

New member
Aug 5, 2009
Yup, it was nice of her to give a heads-up on her bonkerness. But will that only encourage the guy, whom I call Punk-Link?

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Dastardly said:
Ask your doctor if Girlfriend? is right for you.

[small]Women who are pregnant or nursing should not handle Girlfriend?. Other women may, but only under close supervision. Avoid prolonged use if you do not wish to become pregnant. Side effects may include nausea, dry mouth, hair loss, hair gain, insomnia, hair loss again, sweaty teeth, the bends, and not being able to find any of your stuff even though it should be right where you fucking left it! If you require assistance paying for Girlfriend?, contact us to join the damn club.[/small]
hehehehehe, XD that reminds me of this


that dood need to just walk away now, Erin is to much for him to handle


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Oh wow this comic's taken a nosedive.

Relatively amusing strips about video games to 'Look at my poor, tortured character! Guest starring some random video game character occasionally!'.

It's like reading Ctrl Alt Del except this was funny at one point.


New member
Nov 30, 2010
Tris... Tris?

I get it he's meant to be a douche :)

...What is that douche doing in Critical Miss?! :(


Robot enthusiast
Sep 29, 2010
Skeleon said:
InTheEnd said:
It was etablished earlier that the meds don't help they only make the hallucinations even weirder and the docs have no idea how to fix that.
While I can believe that, I cannot believe that the doctors wouldn't have an alternative treatment to try and help her with. I'm sorry, I know this is just fiction, but her basically just giving in is not okay in my eyes, even if - hell, especially if - treatment didn't help her immediately. In fact, psychiatric treatments can take weeks or months until they really take hold. If this comic is going to stay on this rather darker route than the quirkier early ones, I'm going to evaluate it as such.
Hey i am not saying that it makes sense, just that there was a comic were one doctor told her that they have no idea how to deal with hallucanations this specific. But on the other were talking about what makes sense and they have a talking bear in their office.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Moonlight Butterfly said:
I wish I could meet a guy that could deal with my crazy


did I say that out loud...
Well, technically no. You wrote it, but that's how we talk on the internet isn't it?

Also, because the curious little annoying imps in my head won't stop their "WONDERFUL" screaming fits of, "Oh! Ask the butterfly the question! Ask the butterfly the question!", may I ask what crazy?

If you wish not to answer, please just reply no, but please reply or the damn things won't shut up.

Also, if you choice to not tell please know that they will cry, and that will make me smile on the outside.

As for our dear heroin; glad she was honest. Only bad things come from lies about your mental state.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
I just noticed, when did Erin find the time to change if she went straight to a bar after the previous events?


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Twilight_guy said:
Internal monologue: So, she's a fixer-upper... still, gamer chick...

exactly. Word of advise gentelmen ALL WOMEN ARE CRAZY ON SOME LEVEL you just have to find the one whose crazy meshes well with your crazy and learn to deal with it.


New member
May 22, 2010
Skeleon said:
InTheEnd said:
It was etablished earlier that the meds don't help they only make the hallucinations even weirder and the docs have no idea how to fix that.
While I can believe that, I cannot believe that the doctors wouldn't have an alternative treatment to try and help her with. I'm sorry, I know this is just fiction, but her basically just giving in is not okay in my eyes, even if - hell, especially if - treatment didn't help her immediately. In fact, psychiatric treatments can take weeks or months until they really take hold. If this comic is going to stay on this rather darker route than the quirkier early ones, I'm going to evaluate it as such.
Psychiatric medication is iffy like that. I've got Tourette's Syndrome and ADD, mild as neurological disorders go. However, because of the way the two work together and the way my own brain works, ADD drugs are worse than useless for me; after taking one of those pills, I bounce off the walls like a coked up two year old until it wears off. I tried Strattera based on the claim that it was non-stimulant (and therefore it shouldn't affect me like that), but no, same deal. My ADD has been effectively untreated for the last 13 years - no, scratch that, the last 22 years. It's just that I wasn't diagnosed until I was nine. (Some) other people with that particular combination can take ADD meds just fine; the brain is a highly individual organ.