Is the Metal Gear Solid series overrated?


New member
Jun 21, 2009
You sound like you have ADD and would be better served playing Modern Warfare 2 than MGS. Personally MGS4 was the first complete MGS I played and I thought both the gameplay was great and the cutscenes were interesting albeit occasionally confusing. You don't even have to watch them, it's still has great gameplay.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
If you go in to Metal Gear Solid expecting top gameplay, especially the older ones (you know, that first one they released, you know, about 13 years ago?) you are foolish. I, personally, think the gameplay is fun, and I especially love MGS3 and 4 for their stealthier aspects.

Coming from someone who has completed the entirety of the series, sans Peace Walker, which I still haven't gotten my hands on, and 3, and 4, which I completed without killing the single person, I love the gameplay. But it's not something to write home about.

You play MGS for the style. For the cinematic-like presentation. For the convoluted, crazed, ridiculous, and campy storyline. For the deep, profound, if preachy, social commentary. For the utter badassery that seeps from Solid Snake, his father, Big Boss, and other characters. It's a full package. From the way you put it, you played MGS4 to shoot up people like most modern AAA titles. You didn't like it. Fine, more power to you. I loved it, and as of 7PM today, completed MGS1 for the 5th time. More power to me.


I must say, I am rather disappointed that the poster above me calls himself a MGS fan. Also, I'd like to know where he was able to obtain a copy of Rising, as he comments on how crappy a game it is. I'd love to play that early.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
1. You're shooting - MGS is a sneaking game

2. MGS has always been very story heavy, and the cutscenes reflect that. Cutscenes are certainly not the only way to convey story, but they are the chosen style for MGS. Some like it (including me) and some don't (including you). It's personal preference.

3. You won't enjoy this game at all unless you have played the previous 3. The story is one of the main draws, and MGS4 makes NO sense without all of the backstory. This game was made for the long time fans of the series as a last hurrah.

4. The controls are very complicated when you first start, and I agree that they could have done a much better job of telling you how to use mechanics before you are actually expected to use them. That being said, they are complicated for a reason - it allows you to perform a multitude of moves that increase your chances of sneaking and surviving. Once you have the controls down they are a joy to use.


New member
Feb 12, 2011
You won't enjoy this game at all unless you have played the previous 3. The story is one of the main draws, and MGS4 makes NO sense without all of the backstory. This game was made for the long time fans of the series as a last hurrah.
A few other people have expressed the same opinion in this thread, and it has got me to thinking - since i'm starting to enjoy MGS4 much more now, I wonder if would indeed be better to play through the first three games.

There's a bit of talk going around that the first three Metal Gear games might be subject to a Classics HD remastering (similar to the God of War collection) on the PS3, but right now it's just a rumor. If the information on that was a bit more concrete, I might be tempted to wait for their release before tackling MGS4.