Is Morrowind worth buying?

Nihilant Myosotis

New member
Jun 20, 2010
oh and as previous posters have said, hit detection works in the way that you need to aim for the target plus be in range and then when you attack the game rolls for the weapon plus attributes to see if you acctually hit. get used to it or perrish xP


New member
May 19, 2008
As almost everyone else has said, yes. Combat is wonky since it combines dice rolling and stats with real-time gameplay, and there are a few other niggling issues with gameplay, but overall the world, story, and atmosphere are far superior to anything I found in Oblivion. Well, maybe save the Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood quests, but even then.

It's a fantastic game. Get it on the PC, get mods for it, and enjoy the countless hours you'll spend playing. I'm really hoping Skyrim will be closer to Morrowind than it will be Oblivion.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
no. no. no. its fantastic. dont get me wrong. but those cliff racers made me rage so hard and the fact that you cant walk more than about .005 mph ruined the whole experience for me. so yeah. buy it i guess if you can put up with that. i personally can't. at some point i wanted to BE somewhere other than the woods.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Popadoo said:
I'm a late entry to The Elder Scrolls' fanbase. A friend of mine introduced me to Oblivion, and I was skeptical at first.
'The graphics are terrible! Why is that guy in the other cell yelling at me? Why is the king here? Why aren't I shooting stuff?!'
But I was drawn in. I haven't completed the main quest yet, but that's mainly because I got caught up in the side-quests.
Now, I ask, is Morrowind worth buying? I've heard a lot of people saying Oblivion is 'dumbed down' and isn't as great as Morrowind. I have a regular, none-gaming PC, but Morrowind pretty old so I think I can run it.
What makes it better than Oblivion? Is there more content? Give me details, people!
You think the graphics are awful? I thought they were pretty sweet considering what how much has to be made.

A bazzilion times yes you should get it. The only thing I remember being bad with it is the graphics but that isn't so much of an issue to be honest.

The game is fucking huge but can be done in around 7 minutes, if you want a speed run.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
Popadoo said:
I DO like less generic settings... I'm very interested in the Lore of The Elder Scrolls universe. Will I find new and interesting quests related to lore in this game? And since there isn't level scaling, will there be harder areas and easier areas?
The game expects you to do certain things at certain levels, and if you come back later to do them, certain quests will be easier.

The difficulty curve definately goes in reverse, but with efficent leveling, you can deal with that.

To ease the graphical transition, I suggest:

Also this:

And you might wanna mod the leveling system since it's rather annoying (but only slightly moreso then oblivion's).

And get used to more walking, there's a lot less quick transit options.

But overall the game is better and much more immersive.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Yes it maybe in my opinion one of the most overrated classics and has aged worse than Deus Ex but that doesn't mean it's not worth playing...


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Haha, like flies drawn to honey. As you can see Popadoo, those of us who played it years ago, remember it as probably the best RPG and exploration game ever made. While many of the newer RPG's since have had some better parts none have had the charm of Morrowind. The story in particular is on par (or even better) than KOTOR's. The old graphics (while amazing in their time) and the clunky combat might now make you miss the immersion what we felt, which is a shame because Morrowind is the most immersive game many of us have ever played.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Yes Yes and Yes

Is it old? Yes Does it plays like an old game? Yes but if you don't know where you come from how do you know where you are going to?

Jabberwock King

New member
Mar 27, 2011
Newhouse said:
If you don't already own morrowind then shame on you. Also if you do buy it 1) Buy the game of the year edition to get tribunal and bloodmoon and 2) theres a mod for the pc version of morrowind thats brings it to an oblivion graphical standard if thats a concern. I think the mods on file planet. I own Morrowind for xbox (and can still play it on 360 :p) so I don't know if the mod actually runs well but hey its an option. WARNING. This game will not fucking hold your hand like oblivion. No quick travel and you won't always get a map marker to where your going. You have to explore for yourself and thats half the fun of it really. That and the amount of quests and armor/weapon choices lets you really define your character. That and you can join the Morag Tong or Imperial Legion in this one. Also it feels like a bigger world because your not fast traveling everywhere. Just get the game.
Wait a minute?! Are you saying that Morrowind is backwards compatiple with my 360?! I need a reply right now! How does it perform? Does the game crash on a regular basis?


New member
Jul 29, 2008
It's a great game, but if the graphics get to you. Go download a mod, there are tons that update character models and textures of the world.


... What is this?


New member
Apr 6, 2010
If you can forgive aged graphics and some what flawed combat, its is a brilliant buy. Also Incredibly cheap now a days.

On PC though, theres mods that make the graphics look better than vanilla Oblivion.
And if you endure the combat system for about 3 hours, you will have leveled up enough for it not to be a problem.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Well its cheap so yes, I preferd oblivion, morrowinds combat was just shit on a plate though :/
Nice to explore though that I will admit!


New member
Dec 19, 2008
syrus27 said:
it's not as good as Oblivion
You N'wah!

To OP: Buy the shit out of it, what it lacks in graphics it more than makes up for in everything else, and Bloodmoon has to be one of my favourite expansions to a game to date.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
It's definitely an amazing game. To me it's richer in lore, more immersive, better from artistic point of view and feels like it has more content than Oblivion. I don't regret many hours I've spent playing it.
That being said graphics are a bit dated, lvling system isn't to everyone's taste (skills in Oblivion are more refined), combat is awful (dice rolling and stats decide will you actually hit something, but growing up on D&D RPG's that never bothered me), not as much fast travel options, no compass(meaning you'll have to read your quest log carefully to learn where you have to go,which somewhat adds to immersion),couple of NPC bugs...
But considering a number of user-made patches and mods, and it's low price I think it's worth the risk. At least so you can say you played it, or show your kids how games looked in "ye olden days" :D


New member
Jul 1, 2009
I would have to disagree with Oblivion's graphics being awful. I think they're rather good. Probably the reason they look bad is because the people look bad, and it kind of drags the whole thing down a bit.

But as for Morrowind, GET IT. It's incredible. The story is far more interesting than Oblivion (IMO), the game world is larger, and I find the setting of Vvardenfell a lot more interesting than Cyrodiil because of the history and culture of it. Granted, if you think Oblivion's graphic are bad then you really won't think much of Morrowind's, but some graphical mods quickly sort that out and they end up looking pretty good (do remember that the game is from 2003). One of it's major drawbacks is the combat system, which is frankly rather pitiful, but really you just have to get used to it and after that it's alright. Of course is going to feel a bit more limited than Oblivion, with the text dialogue and such, but there are a lot of mods out there that add scripts and schedules to make it more dynamic.

It will take some getting used to after Oblivion, but it's well worth it.