Is this racist, does my teacher have a right to punish me for this?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Like prefers like, as a general rule. We see standards of beauty based on people similar to us, which is why you see cultural trends develop as they do.

What you said wasn't racist so much as blunt. And there's nothing inherently wrong with blunt. But, you must remember, even amongst people who allegedly decry "political correctness," bluntness is rarely considered a positive trait.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
No, like it doesn't make me a racist that I can't stand those honkies.

Though seriously, your sexually preferences are not your own choice. If you like pasty white chicks then nothing you can do about it.

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
That's not racist at all, OP. The teacher asked for your preferences and you even said here that it's just a preference, not a requirement. Granted it was a psychology class, so maybe they were going for non-physical traits that you found attractive, but there should always be clarification on subjective assignments to avoid awkward situations like this.

Bring this up with the principal and keep a cool head no matter how wild the teacher's accusations go. If the principal also refuses to enter the situation neutrally and takes the teacher's side from the start, take it higher up the chain. Teachers are there to help students learn, and if they overreact to having an open-ended question answered honestly, then perhaps they need to reconsider what they teach.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
funguy2121 said:
renegade7 said:
We were discussing attraction in psychology today and we did a worksheet, one of the questions being about what we find attractive in the opposite sex. When it got to which physical characteristics we find most attractive, I listed:

somewhat tall
healthy-looking, ie in good shape but not too skinny
dark hair
white skin

and some other things, but that last one was what got me in trouble. Now, at no point did I say I find other skin colors unattractive, and I did not say that I find colored people unattractive, just for their skin color. All I said was that it was one of many physical characteristics (saying nothing of personality and intellectual traits) that I find attractive. And also, it's not like I'd turn down a girl just because of her skin color, to me it's just one trait that I notice, and there are many more (saying nothing of intellectual and personality traits). To me, dating a black or asian girl would be no different than dating a blonde, yes I prefer dark to blonde hair but I can still find her attractive and nice (hopefully). I thought I was being honest about a personal opinion in a mature discussion about a mature topic.

In short, it's no different than my finding dark brown hair more attractive than light blonde hair. It's only a superficial thing.

Anyway, she didn't even give me a chance to explain what I meant by that, and wouldn't hear a word of it when I tried. Now I have to write a paper about racial tolerance. Is this right? Am I a racist, just for finding one skin color more physically appealing than the others?

EDIT/UPDATE: Okay, so the term 'colored people' comes off as racist. Just a poor choice of words on my part, sorry. I'd actually been told it was the politically correct term.
Not to keep harping on this, but I was going to comment on "colored people" when I read your edit. Where did you hear that this is politically correct? It's a racial epithet.

This isn't clear to me. Are you only attracted to people who are pale? If that's the case, then why aren't you attracted to Asian women as you said above? And really, what's the difference in skin tone between a tanned caucasian and a latino?
When I was little in elementary school and into middle school, saying "black" was frowned upon, and they would always insist we say 'people of color' when describing people who are not white, though it was usually in a historical context. Again, I apologize if that choice of words is offensive, I hadn't meant it to be.

Secondly, that basically is what I meant, a very pale complexion is what is most attractive to me, and yes that could be Asain, Latino, Caucasian, etc, but at least in my experience I only see it commonly on Caucasians, but that is likely just a result of my growing up in a lily-white community.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Freakout456 said:
itsausernamewhatofit said:
That is the dumbest accusation I've ever heard. You are not racist, only human. What the hell kind of qualifications does she have to teach psychology?

'Nuff said
You sir, have won the thread XD


Aug 3, 2008
Was there any Asians in your class that said they preferred other Asians? I know that was the case at my school, people would rarely date outside their own race. I'd say I'm the same, I'm not particularly attracted to "non-white" people, it's not a racist thing, it's just my preference.
I probably wouldn't say it though just because I know people kick off about the smallest things. You can't say anything nowadays without someone finding offence.
I honestly wouldn't do the paper, but go to the head master. It sounds a bit like she's discriminating against you.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
renegade7 said:
I just wouldn't write the paper to be honest, I'd rather spend an afternoon in detention for something as asininely stupid. I hate to tell your teacher but people can have different racial turn ons, it's why there are porn sites that only feature asian, indian, arab, black, etc.(no I'm not providing examples go find your own)

I mean cripes, what is she gonna do give you an F on it? Kinda hard to do that when it wasn't something not assigned to the entire class. Don't do the paper, the worst that can happen is you get detention or she gets a bit mad, or hell call your parents.(which if your parents are sane they'll just laugh at her) When your teacher confronts you for not doing the paper ask her this. would it have bothered her if you had instead written "fair skinned" instead of white?

