Is there a way to fall OUT of love?


Apr 8, 2010
Forgetting about someone is the kind of shit that can take YEARS of work to do; or, rather, undo. It's difficult, and yeah, it takes a lot of mental fortitude. Strap in, I guess? Good luck?


Good enough for Petrucci on I&W
Aug 23, 2009
You're investing to much of your own happiness in someone else.

The only person that can truly make you happy is you.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Wow. Real easy. Show her this morose thread and she'll do the rest. Otherwise, sort your shit out man. You love her, you don't. You hate the things running through your head, but she makes you level. Sounds like you've got a lot of fixing yourself first before you should even get into something with some one. To love some one is to love your self. If you can't do that, it's irresponsible to get into something with another person. Extremely selfish and completely avoiding the bigger issues.


Nut up and just talk to her. Open up your feelings about your life and whats going on between you two. That'll either fix it or end it. Either way you win as it would seem.

Frankly I'm quite suprised she hasn't keyed in on this yet and either tried to approach you about it or run for the hills.

And lastly, all this crap about being judged and asking for advice etc etc. Guess what, you air your dirty laundry in an open forum and trolls are gonna get at it. How about talking to a qualified professional about your emotional issues? You can argue ad nauseum about how this is a cry for help to the loving, considerate and caring strangers out there on the interweb but the fact remains this looks more like a cry for attention than anything else. Erstwhile, you have actual people in your life who actually give a shit about you and actually care about your well being. You can argue that too, but lets face it, its a loosing one. If this chick loves you, you've got charm, looks, a brain, a potential future or whatever. Point is you have the attention of real people out there instead of the insensitive and potentialy hurtful faceless masses. Seek out the ones that care. Seek out the ones that, while might not understand you all the way, have some idea of where you are at in your life. What you are about. What your situation is.


Put it out there for all of us saints, trolls and in-betweeners to mull over and find entertainment value in your missery. Every one loves a reality show.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Drive yourself to succeed something. Realize you no longer have the drive to do so. Try to live life. End up merely existing. Smile and laugh and nod on the outside. Feel like screaming off the edge of a cliff on the inside. Fall back on anger and rage and hate. Realize that's all you have left. Know that it's the only thing keeping you alive. Without it, you'd fall into depression. Try to sleep for days at a time. It doesn't work.


New member
May 17, 2010
I find it hard to believe that somene with borderline can actually "wish" the love away in a day. I've seen sane people, both old and young, needing more time then that.
I have the feeling that you're either lying to yourself (and by that to us) or having "one of those moments".

There is only 1 solution to this problem: a psychiatrist.
And this time tell him/her everything, not just those things you think are important.
Your brain doesn't communicate properly with itself, so you can't be the one who knows best when it comes to that. You wouldn't be a borderliner and you wouldn't need a shrink if you where able to make wise decisions.

You'll probably end up with anti depressants and if thats not what you want, get your sh*t fixed by going to a mental coach instead and for your own sake stop hogging the spotlight with negativity as i know and read you simply love the attention.

Its ok to ask your questions, show us your problem, yet the ways you've reacted makes it unlikely that you actually want the truth, or solve the problem.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Judgement101 said:
Can someone awnser this please. (No experimental brain surgery thank you) I love this girl but I just can't stand my thoughts about her anymore, can someone tell me how to fall OUT of love? (Also, no murder.)
Why would you want to? I mean I would like to say that I'm in love right now, though I know what happens when you say that too soon, and I'm the happiest I've ever been...
OT: immerse yourself in emo culture...


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Judgement101 said:
Can someone awnser this please. (No experimental brain surgery thank you) I love this girl but I just can't stand my thoughts about her anymore, can someone tell me how to fall OUT of love? (Also, no murder.)
Put a rubber band around your wrist flick it everytime you think about her. Its a conditioning thing.


Seer of Light
Aug 16, 2009
Girl With One Eye said:
You can't force it. It happens when you stop caring naturally or they hurt you so much you end up hating them.
There are other conditions, and honestly, I usually still care about them after, (though no where near as much) but Girl With One Eye is right.
Just give it time, and try and find someone else to care about, or who cares about you.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
Realize that no matter who you're with now, you'll die alone and unloved in the end. It's gotten me by for the last five years or so.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
How to: Fall out of love (the way I do it).

Step 1: Find hard wall.
Step 2: Think about person you don't want to love
Step 3: Hit head at the hard wall with decent amount of power while thinking about said person.
Step 4: Repeat until not in love anymore.

This will make the pain from the impact be synonymous with the person you thought of. Well, it works for me at least.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Whenever you start to think about her maybe try to do something else. For Example: Play a video game, read a book, or watch Television. Another thing you could do is think of the things you don't like about her and perhaps that could help you get over your love for her.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
Judgement101 said:
Can someone awnser this please. (No experimental brain surgery thank you) I love this girl but I just can't stand my thoughts about her anymore, can someone tell me how to fall OUT of love? (Also, no murder.)
Time, don't worry, you'll learn to hate her.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
I don't think there's a definite way of falling out of love.

Maybe you could..........................fall in love with someone else?