Is Skyrim promoting bestiality?


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
xXGeckoXx said:
Generic_Username said:
scnj said:
Is it technically any worse than romancing Liara in Mass Effect?
Who even romanced Liara? I never got the appeal, she kinda creeped me out.
The interesting thing about the asarii is that all races in mass effect show a sexual attraction to them hinting that the asarii evolved to be attractive to everyone and the game designers modeled them as such.

This is a really good way of justifying it to my self. Also gives birth to the term unisexy, sexy to all races and genders baby.
I think you're searching for "omnisexy", really. The prefix "uni-" means "one", whereas the prefix "omni-" means "all".

Ahem. Sorry.

OT: I can't say that I've been interested in marrying characters in most games anyway. Sure it enhances the "role-playing" aspect of it, but that's not really why I'm there. It's cool that they give you the freedom, and I certainly don't see it as being strange.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I hate to break this to you, but Shepard fucked an alien reptile dude in Mass Effect 2: What's the big deal with Skyrim's interspecies love!?

Then agian, I never understood how it was totally fine to lust after Tali or Garrus, but it's sick and twisted when it comes furry characters. I guess aliens have a lot more credit or something.

But seriously, who gives a shit?

Catie Caraco

New member
Jun 27, 2011
Generic_Username said:
scnj said:
Is it technically any worse than romancing Liara in Mass Effect?
Who even romanced Liara? I never got the appeal, she kinda creeped me out.
I did, and I know a lot of other people who did too. Then again, she had buckets more appeal to me than freakin' Alenko. Of all the romance options I prefer Thane then Garrus.
Apr 28, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Can someone explain the difference between marriage and fornication to those unfamiliar with the facts? And then the difference between animals and anthromorphisms. And finally between fantasy and reality?
Oh look, it's reason. What took you so long?


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Is Mass Effect promoting beastiality by letting you bone other species than human? Of course not, they're aliens, they're creations of fiction based on a combination of human and animalistic traits and aesthetics, same as the other species in Skyrim. No fantasy creature really strays that far from the human template; elves are just slightly shorter with pointy ears, qunari are slightly bigger and have cornrows or oversized goat horns and khajiit basically have a catface and are covered in fur. There really isn't that much distinction, basically they look and act a hell of a lot more like humans than animals, they are sentient, bipedal creatures capable of coherent speech and offering consent. Besides, it's a video game, people are capable of making distinctions between fantasy and reality and do things in the former realm which they would never practice in the latter. At the most all you can argue is that the game is furry friendly and while that's not really my bag, it doesn't bother me that it's being included.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
shrekfan246 said:
xXGeckoXx said:
Generic_Username said:
scnj said:
Is it technically any worse than romancing Liara in Mass Effect?
Who even romanced Liara? I never got the appeal, she kinda creeped me out.
The interesting thing about the asarii is that all races in mass effect show a sexual attraction to them hinting that the asarii evolved to be attractive to everyone and the game designers modeled them as such.

This is a really good way of justifying it to my self. Also gives birth to the term unisexy, sexy to all races and genders baby.
I think you're searching for "omnisexy", really. The prefix "uni-" means "one", whereas the prefix "omni-" means "all".

Ahem. Sorry.

OT: I can't say that I've been interested in marrying characters in most games anyway. Sure it enhances the "role-playing" aspect of it, but that's not really why I'm there. It's cool that they give you the freedom, and I certainly don't see it as being strange.
I am so retarded, wow as a suffix prefix addict I am so unhappy right now.

OT: my point stands that MA goes as far as to explain why sex with this alien race is alright.


New member
May 19, 2011
Short answer:

It depends on how you look at it. Argonian and Kajiit are animal, no doubt. They can't bare human children, and vice versa, humans can't bare Kajiit or Argonian children (don't argonians lay eggs?). Where this occurs we can safely call it inter-species breeding. So, yes, it would be bestiality with the added difference that the beast in question can actually give informed consent. I think we'll see much more Rule 34 on the Elder Scolls after this - unless Bethesda intends to sue for infringing, that is.

questionnairebot said:
WHY CAN'T I FIND IT!!!! lol.

