It still works!!


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Well I threw a gameboy color straight down from a second story roof down onto a drive way. Even after a couple throws it still technically worked.
After a while the screen cracked, like in half, and half of it still lit up when it got turned on. And it continued to make the noice when you turn it on, up till the point it got hit by an ax.


New member
May 21, 2010
When I was like 9, I submerged my GBA SP into the bathtub for about 30 seconds while I was in it, and not only avoided electrocution, but was happy to find that after drying, the system still worked properly.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Woodsey said:
Dags90 said:
Woodsey said:
I was so ready to make a dick joke until I read the entire OP.
I was pretty horrified when I heard you can actually "break" your dick if it bends too much while erect.
I... what? No one ever fucking warned me about that!
It makes sense when you stop to think about it.

OT: I once got blood on the inside of my watch (the face part). still works, which surprised the hell out of me.
Grab a cooked sausage firmly in both hands then twist it like you are giving it a Chinese burn. what you are left with is what a snapped penis looks like. Recoiling in horror is optional.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
I remember it like it was yesterday...

I was little and I dropped my Gameboy Color in a puddle while leaving the house with my folks to go to the theater and watch The Phantom Menace. So naturally I was pretty upset, also it kinda sucked that I dropped my Gameboy in a puddle. *ba dum tsss*

It still worked...sorta. After I let it dry (I was little and didn't think to disassemble it before drying it) the sound never worked again. Everything else was fine but the audio was absolutely shot. And man did I freaking love that thing. It was one of the purple translucent Gameboy Colors and it had all my prized photos-turned-stickers from Pokemon Snap on it.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
My modem once spent just over a month underwater.

What happened was I dropped it in a bucket of muddy water while I was setting up my new computer. Thinking it was fucked, I shrugged and replaced it.

Then several weeks later, my replacement caught fire, and a new one would take a couple days. So I fished out and plugged in my old one.

This was... maybe 18 months ago. I still use it.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
My Nokia, dam thing is indestructible, I dropped it off a 3 story building, not so much as a scratch.

Also, if you dont have an Iphone you dont have a phone that breaks if you drop it 15 cm above ground :p

Death on Trapezoids

New member
Nov 19, 2009
I was playing my PS2 a while ago when my dog ran past, tripped on the controller cord, and yanked the whole thing out of its cubby and down a foot to the floor. The game was scratched beyond repair, but the PS2 still works to this day.

Otherwise, I've knocked over my first gen Xbox 360 while it was running, which once again destroyed the disk, but it also still works to this day.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Sansha said:
My modem once spent just over a month underwater.

What happened was I dropped it in a bucket of muddy water while I was setting up my new computer.
I'm sorry to ask but I'm just curious. There's too many unanswered questions.

What possible scenario would cause a bucket of muddy water to be near an area where a computer would go (unless it wasn't near the planned site for the computer)? Also, regardless of whether or not you thought the modem was fucked, why did you leave a bucket of muddy water laying around for over a month?


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Went camping with my Gameboy Color. When I went to sleep, it was raining and I didn't realize there was a hole in the top of the tent. Needless to say I woke up to find it completely submerged in a puddle of water.

Didn't even give it time to dry before I turned it on. Still worked perfectly.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
Sansha said:
My modem once spent just over a month underwater.

What happened was I dropped it in a bucket of muddy water while I was setting up my new computer.
I'm sorry to ask but I'm just curious. There's too many unanswered questions.

What possible scenario would cause a bucket of muddy water to be near an area where a computer would go (unless it wasn't near the planned site for the computer)? Also, regardless of whether or not you thought the modem was fucked, why did you leave a bucket of muddy water laying around for over a month?
The transition between the rooms the computers were in had me going past where the bucket was. I had used it the day before to clean out my gutters, and it now sat in the bathroom where I left it - my roof being outside my bathroom window... the top floor is smaller than the ground floor.

Anyway I stumbled, it slipped out of my hands and went sploosh. I had more hardware to move that day, so didn't want any moisture on my hands. It stayed there past that day because I simply forgot about it.


