Is Morrowind worth buying?


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Popadoo said:
I'll be honest, I don't play that many PC games. I'm just getting into it, after realizing that PC gamers are much nicer than console players. And thus, I have no idea what THIS means:

Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40 GHz
3.39 GHz, 2.00 GB of RAM

Would this be able to run Morrowind?
You bet your bottom, just so long as the video card isn't a peice of crap. Heck, you could probably run two or three instances of the game on high settings with that setup and still have everything going at a nice 60 FPS.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
some of my best moments in gaming - the first time you encounter a dust storm is worth it alone


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Well considering it only costs like a couple bucks on Amazon just buy it. The world and story is so much better than Oblivion (IMO), just is more diverse than "Ancient Rome".
deus-ex-machina said:
I've been thinking much along the same lines as the OP.

Is it only available on the PC?
No, it's out there for Xbox as well (just Xbox though, and I don't know if it's backwards compatible or not)


New member
Jun 29, 2010
a HUGE YES! if your bothered by graphics you might not enjoy it as much but morrowind was made in a time where elder scrolls was made more for pc than console so you get a really great rpg experiance from playing it. along with decent menus, rpg mechanics and an awesome enviroment to explore. oh watch out for cliff races though


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I'm going to say no, since Oblivion was your first foray in Elder Scrolls I wouldn't touch Morrowind, it may have more variety in pretty much everything but this is at the sacrifice of it being user friendly comparatively, especially combat which is based entirely on dice rolls and not your actual swordplay. You can hit a guy clearly but if your stats are low, you will miss almost all the time to begin with. I think it will be nothing but an exercise in frustration especially if you were sceptical of even Oblivion to being with.

Not saying Morrowind is bad but I have a feeling you are not the kind of RPG player who would enjoy it at all, personally I thought it was okay but I found it tiresome very fast, after loving the combat in Oblivion, dealing with the mess that it is in Morrowind ruined any possible fun although exploration of the landscape was interesting.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Well, let's see now. Do you like good games? If so, then yes it is most certainly worth ten steam dollars to get the whole kit and caboodle. Also, stay away from Solstheim for the first few levels for best results. That place will kick your face in faster than you can imagine.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Heck YESS! This game is easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time. Funny thingis at the time Oblivion came out I was awe stricken by it but didn't have a 360 at the moment. So I bought Morrowind for my original xbox played it for about an hour and decided I hated it. Then I got my 360 and Oblivion and spent 100s upon 100s of hours on it and thought it was the best thing ever to happen to mankind. Then one day I started playing Morrowind again and fell in love with. And I realized how bad Oblivion was when compared to it. Morrowind excels in nearly every way. And dont even get me started on fast travel and level scaling. Long story short buy Morrowind and your life will improve :)

If your going to play Morrowind your going to probably use this site... a lot

House Redoran all the way!


New member
Nov 6, 2009
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

I played the hell out of Morrowind. Try to get a version with the expansions, too.
The graphics are really out dated of course, but if that really bothers you there are mods out there to improve nearly every visual aspect of the game.

Just a few notes though: Magic is a bit of a pain having to switch between combat and magic modes, and if you don't start training ranged weapons immediately, don't ever expect to later.

EDIT: High fives to the Redoran bro above me.

Jabberwock King

New member
Mar 27, 2011
Yes, but only for PC. I was about 13 when I got my hands on it for the original Xbox, and that thing simply couldn't handle it. I'll try fixing that mistake when I actually get a proper gaming PC. For now, I need to build a career that can support that, and then ruin it with excessive obsession.

Popadoo said:
I DO like less generic settings... I'm very interested in the Lore of The Elder Scrolls universe. Will I find new and interesting quests related to lore in this game? And since there isn't level scaling, will there be harder areas and easier areas?
Do you like mushroom trees? If so, then it is fantastic. Oh by the way, you should remember that "Wizards don't use stairs". As for level scaling, deadra and higher level 6th house cultist will make you piss your pants, you don't have to wait 10 levels to get high quality equipment like glass, ebony, and deadric, weapons and armor, as they are specifically placed in some areas like deadric ruins. Unfortunately, glass, ebony, and deadric items are so highly priced, that most shops do not have enough gold to pay full price for them, even if your mercantile is shit and you try to buy everything in the store in exchange for them, you will still probably overshoot the shopkeeper's on hand funds by several hundred coins. This however is something I actually liked, as it gave those items a great sense of power and value, not just as shit you found in a dungeon, but as amazing stuff that you fought for.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Yes, but only for PC. Make sure you download higher res textures and meshes from along with any other mods that interest you. IE better lighting and vapirism face fixes.

Also, make sure you grab the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions, or just buy the GOTY edition.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
A better question in any case is, Why would it not be worth buying. It's a better more positive way of thinking. Yeah if you find it appealing go for it, can't be that expensive anymore.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
I could not stand it, the hit detection is out of this world. It just ends up with a frailing match..


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Morrowind is TOTALLY worth it. The world has some minor scaling (Usually Shalks wander the Grazelands;when I got to level 30,they were replaced by Scamps,and the Cliff Racers in Molag Amur were replaced with Golden Saints)

The graphics are meh by todays standards,but I never use graphics as a significant yardstick;I use atmosphere and soundtrack. And Morrowind gets top marks in both categories. Gameplay-wise,everything (and I means EVERYTHING) is determined by a behind-the-scenes dice roll,comparing your skill level,fatigue level,and whatever relevant skills you're checking against. However,it's a VERY fun game. Just avoid Deadric Ruins until you're level ten or higher,and toting around a silver or better weapon.

Nihilant Myosotis

New member
Jun 20, 2010
first 10 hours: what the f**ck is this.
second 10 Hours: ohh, thats how you do to catch a soul.
third 10 hours: OMFG this is the best game I've ever played.
and then i just kept playing for an entire summer vacation.
but yes gameplay is meeh, the level system is overly intricate and the texture and meshes needs modding now adays..... but the atmosphere is so stunning that you will forgive every flaw the game has and let it consume you. oblivion is simply being bashed becaus it uncomfortably enough has to be compared to morrowind, both are good games, but if you dont mind deep system and steep learning curves your in for a treat^^


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Pros For Morrowind: Awesome setting, interesting locales and lore, super short training segment (Pick your race. Now pick your class and starsign. Now get out of my office.), variety in equipment and spells, no training limit per level, Alchemy has an actual use outside of making poison.

Cons For Morrowind: combat system is iffy at times, cliffracers, ability to make poisons without being able to poison your weapon or arrows, some skills (like Axe) are pretty useless, the game sometimes pulls some serious dick moves (the Master Enchant trainer is hostile and attacks on sight).

I would say that it's totally worth the buy, but if you're used to Oblivion it might take a little getting used to.