Finally my dreams will come true of a Dark elf and a Orc having a baby...yay.
What would we call such a hybrid? A Dorc? Dorc Elf?


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
They're not animals, there anthropomorphic. Not to mention that they are basically humans with animals skins replacing the pink flesh mentally anyways.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
questionnairebot said:
Generic_Username said:
Who even romanced Liara? I never got the appeal, she kinda creeped me out.
I'm just quoting you to say you have an awesome avatar lol.

Though the Toilet seat hitting her might have been even cooler.
You might have just given me a great idea, sir.
I should probably also say something on topic, but I can't stop thinking about the toilet seat.

Mechanical Cat Fish

New member
May 16, 2009
Wait... Implications aside, what exactly is strange or objectionable about, theoretically, two people of different sentient races being in love? Just as a hypothetical scenario, where exactly is the problem? And if you don't want to be spending your evenings in bed next to a lizard lady marry a Nord or one of the other more humanoid races.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Hungry Donner said:
CD-R said:
Fun fact Skyrim was not the first Elder Scrolls game with a romance quest.

Anyone remember Ahnassi?
I do, and I'm not sorry that someone brought her up before I had the opportunity. If Ahnassi's romance quest wasn't scandalous I don't see why Skyrim's romance options should be. Honestly I doubt the gaming media, let along the mainstream media, will give this much attention.

When Mass Effect was attracting so much attention I don't recall anyone concerned about human and alien relationships.
Lets also not forget the Lusty Argonian Maid.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
I think you are missing the real point here.

What will happen when the Red Guard start dating and marrying the Nords, or god forbid the Imperials!

We just can't have this, it will ruin the voice of the Emperor. Society will break down, we all know those Red Guards are nothing but criminals and thugs!

(ha, JK)

Dude it's just a game, i could careless. I mean my dark elf will be marrying humans and all the other races, i mean if it promotes beastiality (more like furrism) then it also promotes marrying races of fantastical creatures that dont exist. (Orcs, Dwemer, HIGH ELVES)


New member
Apr 16, 2011
I think you really need to look up the definition of "bestiality". Merriam-Webster defines it as "sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal". Khajiit and Argonians aren't "lower animals," as they are sentient and as intelligent (if not more so) than humans... making them an equal race. Therefore, it cannot be bestiality since the relation is not between a lower animal, but a being of equal intellectual capability.

Apt application of the definition renders the discussion within this thread moot.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
KaizokuouHasu said:
Short answer:

It depends on how you look at it. Argonian and Kajiit are animal, no doubt. They can't bare human children, and vice versa, humans can't bare Kajiit or Argonian children (don't argonians lay eggs?). Where this occurs we can safely call it inter-species breeding. So, yes, it would be bestiality with the added difference that the beast in question can actually give informed consent. I think we'll see much more Rule 34 on the Elder Scolls after this - unless Bethesda intends to sue for infringing, that is.

questionnairebot said:
WHY CAN'T I FIND IT!!!! lol.

Finally my dreams will come true of a Dark elf and a Orc having a baby...yay.
What would we call such a hybrid? A Dorc? Dorc Elf?
There's actually several different types of Khajiit. There's some that look just like Humans except with slight feline features. (Think the Thundercats). Those were the types of Khajiit you played as in the old Arena and Daggerfall games. In those cases it wouldn't be too strange for humans to hook up with Khajiit. It's kind of cool what type of Khajiit a baby Khajiit grows into is dependent on the phase of the moon.

I actually wouldn't mind the next Elder Scrolls game taking place in Elsweyr it sounds like a pretty awesome place.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Hentai between a female human and god knows what has always been interesting fetish for me.

I don't know if I'd do it in Skyrim however.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
If they are two intelligent species why should they not cross marry?

The only reason i see how beastiality is wrong is cause a pet don't always got that intelligence.

However i'm more than certain that not all bestiallity is "animal rape" i guess its just more of a way to use somebody lesser intelligent.

such as it's not really accepted for healthy person to get with someone with downs syndrome etc.