Most females in the comedy business fail to realize that there are in fact very few clones of them. Like most of the people there are not. The ones I've heard are like bad cases of GOTIS without the internet.
When your jokes all end up with the punchline of "Herp Derp, I don't have a penis, and men are dumb" eventually people are just going to get bored, no matter how funny it may be. This is why most comedians that are actually funny poke at a lot of things, and don't reuse the same jokes every time.
Also, they don't seem to understand poking fun at yourself is good for laughs. I think this is where a lot of the "Herp Derp, Men are dumb" Jokes come from, because they try making the same jokes as most people do, and while hearing a guy talk about how he just wanted to eat a sandwitch and watch the game despite being interupted several times, when it comes from another perspective, such as that of the wife trying to get her no-good husband to fold the clothes instead of watching the game the humor is lost without pointing some jokes at your expense.
At least the ones I've seen.
When your jokes all end up with the punchline of "Herp Derp, I don't have a penis, and men are dumb" eventually people are just going to get bored, no matter how funny it may be. This is why most comedians that are actually funny poke at a lot of things, and don't reuse the same jokes every time.
Also, they don't seem to understand poking fun at yourself is good for laughs. I think this is where a lot of the "Herp Derp, Men are dumb" Jokes come from, because they try making the same jokes as most people do, and while hearing a guy talk about how he just wanted to eat a sandwitch and watch the game despite being interupted several times, when it comes from another perspective, such as that of the wife trying to get her no-good husband to fold the clothes instead of watching the game the humor is lost without pointing some jokes at your expense.
At least the ones I've seen.