Free of All Weakness
Jul 8, 2008
The older Nokias are seriously indestructible. When I got a new phone, we set out to destroy the 3310 model. First using conventional methods that could happen by accident; like dropping it down the stairs, from the roof, into small pools and even have a truck run over it. Most of the time it shattered into pieces, but after the reassembly, it always worked. Dismayed by the lack of success, we went berserk on it. We threw it into walls, played baseball with it, soaked it in water... The last part disabled it and we called it a success, but the next day it turned on just fine.

Then we just took a sledgehammer to it, which made some of the screen go blurry. Still usable, only slightly annoying to look at.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Let me tell you the inspiring story of my old phone, Jesus.

Jesus wasn't the best phone, but he wasn't the worst either. Jesus could call and text and tell the time, which is basically all I use a phone to do at any given time. One day, my dryer made some horrible knocking sounds. It was like someone stuffed a rock in there or something. Upon taking my clothes from the dryer, to my utter surprise and moderate dismay, I found Jesus sitting very lonesomely. "Oh, it must be broken." I thought. Jesus had other plans. "Nay!" he cried, turning on as if nothing had happened. "Not water nor heat may banish me!" The display on the outside (Jesus was a flip-phone) now had a few broken lines of pixels, and the inside screen's colors occasionally grew a little too bright, but on the whole, Jesus worked just fine.

The next major hurdle in Jesus's life was, unfortunately, due to abuse. I had this lady friend who, for whatever reason, could not take 'no' for an answer as far as talking on the phone went. So Jesus would buzz incessantly on my desk, saying, "She's calling again, man. You gonna pick it up?" Eventually, me having a relatively short fuse, I picked Jesus up and spike him into the ground. I spiked him so hard he flew about ten feet to the far wall of my basement, then made a full return trip. He simply turned off and on again, as if to say, "Fuck that, I wasn't going to stay awake for that."

The only other noticeable damage Jesus took was when I accidently bumped his front screen into a table corner, cracking the protective bit and revealing the now-vulnerable display beneath. My friends and I would occasionally test Jesus's strength, including tossing him long distances, chucking and dropping him from great heights and other challenges that Jesus would undoubtably and steadfastly overcome.

Jesus was a trooper, and never broke. Not once.
Until we beheaded him (which took a considerably long amount of time) after I got a new phone and he became essentially useless.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
I accidentally rocked over-top of my Pokewalker with my grandma's 80 lbs rocking chair and it still worked. Not so lucky the second time though.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
After my house burnt, my NES worked after cutting away the melted drawer cover. And my copy of Dragon Warrior that I got free from Nintendo Power subscription that was elsewhere also managed to survive, which required some of the plastic around the exposed chip to be removed in order to get it in. Thats about the most surprising.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
Woodsey said:
Dags90 said:
Woodsey said:
I was so ready to make a dick joke until I read the entire OP.
I was pretty horrified when I heard you can actually "break" your dick if it bends too much while erect.
I... what? No one ever fucking warned me about that!
It makes sense when you stop to think about it.
That sort of shit should come in the instruction manual, as well as how to piss when your lone ranger's on patrol.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
I spilled a full cup of coffee onto my laptop once, still works fine but i lost a couple of keys trying to vacuum the coffee out and I've dropped my iphone from shoulder height onto concrete a few times and it's still fine, a few nicks but that's all


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
My girlfriend knocked over my Xbox 360 by accident once. It slammed down pretty hard but it was still working and so was the game that was in it.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
When I was a kid, I wasn't really careful with my stuff. My first console, a Sega Sega Mega Drive, has gone through hell with me as its owner. It has fallen down countless of times, water and other drinks have been poured over it. Once it had to survive temperatures below zero for a night or really high temperatures etc. and it has survived all this torture.
I regret now not having taken good care of it, it's a bit hard to turn it on now and sometimes if you move the cartridge too much while it's working, the game may crash but other than that it still works fine.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I once left Pokémon Red in my pocket when it went into the washing machine. Worked fine when it got out.