Is PC gaming really worth it?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Yes, I love it.

I only use my PS3 or 360 (well, PS3 now really, because the 360 seems to be becoming a rather redundant piece of hardware) for exclusives.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Player Two said:
Let's face it, you can get a PS3 for maybe $800? But a gaming PC that'll last you five years will cost somewhere in the range of $3000.
Where are you doing your electronics shopping?! I don't live in Australia, but if you're paying £500 for a PS3 and £2000 for a PC then you're getting hosed.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
the main reason a desktop is better then a laptop is because whatever u laptop contains and whatever you paid for it, you can get a desktop for 1/2 that, add to that, you can upgrade and maintain a desktop far easier than a laptop


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm actually asking myself the same question lately. I love my PC, it's important for me not just for gaming. I've always been a PC gamer. Most of the games I have played throughout my life have been in PC centric genres. The ability to mod games is one I treasure highly and multitasking can really be helpful. On the other hand my experience with consoles is limited to playing with friends who own one. In the end I always walked away telling myself that consoles aren't made for me. Game pads for example confuse me greatly. I always feel like I can't even walk in a straight line with them in most games.

But then again, my current PC is nearly five years old and while I'm still able to play most games on reasonable settings, it will soon be time to buy a new graphics card. Now, as a student with a very limited disposable income, this could put a huge dent in my finances. For the price I pay for a good new graphics card, I could also nearly buy a PS3 or something. Together with the rise of console exclusives and more and more developers seeming to abandon PC gaming, this really makes me think about whether I shouldn't simply change sides.

I think I'll stay faithful for PC gaming for now, but I really can't guarantee for the future.


Jan 23, 2008
OP, is it worth it to go to a cinema to see a movie?

Depends. Do you want better quality? Do you appreciate movies? If yes, the higher quality of a real theater (or at least a very high end home theather), is totally worth it. If all you want is "purdy pic-tchures!" then the extra quality will be lost on you anyways, and it'll be a pointless investment.

Same applies to games and PCs. If you want proper quality, you get a PC.

Fluffles said:
RhombusHatesYou said:
Player Two said:
But a gaming PC that'll last you five years will cost somewhere in the range of $3000.
Holy crap, even in AU$ with Aus taxes added, that's an insane price. The main box of a good gaming machine will set you back between AU$800-1200. Anything more than that and you're being a hardware whore or being ripped off blind.
mine costed AUD$3000 when I bought it (Including screen, mouse, keyboard etc.)
2xHD5870's, i7 920, 12G RAM...
but then again I'm using it for gaming, graphics design, animation, video editing, music, internet and a few other things so it's well worth its price.

Definitely not a ripoff and I could not have used a computer with less power than I have at the moment.
As a workstation, I don't know. That's a different matter entirely. Depends on your work.

As a gaming rig, yes you could have. 2xHD5870s are STILL a waste of money (except for cool points), and an i7 is hardly a necessity, as well as anything over 4/6 Gs of ram. If you factor in that you bought it a while ago, this could be an increasingly ridiculous expenditure, as price balloons out of reason the newer something is. The newest model will always be something like 2 or 3 times the price of the model just bellow it, while generally offering negligible performance increase.

You can build a working rig withing the 1000 bucks mark and it'll run anything on max.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
I've been thinking about moving my hobby over to my PS3, though I always seem to rediscover my love for the PC before I do anything permanent.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Marq said:
Huh? What's that?

PCs have a fucking awesome year ahead. Hell yeah it's worth it.
See, the thing is, besides PC Exclusives, I still feel as if a lot of the multiplatform games *should* be played on the PC because they just feel right. That's still my belief on most RPGs and FPSs, even though many are now designed first for consoles. It's really a controller thing, I guess. Then again, I haven't tried an AAA title on a console in... 10 years? Since Golden Eye.