Your teacher sounds like a twit, take this opportunity to give her to the figurative finger because there's frankly not a god damned thing she can do about it.


New member
May 21, 2009
Don't write the paper - she has no right to demand you do extra work because she's a moron. Go to the higher-ups. If she can't understand the difference between racism and simple taste in women then she is not qualified to be teaching anything at all, let alone psychology. I fail to see how the question is valid at all, what does answering it achieve?


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
Your preference for white females is a sexual thing. It's like saying that you are a misandrist because you'd rather bone women than men.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Is your teacher ethnic? It's a serious question, I'm Asian and although I don't really get offended at skin color issues I know some people who do. It really varies, though, I know some black people who could care less and others who get really upset. But I'm curious about your teacher.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
That's pretty pathetic. Really pathetic. That's not racist in the slightest, your teacher's just one of those tolerance-obsessed wanksocks that takes every opportunity they can to show off how tolerant they are of people.
You surely deserve some kind of compensation for that.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
This is ridiculous, sexual attraction is by default discriminatory and something we don't have any real control over. Speak to someone about it because this kind of limitation of freedom of speech is preposterous. Additionally, I don't think the term "coloured people" is racist. I think whatever you come out with someone is always going to take offence but I don't see anything directly offensive about that term, especially if it was made with the informed intention of trying not to offend.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Yeah your teacher is not the brightest. I agree with you as well, I find white skin more attractive. That's just how it is, and it's about damn time that was ok. If we keep mentioning the fact that there is a difference, it will just seem that way to us forever.

EDIT: Thought of something. By your teachers logic, if you say that you like girls over boys or vice versa, would you have to write a paper about gender equality?

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
I skimmed the first page.

Yeah, that sounds pretty effing stupid. If I categorically state that I don't tend to find non-white girls attractive, this is not racist. If it helps I don't find non-white MEN attractive either; is it suddenly sexist too?


New member
Aug 29, 2011
You should not be punished for your preferences in what attracts you.

However, you could have written "white skin" differently that would have sounded "less offensive" (like light complexion), but you don't need to.

As far as white skin goes, this could apply to anyone with light complexion (Hispanic, Asian, etc.), not just Caucasian. So clearly, someone was biased about the meaning of white skin and took it too far. Even so, what's wrong with being attracted to white people?

I hope things go well for you and that this whole thing blows over.


New member
May 4, 2009
renegade7 said:
We were discussing attraction in psychology today and we did a worksheet, one of the questions being about what we find attractive in the opposite sex. When it got to which physical characteristics we find most attractive, I listed:

somewhat tall
healthy-looking, ie in good shape but not too skinny
dark hair
white skin

and some other things, but that last one was what got me in trouble. Now, at no point did I say I find other skin colors unattractive, and I did not say that I find colored people unattractive, just for their skin color. All I said was that it was one of many physical characteristics (saying nothing of personality and intellectual traits) that I find attractive. And also, it's not like I'd turn down a girl just because of her skin color, to me it's just one trait that I notice, and there are many more (saying nothing of intellectual and personality traits). To me, dating a black or asian girl would be no different than dating a blonde, yes I prefer dark to blonde hair but I can still find her attractive and nice (hopefully). I thought I was being honest about a personal opinion in a mature discussion about a mature topic.

In short, it's no different than my finding dark brown hair more attractive than light blonde hair. It's only a superficial thing.

Anyway, she didn't even give me a chance to explain what I meant by that, and wouldn't hear a word of it when I tried. Now I have to write a paper about racial tolerance. Is this right? Am I a racist, just for finding one skin color more physically appealing than the others?

EDIT/UPDATE: Okay, so the term 'colored people' comes off as racist. Just a poor choice of words on my part, sorry. I'd actually been told it was the politically correct term.
this is not right, this is just plain retarded, NOT EVERY ONE HAS TO THINK ALL TYPES OF ETHNICITIES ARE HOT. this is not racist, its the truth, you prefer white over other skin colors. there is nothing racist about that, its unfair and you should tell your parents, or what ever and get this a-hole to apologize.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
No you're not racist and that is absolute bullshit. These days though, there tends to be a knee-jerk reaction to anything that could possibly even remotely be perceived as racist (realistically or otherwise).