Is marijuana bad for you?


New member
Oct 12, 2014
For medical reasons obviously, does marijuana have any bad long term side effects?


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Smoking it? Yes it does. marijuana itself? That depends how you react to it and how much you have...Chemically speaking....Given that you're past your teens as well.


New member
Apr 18, 2012
It's a drug, abuse is always a concern.

The current state of medical knowledge in terms of long term side effects as I understand it is as follows:

An inconclusive correlation with mild depression, no greater than background on severe, no greater than background on suicide.
An inconclusive correlation with increased probability of schizophrenia for those genetically predisposed.

Respiratory (from smoking):
At worst, equal to tobacco consumption but largely inconclusive.

Marijuana may be carcinogenic, but right now the body of knowledge is inconclusive.

Reproductive effects:
There is evidence that seems to point out use while pregnant can lead to developmental disorders, specifically in the vein of 'deficit' disorders (ADD, ADHD, Delinquency, Cognitive performance) basicly the same sort of side effects as alcohol but apparently less pronounced.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
I've been smoking weed almost everyday for 35 years and I haven't had any health issues related to smoking weed. I also know several people that been have smoking longer than I have, with no apparent issues as well.

I know it's anecdotal, but I can only speak about my experiences.

As long as alcohol and tobacco are legal, there is absolutely no reason why marijuana should be illegal.


New member
May 27, 2010
AkaDad said:
I've been smoking weed almost everyday for 35 years and I haven't had any health issues related to smoking weed. I also know several people that been have smoking longer than I have, with no apparent issues as well.

I know it's anecdotal, but I can only speak about my experiences.

As long as alcohol and tobacco are legal, there is absolutely no reason why marijuana should be illegal.
By that logic, almost no drug should be illegal, considering that alcohol is one of the worse ones.\

Also, they tried banning alcohol. People literally started murdering each other in the streets over it.

I mean, if there's any evidence that people absolutely should not be allowed to handle addictive substances without extreme oversight, prohibition is it.


Jun 5, 2013
I thought we weren't supposed to talk about drugs here.
Kopikatsu said:
AkaDad said:
I've been smoking weed almost everyday for 35 years and I haven't had any health issues related to smoking weed. I also know several people that been have smoking longer than I have, with no apparent issues as well.

I know it's anecdotal, but I can only speak about my experiences.

As long as alcohol and tobacco are legal, there is absolutely no reason why marijuana should be illegal.
By that logic, almost no drug should be illegal, considering that alcohol is one of the worse ones.\

Also, they tried banning alcohol. People literally started murdering each other in the streets over it.
And going blind from bathtub gin back in the 1920's! Hurray!


New member
Jun 4, 2011
Kopikatsu said:
AkaDad said:
I've been smoking weed almost everyday for 35 years and I haven't had any health issues related to smoking weed. I also know several people that been have smoking longer than I have, with no apparent issues as well.

I know it's anecdotal, but I can only speak about my experiences.

As long as alcohol and tobacco are legal, there is absolutely no reason why marijuana should be illegal.
By that logic, almost no drug should be illegal, considering that alcohol is one of the worse ones.
I know I'm in the minority, but that is my stance. People are going to drugs whether they're illegal or not. The War on Drugs is a waste of money and lives.


New member
Oct 14, 2014
medically speaking they said its good for the health. but i think if you intake too much of it can destroy you physically. :)


New member
May 14, 2014
Ya, I spoke about this with a girl I know who is studying marijuana in cancer. She says that it's fine if you're only taking it occasionally but that it can have a few negative effects if you abuse it.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
If my mother is any evidence on the subject I'd say no.

I only smoked Marijuana for about a year in my teens, I didn't really have a problem with it, I just ended up joining the Navy and decided I didn't want to get a BCD to keep up an "illegal" life style so I stopped using it and never went back to it.

My mother on the other hand is 62, shes a survivor of the 60s and a true old school hippy feminist who's smoked pot every day of her life since she was probably around 14 years old if my assessment of the various stories I've been told by my aunts and uncles and my mother are true.

Medically she has some mild arthritis and thats about it, but our family has a genetic history of adult onset arthritis so its not unexpected, the marijuana actually helps her cope with it quite well. Physically she looks about 15 years younger than she actually is, shes still working every day and has worked every day of her life since I was born.

Granted one case study does not establish medical facts, but given as I've watched my mother be a casual daily user of marijuana since I was old enough to realize what she was doing, and even at 62 she's still as mentally and physically with it as shes more or less always been....I can't really say I think marijuana is bad for you, I think its just a case of whether you're bad for marijuana or not, because biological and neurological responses do vary, wildly, and often.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Oh good, the shit storm hasn't begun, I still have time to find a seat.


