Is it that hard to find a virgin?

Smurf McSmurfington

New member
Jun 24, 2010
It's pretty common, and you are stuck in the past.
I don't see anything inherently wrong with it either, morals are subjective to begin with, and therefore do not matter.

I did all of that in the 8th and 9th grade already (save for sex), not to mention highschool.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
*raises hand* Imma sophmore in highschool, and I'm still a virgin. I don't want to lose i carelessly, since that's how all my friends have lost it *shrugs*
I also have never drank, smoked, or done any drugs.
I'm clean XD


New member
Oct 25, 2011
To the OP, hell, I feel the same way at times.

Meh, thankfully, I have found 1 gal that I genuinely care for and am going to stay with her as long as possible.

Sammi Costello

New member
Mar 20, 2010
Alright, let me get this straight. Let's say you go to a friends birthday, and you meet a girl. She's funny, you like her, you and her share a lot of common interests, whatever and so on. Why does it matter if she's tried weed once, or enjoys a little drink on the side, or has the odd cigerette? Here's a hint: it doesn't.

If you 'click' with her, then that's all that matters. Cutting out girls who drink, girls who smoke, girls who've done drugs (whether casually, or just that one time to try it out) AND girls who have had pervious sexual partners is going to seriously limit your potential "pool" of girls. And, into the bargin, this pool is only going to get smaller and smaller as you get older; girls will just naturally have more sexual partners the older they get, on average. Drinking alcohol becomes less of a taboo when you hit 18/21. Most people don't find illegal drugs all that reprehensible.

Hell, I've tried illegal drugs once. Just to see what it was like. It wasn't for me, but hey, I moved on. I do, however, drink on a semi-regular basis. If a girl were to reject me based on either or both of those facts alone, rather than, say, my personality, or the even how I look or whether she's attracted to me or not, I would think she's not only a bit of an idiot, I'd also think she's incredibly pretensious and stuck up.

It's cool to have morals, and if you don't want to drink, smoke, do drugs or have sexual partners before a certain milestone (be that age, marriage or whatever else) then good for you; that is entirely, 100% your call. You can NOT expect other people - who may not even know you yet - to maintain the same standards. It is, however, reasonable for you to explain your morals and principles to a girl, and it is also reasonable for you toexpect her to respect your morals and values.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
well as probably stated before its not a thing about verginity those days when so many girls fall victim to pervs and people who pretend to care for them it isnt realy fair to blame them because some duch convinced them that he is that spacial one when he was just looking to sexually use them...
so yes it is hard to find vergins but thats not what you should be looking for you should be looking for a girl you like and who likes you back to develop a healthy relationship with...


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Okay so while agree that virginity shouldn't be a deal killer on an otherwise awesome relationship I don't know why all of you are so upset that someone would even consider thinking about it. I decided when I was young that I loved whoever I'd marry so much that I'd wait for them to have sex, and while I won't dump someone because they had sex before they ever even met me and were exposed to that line of thought, it still kinda hurts slightly when you waited for them and they didn't think to wait for you.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
I've never done drugs of any sort or drank any alcohol.
But what I have done is had sex.
Lots of sex.

I used protection, I always made sure that she was consenting, and ultimately, it's always been satisfying.

In my opinion, your want of someone to be a virgin is just... why?
Does it really matter to you that much that they haven't been intimate with anyone else?
If it's for a religious reason, yes, I can understand, but otherwise, no. I don't understand.


New member
May 17, 2008
Vrud said:
Wow, OP, you're a complete sexist fuck.

And no one else is calling him on this?
He is NOT sexist. As a 25 y/o virgin, I am more interested in long term relationships, and yes, my partner must be a virgin as well. Don't like it? Get over it.

Elf Defiler Korgan

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Married, had so much sex over the past three years. Sometimes too much.

You can go for virgins, but that can require a lot of patience and understanding, or you can roll in the sack and have some fun, but that might not be the long thing you are looking for. The most important thing is communication, and cutting loose, having fun.

