Is there anything that can be not bad in excess?


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
JimB said:
SlaveNumber23 said:
JimB said:
Dying comes to mind. Once you've died, you're pretty much beyond the reach of negative effects. You might have brain damage or some shit if they resuscitate you, but that's really the fault of being alive, not of dying.
You're still suffering from negative effects, even if it's only just the once. It doesn't pass the wording of the question.
First and foremost, this is only true if you consider death to be negative. It isn't. It is the just and correct end to life, neither positive nor negative to the person in question.

Second, dead people can't suffer anything on account of being dead, unless you believe in an afterlife.
I disagree, this isn't about your own personal perspective of what is negative or not, death is considered a negative effect. Death is only ever not negative if you are committing suicide or dying satisfied at an elderly age, apart from those two circumstances why is death not negative if so many people go to such great lengths to avoid it?

As to your second point, this is irrelevant, the question asks "Is there anything you can do that no matter how often you do it, you suffer absolutely no negative effects?" The first death counts as a negative effect, just because the person who has died cannot suffer any further negative effects is irrelevant as a negative effect has already been achieved.

Matt King

New member
Mar 15, 2010
(i'm assuming you mean for humans?) air, i don't mean oxygen i mean the right ratio of everything

that or magikarps


New member
Apr 19, 2012
I'm going to go with Daystar thread derailments... He's gotta be past excessive by now. :p
My only other guess is sitting, since you can still exercise your legs by moving them. But it probably wouldn't go well.
Edit: If those fail i'm going with talking to yourself while alone.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Professor James said:
Is there anything you can do that no matter how often you do it, you suffer absolutely no negative effects?
I'd rather not make another masturbation joke today. I already made two in an earlier today...


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Ice cream. There can never be too much ice cream.

But srsly, I got nothing. Maybe happiness. I can't see a reason why being too happy could be a bad thing.

Professor James

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2010
Happiness does not work because then you can't sympathize/empathize with others. Plus, acting jovial at someone's funeral is probably going to hurt your reputation which is a negative effect.

Also for those who say living


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Being alive & healthy & young looking. If that lasted forever, then I'd gladly live for an eternity (until nature destroys us all with it's wrath).



New member
Mar 10, 2009
C F said:
...Being happy?
Can you actually suffer from perpetually being in good spirits? I have to wonder about that.
how about never being able to feel anything else and being forced to smile in any given situation - think the Happy Helment from Ren and Stimpy

as for this thread, how about air to breathe? Can't really do much when there's less of it but you won't suffocate if there's plenty to go around and then some.


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Mar 10, 2009
I think a good one would be to perpetually be at the peak of human physical condition - so to rarely get tired, never get sick, unbelievably strong and fast, and even never get drunk - think Captain America - about the only downside would be you'd out live your friends and family or if you like to drink, you'll never be able to get drunk since your liver would be so efficient.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
SlaveNumber23 said:
Death is only ever not negative if you are committing suicide or dying satisfied at an elderly age.
You have never been inside a long-term care facility.

SlaveNumber23 said:
Apart from those two circumstances why is death not negative if so many people go to such great lengths to avoid it?
It's not negative because if you live long enough, you lose your family, your friends, your senses, your energy, your ability to participate in your life, your social relevance, your control of your bodily functions, and your mind; your body rots and drags your mind down with it. If people were immortal and not subject to the decays of age and ill health, then sure, death would be all kinds of negative. As it is, death is the natural and necessary response to failure of the body. It's where we're all going, and it is better than the alternative.

SlaveNumber23 said:
The question asks "Is there anything you can do that no matter how often you do it, you suffer absolutely no negative effects?" The first death counts as a negative effect, just because the person who has died cannot suffer any further negative effects is irrelevant as a negative effect has already been achieved.
Yet you yourself listed situations in which death is not negative, so why are you treating it as categorically undesirable?


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Mar 10, 2009
90sgamer said:
Professor James said:
Is there anything you can do that no matter how often you do it, you suffer absolutely no negative effects?
I can think of a few off the top of m head.
Forgive (not to be confused with inaction or being a push over)
well, there could be a few things wrong with forgiveness and love. for forgiveness, it'd be like letting a criminal go no matter how much wrong they do and no matter how bad it gets. And for love, you could actually start to love something so much that it becomes destructive towards anything that might possibly get between yourself and the object or person of that directly love.


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Mar 10, 2009
likalaruku said:
Being alive & healthy & young looking. If that lasted forever, then I'd gladly live for an eternity (until nature destroys us all with it's wrath).

wouldn't you eventually get bored of life especially you were like that you could do everything at least once but with an eternity to do it over and over again would get repetitive wouldn't it?


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Mar 10, 2009
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Professor James said:
Is there anything you can do that no matter how often you do it, you suffer absolutely no negative effects?

At this point in my life? Programming. The more I do it, the more I learn. The more I learn, the better grades I get. The better grades I get, the better scholarships I get. The Better Scholarships I get, I pay less money. The less money I pay, the happier I am. The Happier I am, the better chance I get get promoted/do better at my job. The better I do my job, the better programming I do. The better programming I do: The more I learn.

So far I see no downsides to this.
man, I hate to be the downer in this thread but the way I see it: the better you are at something over anyone, no matter how much you enjoy doing it at first, will eventually grow tedious and tiresome when so many people and if you continuously get better, eventually everyone will come to you for help. I think it would get tiring to try and help everyone especially seeing as how there are so many people that need help even with simple stuff.


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Mar 10, 2009
Kopikatsu said:
I read the entire first page and there was not ONE suggestion of 'Money'. I'm disappointed in you all.

Anyway, that's my contribution. Money. Can't ever have enough money.
inflation, increases in price of goods, lowering in value of every penny you have, high taxes, and the possibility to being robbed by everyone


New member
May 27, 2010
BNguyen said:
Kopikatsu said:
I read the entire first page and there was not ONE suggestion of 'Money'. I'm disappointed in you all.

Anyway, that's my contribution. Money. Can't ever have enough money.
inflation, increases in price of goods, lowering in value of every penny you have, high taxes, and the possibility to being robbed by everyone
I'm sure those are all things that Carlos Helu (Richest man in the world) is brought down by. Oh wait, no he isn't! He has mansions that are built out of other, smaller mansions.


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Sep 10, 2008
Any matter/energy taken to the power of infinity would bury your under a mountain of whatever it is, so that is out. Actions would wear you out, on the other side the lack of action would destroy you as well. Which leaves us ideas or thoughts, all of them will wear out your mind in time. Moderation, that is the answer.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Kopikatsu said:
BNguyen said:
Kopikatsu said:
I read the entire first page and there was not ONE suggestion of 'Money'. I'm disappointed in you all.

Anyway, that's my contribution. Money. Can't ever have enough money.
inflation, increases in price of goods, lowering in value of every penny you have, high taxes, and the possibility to being robbed by everyone
I'm sure those are all things that Carlos Helu (Richest man in the world) is brought down by. Oh wait, no he isn't! He has mansions that are built out of other, smaller mansions.
he only has so much, you want an endless supply, big difference

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
Lionsfan said:
Professor James said:
Is there anything you can do that no matter how often you do it, you suffer absolutely no negative effects?

Nope. When you blink, you can't see anything. So the more you blink, the more you don't see. If you blinked an infinite number of times, you'd be blinking constantly. You'd be effectively blind.

OT: I'm gonna go with "learning". No harmful effects of that.