Is the traffic from ZP good or bad for the Escapist community?


New member
Oct 17, 2008
If they want to say "FIRST!" let them do it and get banned. Seeing another ZP episode is worth having to deal with the occasional idiot.


New member
Nov 28, 2008
All traffic is good traffic for a website. The Escapist gets to charge a few more dimes for the ads that it places on the site, which means more honoraria for good writers and, conversely, better content for us all.

The forums may suffer, but your ability to freely move your eyes to and away from the screen as you desire acts as a very good filter for the trolly bullshit that floods our beloved threads each Wednesday.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
I came to this site for ZP, joined to comment on a review of a game I enjoyed, and I stay because people get banned for being agressively stupid or offensive to others.

The only thing I can't stand is people quoting Yahtzee in lieu of an actual opinion...

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Sylocat said:
I blame ZP, at least partially, for the fact that we're not allowed to like any video games anymore that weren't made by Valve.
Not true. We're not allowed to like any video games anymore that weren't made by Valve or Tim Schafer.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Well.. the people and mentality I value would be here. The ones who were here before me and came because of the actual value and potential of the Escapist community. Those that helped shape it into what it was. The maturity in predisposition, the insightful discussions, the inspiring RPG's and the unmatched concentration of incredible talent, conjuring works of art of world-class quality and originality.
It is good more people discover the community of the Escapist, as long as they can affect it in a good way. Those that claim they are here "only for Yahtzee" (you would think they mean ZP) are obviously liars as they begin to post in other sections of the forum. But if they discover the potential this place has in store for them, it is only a wonderful thing. Nothing would be gained from generalising for the sake of simplifying arguments, as far as I know.

I fell upon the Escapist community through a link to an article. Possibly at Wikipedia.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
i came for ZP and then i found the forum by accident and thought it would be fun and here i am


New member
Aug 27, 2008
well if were going to be elitist we can all claim that we liked the escapist before ZP and burn anyone who didn't on the stake...

cause that would be cool...


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Erana said:
Jandau said:
Well, speaking as a person who got dragged in by ZP, I'm glad I found this forum (ZP or no ZP) and I like to think I'm a part of the non-troll newbie population.
From what I can tell, you are. =D

Also, as others have mentioned, I was drawn to the forums in part due to all the "Banned" posts I kept seeing. I was actually lurking here for about a month before I decided to join. My only concern is that the increased traffic might put too much strain on the moderators, which might result in a reduction of quality...


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
-Zen- said:
Sylocat said:
I blame ZP, at least partially, for the fact that we're not allowed to like any video games anymore that weren't made by Valve.
Not true. We're not allowed to like any video games anymore that weren't made by Valve or Tim Schafer.
Good point, I forgot about that. Another entry on the meager list of things we're forbidden from NOT liking.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
All I know is that every time I visit the Escapist I wonder why there aren't more ZP focused threads, because there are hardly ever any.

Thanks for bringing one more to this forum horribly devoid of ZP discussion.

and, in response to your next comment, yes I did read it, the point stands.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
I'd say overall it's a good thing. This website would probably have almost no members if not for yahtzee. Seriously, does anyone here actually read the articles on here with any consistency? I've read maybe three articles in the past year that I've been here and none of them entertained me that much. Shit, Khell Sennet's rants are more enjoyable than most of the articles on here. I would without a doubt leave this website and never come back if yahtzee stopped making his videos. And yes, with more traffic comes more idiots but I see trolls and idiots on almost every forum but here it hasn't gotten out of control yet mostly because of the mods. The mods have been very good about keeping idiots off the forum and hence our community stays the way it is.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
J-Man said:
darthzew said:
J-Man said:
neoman10 said:
but without ZP many people wouldn't be here including me
Yeah, me too. I've followed Yahtzee since his Youtube days and, like Moses, he led me to the Promised Land of the Escapist.
*Gasp!* Don't you know? Yahtzee is Moses.
It takes massive skills to call Yahtzee a religious figure and not look like a fanboy.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Erana said:
J-Man said:
darthzew said:
J-Man said:
neoman10 said:
but without ZP many people wouldn't be here including me
Yeah, me too. I've followed Yahtzee since his Youtube days and, like Moses, he led me to the Promised Land of the Escapist.
*Gasp!* Don't you know? Yahtzee is Moses.
It takes massive skills to call Yahtzee a religious figure and not look like a fanboy.
Do I have those massive skills?


New member
Mar 25, 2008
J-Man said:
Erana said:
J-Man said:
darthzew said:
J-Man said:
neoman10 said:
but without ZP many people wouldn't be here including me
Yeah, me too. I've followed Yahtzee since his Youtube days and, like Moses, he led me to the Promised Land of the Escapist.
*Gasp!* Don't you know? Yahtzee is Moses.
It takes massive skills to call Yahtzee a religious figure and not look like a fanboy.
Do I have those massive skills?
Yeah sure, have a cookie.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Sylocat said:
-Zen- said:
Sylocat said:
I blame ZP, at least partially, for the fact that we're not allowed to like any video games anymore that weren't made by Valve.
Not true. We're not allowed to like any video games anymore that weren't made by Valve or Tim Schafer.
Good point, I forgot about that. Another entry on the meager list of things we're forbidden from NOT liking.
Sometimes I wonder if Yahtzee isn't actually as unreasonable a gamer as he presents himself to be. Maybe when he's wanting to relax and just play a game for fun, he'll plug in something like Gears of War or Ninja Gaiden Black. Then again, this may be completely wrong and he can't enjoy any more than eight games out of every game ever made.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Yahtzee doesn't actually dislike a lot of the stuff he claims to loathe, he's just drama whoring for attention.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Arkitext said:
J-Man said:
Erana said:
J-Man said:
darthzew said:
J-Man said:
neoman10 said:
but without ZP many people wouldn't be here including me
Yeah, me too. I've followed Yahtzee since his Youtube days and, like Moses, he led me to the Promised Land of the Escapist.
*Gasp!* Don't you know? Yahtzee is Moses.
It takes massive skills to call Yahtzee a religious figure and not look like a fanboy.
Do I have those massive skills?
Yeah sure, have a cookie.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
I'm a new member. I just joined today, and I can honestly say this particular thread is a big reason why. I have been coming to the Escapist for some time now, usually just for ZP, but occasionally I will glance at the forums. Today this thread caught my eye. I've been looking for a good forum to join, but most I've seen are flooded with imbeciles and/or children. After reading all the comments to this thread about the strict rules and the banning of idiots, I was convinced that this was the forum for me. You all seem to have a good community going here, and hopefully, in time, you all will consider me a worthwhile member that ZP has brought in.