GamesB2 said:
*The pic was a joke, please don't take offence*
Though I'm sure we all have our own experiences and could loudly declare that we feel the X/Y sex of the species is far more irrational and emotionally driven than the other, the reality is it's pretty much a fair split, there are logical men and women and there are illogical men and women.
Yes ... there are ... but I will say that all the times you're with women. Far more calming ... there's no angst, time seems to move without leaps and jumps. Sometimes I think wars start simply because there are men with guns in the same room and somebody loses it ...
And you don't get that when you're around women. Well you do, but very rarely.
And I don't think it's an even split ... and I'll give you an example ... the only time, I have ever been ambushed was in a pub ... was by a man who I was laughing with only 10 minutes beforehand.
How did that happen!? You want to know how it happened? It was because I was flirting with one young girl and it turned out she was his sister ... and supposedly he tried to tell me, but the environment was too loud in order to hear the conversation.
So ... He punched me ... now I don't know about you but it certainly seems to be a big jump.
From jovial drinker to psychotic moron, but you never get women doing that. Far more sophisticated and totally more effective way of dealing with problems that may arise from situations like that .... they run a person's name through the mud and stare icy daggers at you as if they'd spit on your soul if they could.
Far more effective.
Not only that but I suppose I couldpull up stats about how most serial killers are men, so on and so forth ... but there is a perfectly social example of what I'm alluding to.