I also have a laptop that I play games on. I think of it less as a 'gaming laptop', but more as an all-in-one entertaintment/work station. Costs for all those usually separate electronics are all bundled together in one package that was about 1000 USD. Plus, portability. I just moved my 'home' again, the second time in 6 months, so for me that's a huge factor.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
For me, the question is more "Is console gaming worth it?". And by "worth it" I mean "worth the money".

I already have a PC that's able to handle this gaming generation (also, it wasn't very expensive) and since PC games are unlikely to go ahead and outmatch console games in graphics (for purely financial reasons) I doubt I'll have to upgrade any time soon.

If I wanted to get into console gaming, it would mean buying a console (PS3 or 360, likely PS3), buying a new TV (I don't have a HDTV), buying all the extras (cables, controlers, etc etc.), all of which adds up to a dire amount of money. And for what? A few non-PC games.

Sure, I'd like to play Demon's Souls, Uncharted, Bayonetta and such, but I don't see it being worth close to $1k to get everything set up. A lot of RPGs that I'm interested in already come out on the PC, and the consoles are pretty much dead when it comes to the RTS and TBS genres.

And that's before I get into the fact that games are just cheaper on the PC. They cost less by default, and when you factor in sales from digital distribution sites, it starts to add up quite fast.

Basically, from where I'm standing, console gaming isn't financialy viable just to gain access to the few games that are unavailable to me.

EDIT: Also, even if the generations were to jump forward again (which they won't for several years at least), I'd still be reluctant to switch to console gaming. I need to keep my PC more or less updated for work-related reasons and switching to the console would cut me off from some of my favourite genres (assorted strategy games).

Only way I see myself gaming on consoles is in addition to the PC if I ever manage to get enough extra income and nothing better to buy.

More Fun To Compute

New member
Nov 18, 2008
You might think you are missing out on a lot of games by not owning a console but there is a multiplying effect of multiple console exclusives there and owning all of the consoles and buying all the exclusives is quite expensive. In reality I spend by far most of my gaming on PC and don't buy that many console games a year. Like, in the past two years I have bought Brutal Legend and Nier for my 360 and haven't really felt the need to get anything else.

The Hive Mind

New member
Nov 11, 2010
For me, PC gaming is just too much hassle, and with my general lack of time for things like this, I'd rather just grab a controller, lounge back into my sofa and plug bullets into aliens for a few mindless hours.

Though in the future I see PC gaming and Console gaming pretty much becoming the same thing -- consoles get more and more like PCs with each generation, and I'm sure the next gen will feature web browsers, and once we've got to that stage, they are basically the same thing.

Later again, the future will definitely be in devices more like the iPad; with growing processing power consoles will shrink and shrink until the handheld reigns supreme.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
Vault101 said:
Now I know any hardcore-build it-yourself PC gamers would be horrified at my current set-up...but I use a laptop...
the only real problem i have with a laptop, for gaming, is that it isnt future proof. you cant upgrade a laptop to the extent you can upgrade a desktop. that means that in a few years, you will likely start finding games that your laptop cannot run well. its convenient to be able to have that kind of mobility while gaming, but it comes at a price

now on to the main argument. when i read the subject, i was ready to yell at you. however, you actually make a valid point. it is hard to walk into a store and leave with a pc game. the selection for pc games, in most game stores, is very small, when compared to console games. at my local gamestop, there is a bigger selection of gamecube games, than pc games. i will always be a pc gamer at heart but i will still see my console, on the side. but there are some things a mouse and keyboard just work much better for. rts and fps, of course, but also mmos and rpgs in general, i find usually work better on a pc (im not saying rpgs dont work on console controls, i just like the pc controls better). i have been a pc gamer since the days of windows 95 and im confident it will make a comeback, as it seems to do every several years. but currently, i think youre right. if i was just getting in to gaming now and wanted to choose between a console or pc gaming, i would probably pick the console.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Gordon_4 said:
RhombusHatesYou said:
Player Two said:
But a gaming PC that'll last you five years will cost somewhere in the range of $3000.
Holy crap, even in AU$ with Aus taxes added, that's an insane price. The main box of a good gaming machine will set you back between AU$800-1200. Anything more than that and you're being a hardware whore or being ripped off blind.
A favour to my Aussie brothers:

Best prices I've seen anywhere.
Meh... Their prices are about on par with pc case gear. Bit cheaper on some stuff, bit more expensive on others. I also found MSY's range more limited (yes, I get very picky about specific components).

