like the jumping).

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Seriously, why are we still doing this?!

You know what I'm getting at.


New member
Feb 3, 2016
I don't know, you only know 5 games and 3 developers. Having such a narrow worldview tends to skew the perspective somewhat.

But, no. They're a treasure.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Okay, so I might not be totally clued in to the hive mind on this one, but as I see it, the reason everyone is hyped about Cyberpunk 2077 this E3 is because, and I say this as a long time detractor of the Witcher series, the trailer they showed was really, really good..

I get that some people probably feel that a non-gameplay cinematic trailer can't be "good", but ultimately games are an audiovisual medium, less so that film, but more so than almost anything else. If a game has strong visual design, that's not necessarily an indication that it's going to be a good game, but it's a strong indication.

And by visual design, I don't mean graphics. A lot of games have good graphics, but it's increasingly rare for big budget games to do anything visually interesting with those graphics because the people who make games think we are all morons who will buy the same brown shooter every year. Interesting visual design is exciting in this medium, and it's worth getting hyped for.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I'm of the opinion that the Witcher 3 is the best, most engaging RPG of it's year and any year close to it. But then again I probably belong to the niche the game marketed to.

Witcher 2 was good. Not great, but definitely good. Combat needed work though...

Witcher 1 I loved because it tried to do something new. Sure, what we got was clunky and messy. But at least they tried to do something different. The world building was great and towns and cities felt more alive than towns and cities in any other game I had played until then.

I get that the games aren't nearly for everyone. It feels like a trilogy made for a niche market, that probably got more popularity than anticipated. That being said, I do see CDPR as one of the best developers at the moment. If only for their passion and (so far) consumer friendliness.
Jan 27, 2011
Major Tom said:
evilthecat said:
Okay, so I might not be totally clued in to the hive mind on this one, but as I see it, the reason everyone is hyped about Cyberpunk 2077 this E3 is because, and I say this as a long time detractor of the Witcher series, the trailer they showed was really, really good..
I'm also hearing that the gameplay demonstration that they showed to the press was also really, really good.
Yeah, YongYea went bananas for it, saying "If they can actually deliver on what I saw, this makes Deux Ex look like Amateur hour".

I'm cautiously optimistic myself. :)


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Is it just me or do all these B-Cell threads tend to run together? Like if any game isn't one of the 5 he seems to adore, they're pretty much rubbish in his eyes.

Are there some more nuanced discussions I've missed?