AkaDad said:
Kopikatsu said:
AkaDad said:
I've been smoking weed almost everyday for 35 years and I haven't had any health issues related to smoking weed. I also know several people that been have smoking longer than I have, with no apparent issues as well.

I know it's anecdotal, but I can only speak about my experiences.

As long as alcohol and tobacco are legal, there is absolutely no reason why marijuana should be illegal.
By that logic, almost no drug should be illegal, considering that alcohol is one of the worse ones.
I know I'm in the minority, but that is my stance. People are going to drugs whether they're illegal or not. The War on Drugs is a waste of money and lives.
I agree with this, the War on Drugs has been an utter failure in the West, but then if you look through history, any prohibition has always been a failure. It requires a more intelligent approach than just saying "No", but politics and intelligence tend not to mix well...


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I don't think "IS marijuana bad for you?" is the right question... Rather, it should be "CAN marijuana be bad for you?" And, the obvious answer is Yes, it can be be bad for you, but anything can be bad for you when not taken in moderation. After all, what are the three things we need to survive? Air, water and food? Oxygen toxicity [], Water intoxication [] and Obesity [].


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Chronic use makes it hard to sleep without it, causing somewhat of a dependency; that usually lasts only a few days to a week though. Smoking anything is bad for your lungs, but there are other methods of ingestion. It might be linked to anxiety but that's a difficult thing to prove; some people use it because they already have anxiety, but that can lead to a dependency on it. It probably effects your attention span with chronic use. Marijuana is just a very non-threatening drug with no apparent life-threatening side effects.

Are we allowed to admit to using marijuana on these forums, or are we going to see a bunch of mod wrath directed at this thread?

Souther Thorn

New member
Apr 5, 2013
I've been smoking for 20+ years. I've smoked both recreationally and for therapy related to hodgkins. The only negative effects I can report are a marked propensity to over eating at times, and having a pretty decent tolerance to it.
Otherwise, nada man. If you're up here in washington state or out in colorado, enjoy it with respect and do so responsibly.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
madwarper said:
I don't think "IS marijuana bad for you?" is the right question... Rather, it should be "CAN marijuana be bad for you?" And, the obvious answer is Yes, it can be be bad for you, but anything can be bad for you when not taken in moderation. After all, what are the three things we need to survive? Air, water and food? Oxygen toxicity [], Water intoxication [] and Obesity [].
Exactly. I was pretty much going to post exactly this, but you beat me to the punch. EVERYTHING can be deadly to you if you intake too much of it.

Smoke weed in moderation, and there shouldn't really be anything to worry about. At the very least, take comfort in the fact that it can't possibly be as detrimental to your health as smoking cigarettes or drinking is.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
MarsAtlas said:
Can cause the same effect on the lungs that smoking tobacco does, meaning lung disease, cancer, etc. There's also evidence that it stifles development of the adolescent brain. There's a study from abroad that indicates that being high from marijuana does cause lowered ability to drive properly, but at an effect even less than smoking a tobacco cigarette while driving, so its not exactly significant. Also, there's been a few studies that purport that people can get addicted to marijuana, though its always under 10%, which is rather low compared to legal drug substances.
Interesting - I'd find it pretty surprising if driving while high on weed wasn't as bad as being drunk. I certainly wouldn't feel safe doing it. I think it would be difficult to quantify what constitutes 'the same amount' of inebriation for a fair test.

As for addiction, I can certainly say I'm addicted, in that I have almost no self-control around marijuana at all - if it's in the house, I'll smoke it, and I'll probably smoke it a lot; and if it *isn't* in the house I think about it often and get regular cravings. On the other hand, I have no *physical* ill-effects from abstention, and I can (and do) go months or years without smoking, despite the cravings. So speaking entirely from personal experience, it is definitely possible to be psychologically addicted.

Interestingly, I'm not addicted either to marijuana *or* to tobacco, but only to the two in combination. I get no urge whatsoever to smoke either of them on their own.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
I don't know a lot about the physical health effects other than that it's bad for you lungs; but I do know that people who tell you it isn't habit forming are deluding themselves. It is absolutely habit forming, and with a long term, heavy habit you get to where you don't feel right without it. I love pot, but I don't lie to myself about it anymore. I very rarely hear a stoner being honest about this, but they sure do get cranky if the supply is dry for a bit.