Is there anything that can be not bad in excess?


New member
Mar 10, 2009
90sgamer said:
BNguyen said:
90sgamer said:
Professor James said:
Is there anything you can do that no matter how often you do it, you suffer absolutely no negative effects?
I can think of a few off the top of m head.
Forgive (not to be confused with inaction or being a push over)
well, there could be a few things wrong with forgiveness and love. for forgiveness, it'd be like letting a criminal go no matter how much wrong they do and no matter how bad it gets. And for love, you could actually start to love something so much that it becomes destructive towards anything that might possibly get between yourself and the object or person of that directly love.
Forgiveness does not meet to let someone go after wrong doing. I looked it up to make sure.
What you described isn't love. You described the want for something. Love=/=want.
Forgiveness means letting something or someone off the hook for some arbitrary reason, so in a situation of endless forgiveness, you might be inclined to release a dangerous person because no matter what they did or might do, you'll forgive them before it's occurred. If you kept someone like that in custody, that is not forgiving them since you aren't inclined to let them go, it means you have some kind of problem with them.
If you forgive someone of what they've done, that means you've let them off the hook for whatever they did; imprisoning or keeping custody over someone for actions they've done is not a form of forgiveness.
Thinking with pretty much endless forgiveness is about the same as when Nazi Germany invaded Czechoslovakia and Austria. The Allies pretty much just gave Hitler a slap on the wrist for doing that; luckily they actually did something when Germany invaded Poland.

And love's definition is subjective.
You or anyone else might see love as cherishing someone and always wanting to be there for them and look out for their safety, but in a situation of endless love, if that love grows too strong, it could affect your perceptions of the world surrounding you, seeing everything as a potential thief of that love or something that would stand in between you and your love. If it got too strong, you could end up smothering the object of your affection, this could also lead to stalking and possible imprisonment. You could also see others as potential rivals to your love and become madly protective, again smothering your object of love but also potentially dangerous to everyone else.
You also have the possibility of becoming abusive, thinking that anytime your love might go somewhere they could be cheating on you, thus your love makes you aggressive to keep your love by your side and under your watch.
And have you never heard of "If I can't have X, then nobody can!"?
It's a form of obsession stemming from love or desire.
As I said, love is subjective and has many different meanings for people, there is no single definition of the term or concept but there are common factors between them all, which I would have to say would be desire directed towards a person or object.


New member
Sep 18, 2011

Like genuine love, not psychotic-stalker-keep-you-to-myself-love, but like the genuine desire to see everyone around you happy simply because you 'love' them.

And as others have mentioned: Knowledge for very obvious reasons.


New member
Sep 18, 2011
MrHide-Patten said:
Sex... boobs... chocolate... at once?
While I could see this being very dangerous, especially in excessively large quantities all at once... I still can't help but approve.


New member
Jan 29, 2011
this is how i will answer this *paradoxical* question.

wisdom....say you had wisdom to the excess that it propelled you beyond this dimension into something totally flippin gnarly cool!? *awesome face*

just trying to open your mind bruddah.


New member
Jan 29, 2011
beyondbrainmatter said:
This one is easy. Love.



seriously's as simple as that as complicated as you want to make it.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Professor James said:
Is there anything you can do that no matter how often you do it, you suffer absolutely no negative effects?
The very idea of having or doing something in excess implies a negative connotation. So by the very nature of the phrase, no. There is nothing that can be had "in excess" without negative effects.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Easton Dark said:
You can crack your fingers and knuckles as much as you like.
Actually, while it doesn't increase your risk of arthritis like some people claim, it will very slowly over time lead to a weaker grip in your hands.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I don't actually think there is anything that can be done to excess without a negative consequence as The Lugz said on page 1; "excess by definition means doing something until you cause a problem, so your question is a paradox that cannot be answered by standard logical reasoning"