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well it's become a niche thing, if you use your PC purely for gaming it is not worth it at all.

I however use it for everything outside the physical realm (yes even magix!), and I like the fact you have full control over everything you put on it:
- Please insert cd/dvd to play the game! ... how about you eat a d*ck, google *game name*+"no-cd crack" and the turbo jet engine dvd can stay quiet and saves tons of disc hassle
- Please connect to the internet to play the game! ... there is a fix for you too buddy
- want the game balanced - get a mod, game too encumbering - get cheats, add more guns/cars/models/textures/sounds/levels, ...

All sorts of things that can be done on the PC, but it itsn't your standard instant consumer hit platform.


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
obscurumlux01 said:
The biggest issue with PC gaming is that PC gamers in general are 'cheap-ass gamers', even going so far as to make an entire website/forum based around that premise.
If you're thinking of what I'm thinking, then I'm going to have to point out that website seems to be mostly focused on console games.

obscurumlux01 said:
PC piracy is ridiculous.
I'll trot out my line that approximately 0.1% of completed downloads (which are usually not the same as the "number of downloads" listed on torrents and stuff) should be treated as lost sales, because pirates pirate because it costs them £0.00. Nothing more, nothing less.

obscurumlux01 said:
No, PC gaming is not worth it unless you spend a lot of time playing RTS or MMO games. Or if you play WoW and have to be the 'best PvPer' to boost your e-peen.

PC gaming is pricey, DRM makes it suck and not worth it to even buy the games, but very few games like RTS and MMOs only work well enough on PCs to make it worthwhile in those cases. Piracy just continues to make publishers and devs ignore the PC and it'll only get worse.
Besides, consoles can't run pirated games? Right? Riiiiiiiight? (Before you answer, yes they can. All of them, with some tinkering. Although the PS3 may not just yet, I haven't checked. Wait, PS3Jailbreak exists. So, yeah. All of them, with some tinkering.)


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I'd say it's worth it, you get an absolute ton of games and tons of moddability.


New member
May 18, 2010
Let's say that your occupation involves a bit of travel:

Do you pack up the TV, the console, your stack of games, your controller, and toss them in the back seat of the car? In your 2nd checked luggage bag?

Though I'm fairly content with the PC titles coming out nowadays, there's not even really an option for me.

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
I have spent nearly $2000 on my pc.
It has an hd lcd screen, 6gb ddr3 ram, core i7 950 and radeon hd 5870 overclocked edition along with a great mouse, keyboard and chassis.

Was it worth it?


Pc gaming sucks, at least right now it does. I'm saving for a Ps3.

World of warcraft has managed to take combat and make it feel nerdy instead of exciting.
Bioware games have all the same plot.
Pc titles keep getting pushed back whilst getting early releases on consoles.
Drm is getting worse.
Lan is dying because certain anti social retards just want to play online in their own home to prove they are better than others and to insult them.
Rts games lack the feeling of adventure.
Some pc games can't even be played on max settings with $2000 equipment because of absurd hardware requirements (i'm looking at you, metro).
First person shooters are all the same bland crap.
Games aren't even trying to be about playing games anymore, it's all just story and graphics now.
Windows 8 (really microsoft? another one?)
Microsoft (you used to care about pc games!)

And while you have been reading this, DRM has been getting a little worse again.

Bugger this, i'm getting a ps3 and i'm gonna play 3d dot game heroes and shadow of the colossus and japanese rpgs and other games that are fun.

I was a hardcore pc gamer but I had more fun playing chess titans than pc games.

2011 looks more promising though; tera online, swtor,portal 2, and guild wars 2 are games i'm gonna buy.