Is there a hymen? Is there not. Meh.


New member
May 3, 2010
someonehairy-ish said:
Faladorian said:
I think sex is dirty.
Can I just ask why? Because you touch another person? Or... what?

Never really understood this idea. Its not like people somehow become contaminated- except in the very literal sense of STIs, but those shouldn't really be a problem if this hypothetical mate is sensible.
I view it in a very animalistic way, as two blood bags expelling a mixture of fluids. Also, the intended result of sex is reproduction, which I do not want under any circumstances. Even if with condoms, birth control, etc. the chances of pregnancy are any greater than zero percent, I'll pass.

As for the non-virgin part, the idea of somebody having slept with another person before does make them seem contaminated. I wouldn't be able to think of anything other than them having sex with another person, which would throw me into a disgusted rage. I don't want any part of it.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Death God said:
who smokes and/or does drugs.
I don't mean to be rude but is it really -THAT- hard to find someone who doesn't take drugs or smoke in America? I dunno about faithful and virgins you mentioned earlier...
But as for smoking and drugs? I didn't know anyone in my school who took drugs - and the vast majority hated smokers. Same goes for college - barely anyone supports it. Although as for faithful and virginity - sir THAT is where your problem is going to be. So I wish you luck on that one!


Super Sailor Moon
Jan 23, 2010
I've found a virgin who doesn't smoke or use drugs. :3 He's my man though. And not innocent anymore. :3 I don't think they are hard to find. I think the trick to it is not to search for them. At least that's how I met my other half. I wasn't looking for anyone and we just happened to cross paths due to a gaming site. lol. Although at first it was a friend who had me join the site. :p But you get what I mean.

And virgins can be just as unfaithful as non virgins. Believe me when I say that. I know a girl who lost it to their significant other and were together for a few years and just couldn't stay satisfied I suppose and ended up sleeping with a few of his friends. Cheating is never good. The same goes for smoking and drugs. I could never be with someone who smokes or does drugs. Those are just my morals. It was just a plus that my significant other was a virgin when I met him. And we both have been faithful to eachother. We're deeply in love. :3


New member
Aug 15, 2010
I never smoked, done drugs, drank or had sex during high school. I'm now 20 and have been dating for over a year (so have had sex) have drunk before but didn't enjoy it so haven't done it since. And have never smoked or done drugs and never intend to, my siblings have had bad experiences with drugs and so I have a pretty hardcore no drugs stance.

So I suppose I'd count if I was still in High school.


Dec 15, 2008
DracoSuave said:
That's a great question, actually. Hmmmm...

In terms of potential hypocracy I don't have a problem with that on a fundamental level. It's morally consistant, I'll give it that. So long as such a belief is constrained to oneself, and not towards others outside oneself, I can dig it. I can respect it.

A problem I find with it is that it's still self-hating. It's opposing the very nature of who and what humans are as a species. However, they have that choice, it IS their own bodies after all. It would be just as disrespectful for me to tell them they have to go out and fuck people as it would be for them to disparage me for my own lifestyle choices.

This is why I don't have a problem with virgins per se. They're innocent, but so long as they're not judgemental about it, live and let live. It's their body, they should decide, after all! It's the ones that are assholes about it that irk me, because there's a maliciousness to it, a pathological maliciousness that I simply refuse to accept.

It's similar to my stance on religion. You have the right to believe, but you don't have a right to be an asshole about it. There are many good christians who I love dearly because they're good people, and the world needs more good people. And... there's the westboro church...
Cool. I'm glad I got you thinking. Self-examination can almost never be a bad thing. :)
Of course, I don't have that belief myself, but my views lie closer to it than to yours, still being fair and non-judgmental. However, it's always the extreme cases that make you truly think about what's going on, so I came up with one. :)

In summary, when dealing with other people, I think Will Wheaton summed it up best:


New member
Mar 31, 2011
cainx10a said:
Vrud said:
Wow, OP, you're a complete sexist fuck.

And no one else is calling him on this?
He is NOT sexist. As a 25 y/o virgin, I am more interested in long term relationships, and yes, my partner must be a virgin as well. Don't like it? Get over it.
The fact that someone has had sex before does not mean that they aren't interested in long term relationships. You - and OP - are subtly suggesting that someone who isn't a virgin couldn't possibly want or be capable of anything other than meaningless sex. You're attributing a false sense of higher worth to yourself and people like you, based on something as arbitrary as never having had intercourse.

Virginity is not a sign of purity and good moral fibre. It just means you haven't popped your cherry yet.

If you personally want to wait for a virgin like you, that's fine. I don't think I've seen many people in this thread suggest otherwise. What is not okay is to look down on anyone who didn't make the same choices as you did. It is not okay to reduce someone to the state of their broken hymen and ignore all the things that make them a good person and a loving partner.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
It's something you just have to reconsider. It is a decent moral standing to have, but it's also kind of tough to swallow.

Say for example you meet a girl that is everything you could possibly want. Later you find out she isn't a virgin. Does that ruin everything for you?

I respect your stance regardless. Few hold others to high standards.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
cainx10a said:
Vrud said:
Wow, OP, you're a complete sexist fuck.

And no one else is calling him on this?
He is NOT sexist. As a 25 y/o virgin, I am more interested in long term relationships, and yes, my partner must be a virgin as well. Don't like it? Get over it.
Personally I don't even have to care about how you feel. But I will say one thing if you act like this... expect to be the 40 year old virgin!
Or as a certain shirt for girls said "You have to be this long to ride" ... if you put the bar to high then you get nobody. And you are not perfect either. You yourself might feel that these things truly matter that is fine there are certainly women for you... go ahead.

But the search will be very very long!
Hey I guess it isn't bad to be a 40 year old virgin right? After all at least you still got your brownie points for heaven.

In this life you have to give and take, sure you can take the "These are my rules and so it be done" but .. that is a way to be left alone. In nature things change.. in society things change, for good or bad. But the point is one has to understand the way society goes.

And virginity... maybe it had value when women we're just cattle. Yeah I said it long long ago marriages we're nothing but pre arranged political moves. "You get my daughter, that way our countries remain at peace"

I don't want to go back to those days! Are things perfect now? By long not but perfection doesn't really exists anyway. What matters is what will work.

Your desire for something ought to be matched your own own offering. So far I see a 40 year old virgin. Much .. luck wished with a possible marriage. I do so hope that the sex is good because else you are stuck in a marriage with really bad sex.

Funnily sex is just part of a relationship, personality should matter to right?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Death God said:
So I have this thing about dating where I won't date anyone who has had sex with another man or who smokes and/or does drugs. Call me old school or call me weird, but it is just part of my moral system. And today, during my sociology class, we got on the topic of sex and dating. I told the class my stand on such and they all chuckled. When I ask what was funny, someone told me that the chance of finding a girl like that now-a-days is almost impossible and that I should just give up on it. And it hit me, every person in my class, which ranged from 9th grade to 12th grade, that everyone had drank beer illegally, smoked pot and chewed, or has had sex multiple times... except me. I could not believe it and even my teacher was not shocked in the least to hear that. He was actually agreeing with it. So basically, what I am as is, are there people who didn't illegally drink, smoke or who hadn't had sex during their high school years?

Edit: Since some one asked, I am from the west coast of the U.S. in Washington.

Edit II: As Azure-Supernova stated:
Azure-Supernova said:
You're not after a virgin you're after someone responsible and faithful. You could meet a virgin and full well have glorious sex, only for her to turn around and cheat or not be a virgin at all. Surely virginity would fall behind the two afforementioned traits?
I suppose he's definition is a little more what I am looking for. I guess I could drop the virginity issue down a little if I could find faithful and responsible girl. I am still standing strong on not doing illegal drugs and drinking but I could give more leeway on virginity.
Good news: you found a virgin right here who doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs.

Bad news: He's a straight male. Sorry buddy. Better luck next time. :D